Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Oct 1972, p. 1

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Province The of fice of the Pro- vincial Treasurer lias sent word to the Whitby Citizens' Study Group that it will investigfate allegations surrounding recent- town council moves with respect to capital transactions. The letter sent to group chairman Jini Gartshore was in re- sponse to a letter of appeal sent by the lat- to I nvestigate ter approxiinately three weeks ago. The letter sent to the province claimed that several recent measures taken by the Whitby Town Council "are s0 abnormal as to merit the earnest attention of yourself (Treasurer Charles McNaughton) and the Provincial Cabinet." In outlinîig these transactions the follow- ing were incorporated: * "The adopting of a new municipal complex o n a site remote frorn the present core of the town growth potential does exist. This corn- plex, to consist of a new municipal admini- stration building at a tirne when regional gov- ernment is pending and the requirements for Municip ,al such a building are not known in relationship to Regional Government requirem entg." * "Arranging for con- struction of sewers and water lines across land owned by private de- velopers,* to the site of the new municipal com- plex in such a manner that the town initially funds this construction at, a timne when the de- Transactions!. veloper's land is subject to negotiations in regard to rezoning and sub- division agreement." * "Cancelling an 0MB Hearing of September 13 for additional funds requried to build the municipal. complex by deferring the building of the administration building, and in the same bylaw, approving sale of the present municipal building to the library board, thus putting the town into a position in the very near future of having no admini- stration- building. This will in effect, force the people to accept a new administration building and its- capital expendi- ture in the near future at a time when such a Continued on page 6. Vol. 2 No.43 Thursday October 26th 1972 1 Oéper copy Monday, October IOth. VOTE FOR ONE m BUT VOTE!, In juist four days the hour of trth for ail candidates comipeting for, federal representa- tion of Oshiawa-Wliitby will be declared. Starr, Broadbeint. Conniolly and Rak. ail of these men will uindotubtedly î)ace the floors o f thieir homies or coinmfittee headquiarters anticipat- ing witli personal hiopes the retuirn of the voters' ballots. They ail slîare one common groLliRI eaci nilnlbas pttail biis energy îinto cami- amigning for youir vote. Here ini the Osbiawa-ý Wlithy Riding the deci- s11)1 xv'li be ini good CC!c"îcîe)ce. a (litftiult 011C. Thie oniy tlîing wlhich cati be ciosely specui- ated dL.rring thiese last four days is thiat Coin- nînst Candidate Ruiss Rak 'wiil not represent Oslhàwa-Wlhitby in Otta- wa at this tinie. Thiat is flot to say thiere wili be no votes cast for candi- date Rak, and out of appreciation for our Canadian demnocracy we mu,.st respect these peo- p!e for thieir righit ini marking, the bal1lot for the rrin of» their choice. This campainlias been ternied duli and tininspired by the media in general and thiere is no denying that. In the beginning there was strong speculation thiat this election would see in our area a two-way race between Progressive Conservative M ichael Starr and incunibent NDP Ed Broi-dbent. This speculation originated with the belief the Lib- erals would run a token candidate. Enter, Mr. Peter Con- nolly. the thoroigiy likeable. î)ersonable Lib- erai candidate whio camie on far too vibrant. add- ing too m1ucl sincerity andi buoyancy l'or any token candidate. Now Somle outsicle is own canmpaign circle h1ave gone so far to say that Connoiiy, wio lbas served as assistant to thiree Liberal cabinet mninisters, including Bryce Mackasey. wili form part of a 2-way race witil the incumibent Mr. Broadbent. Mike Starr, on the othier hiand, bias aiways. as far as the people of' Oshawa are concerned, been there. He retains a solid background. in- disputably reflective of the City of Oshawa's confidence since lie was first chosen for public off ice as Oshawa Mayor in 1949, through memi- ber of parliamnent, cabi- net rninisterandjudge of Canada's Citizenslîip court.' Starr woLIld ap- pear to be -a welI sea- soned veteran candidate. The man with whomi he'll really be competing according to the specu- Progressive Conservative Michael Starr, Liberal Peter muniat Candidate Russ Rak in the final days of Connolly, NDP incumbent Ed Broadbent and Com- the Oshawa-Whitby campaign. Photo - Murray White lators of a different set is Ed Broadbent. Broadbent thiroughi biis own past endeavours will be a liard mian to beat at the polis. Youing and hiard-dniving, lie lias the lucky cornbination of being inteliectual, bu- nioroLis and liumane at Tbiree -area people, a- drift on Lake Ontanio in a disabied boat since Tuesday afternoon, were rescLied Wednesday ni or- ning througli the co-op- eration of a passing freigliter, a Canadian Coast Guard vessel and the Whitby dletaclbment of' the Ontario P rovin- cial Police. the same tume. Over bis past four-year termi as MP lie lias won the grudging respect of even those outside the party lie represents and local f'aine for thie direction lie took as the key mnan wlîo swayed the government ini retention Hungry, wet and tir- cd, Bruce Steen, 39, of 325 Toynaville Road. Rouge His, Colîcen Mc- Neillie, 16, of 320 Toy- naville Road and Peter Hall, 29, of 1311 Kingston Road, Scarborougbi, were puLlled asliore at Wlitby Harbor early Wedniesday inorning. Theliîoieniîade 20- of Canada's safeguards in the Canada-U.S. Auto- pact. There is uiidoubt- edly some food for thought in his own cam- paign slogan, 'Has Any- one Worked Harder?' Rak the zealot, Starr the seasoned veteran, Connollv the likeable foot cabin cruiser was reported inissing at a- bout 4 pin Tuesday by the operator of a Bay Ridges marina fromi wlîiclî the craft left car- lier in the day. An imimediale searcli was inistigated but the cràft could not be loca- ted tintil a passing lake freighter reported a dis- liberal and Broadbent the worthy incumbent.. lndeed in good con- science the decision Monday is not an easy one. On Monday, October 30 cast your S'ote for one . . - but vote!-> abled craft about seven miles off shore Wednes- day mnorning. Story continues inside on page 6. INSIDE IT'S ATTERSLEY FOR MAYOR!, says a letter to tih e the editor on page 2. THE LIBRARY SHIOULDI) E TAKING OVER the lower floor of town hiall before Chiristmas. .. Sec page I12 LOCAL1,SI>ORIS starting on page 15. el

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