Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Oct 1972, p. 17

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WH ITBY FR EE PR ESS,rTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1972, PAGE 17 Jr. 'B,ý Tireme Und.ý-f.ut.dl by TED CROUCH The Whitby Jr. "B" Tirernen held the Brama- lea Blues to a 3-3 tie Saturday evening at the Victoria Park Arena in Branialea. First period action was rouli at both ends of the rink as the two teamis were feeling each other out ini the early stages of the gane. Brainalea strLlck first at tlhe 4:55 mark. Alan Hayes took a pass fromi Rick Eik and was eft ail atone ini front of the net to slap the puick in beinid goalie Kim Crouch for a 1-0 iead. Tiswas a power-play goal as Whitby's Les Spantiger xvas sitting oLut a tripipinigp1)Cflty which l vvas hianded oLut at four Mminites even. .At 1 1:46. Mike Har- per for Whiitby -anid Bramtalea's Rick Box re- ceiveci Iiaior figlhting penalties for thieir' fisti- LIBRARY Continued lrom page 6 but for its good dollar sense." lhe said. But more thian the defeat of the muînicipal buildig, "thie accusa- tions of crookedniess and roguery and that 1 have my' fingers in the cookie jar,"' wh ichi lie read in a letter to the Whiitby Free Press botlhered im m nost lie said. 'I hiad hioped the li- brary board would cohne back with sonie alter- nate site appealed CoLin- cillor Gerry Cox, and 1 wonder if tlhey (library board) really know whiat tliey're doing. Part of our staff' will be on the upper level and the lî- Own your home, before Winter BLîyîng that home right now will give yotî time ta niake it sntîg and comifort- aîble before Winter slows the work. And Victoria andi Grey, with eighty years experîence in customi building miortgages for pecopie like you, will do al1 possible to help you have that dreaîn home quickly. Corne direct today ta Victoria and Grey! VICTORI4A Im'GREYF TRUST COMPANY SiNCE 1889 308 DUNDAS ST. W, WHITBV 668-9324 cuff episode in front ôf the Whitby net. Then at 12:37 Ian Joyce was given a trip- ping minar which gave Whitby an apportunity ta try their power-play. Coach Bill Berwick iced his line of Tomi McLeish, Don Nichol- son and Brian Grubb ta take advantage of the Bramialea penalty, 15 seconds later the gaine was tied 1-1 as Kent MacCarl set up McLeishi whio popped in Whitby's fiîrst goal. The first pcriod cnded in a tic but the next stanza l)roved it to be a short-lived tic. Thirty-two seconds into thie seconîd per-iod xvas A Brarnalea needed ta go aliead iii the iane for thie second tirne. Bruce Perr-in f'ired a paIss L tîto Elk WhIo in turn passed it to Box and hie was standing in front of' the net to rap brary will be in the low- er level. How long-until saune stîgar daddy cornes along? It won'"t, le warned. by a very hiappy situation f'or cithier par- ty. We are creating a situation liere thiat is going ta hast for quite a num ber of years and 1 arni not going ta support the bylaw, le said. h opposed the mayor righit down ta two mlonthis ago but the rna,,y- or got nie into a box whiere I have ta sel] Lis out, explainied Couincil- lor Doctor Kenneth Hobbs. iirnsick- and tired of' hearing aboLut it. tiere are other peo- ple iin thiis town besides hockey players whio de- serve attention le added. indicating thiat the i- brary -baard was aile suchi deserving graup. i don't really care, l'Il take my chances at the Decemnber 4th polIs. le said. home the- tie-breaking goal and give the Blues a 2-1 lead. Fram the second the re fe ree dropped the puck to start the next twenty minutes, both teamis decided ta elimi- nate the foolishi penal- ties and play sorne good hockey. This is juist what they d id-as neithier teami could chaik up another goal. Kimn Crouich was a stand- oLit ini the Whitby nets as hie faced 1 2 shots in this period and 8 of thiese were t'romi withiin 10 feet of hiis crease. CroLlh's superb net- illindinig as rewvarded by hlis teain-nmates as Don Nichiolson fi red hine tie tying 9goal froni11 Alan Potts at thie 15:1 (~) niark. 'Ehe Whiitbv sqIizad domiiiated tie l'inal eIe- yenl mlinutes af the sec- ond f'rane but that was CoLîneillor Bob Heron simphy stated that "it would be iiice ta sec at least anc organization ini town with a decenit fc' il ity." CoLîncillorJii nMus- selîrnan -stîggested that the council terîninate discuîssions with the hi- brary board anld that they proceed with a hî- brary at anlother site. 1 refuLse ta Split the mun11i- cipal staff aid refLuse ta commit the iiew coincil ta another bu.ilding. "lt's ike phugginig the dike to make another haole." le said. Depu.ty Reeve Johin Goodwin, Couîncillars Eînim and Whi te retai neci silenicedu rîing thie debate anid voted in sLupport af' the bylaw after coin- mnlt mas closed by the nîayor. Mayor Desîuond New- mn at is flrst meeting of* the COLIncil since his gaîl bladder aperationi WHITBY-HARRISON FUELS LIMITED "Your EAC Dealer" 211 Brock.St. S. Phone:6683610 a long time ta wait be- fore finaliy starting the blades ta rail. The team's spirit was hiigh, and their style was quick and exact when they did begin ta play hockey. At this point the Tiremen were an ex- citing team ta watchi. Fourty-four seconds later, Brian Grubb slipped a pass up the board s ta Mike Perry who broke in aIl alone and tucked home the go - ahead goal fo r Whiitby. The second period ended with Whitby lead- ing f'or thie first tirne in the game 3-2. The finaàl twenty min- Lites was xvide open hockey withi sorne .great rushes atn d defenisive nioves by bath squads. Once again, Crouch played strongly and was fa,,ced on rnany occasions withi Bramialea phayers made it obvious he was still calling the shots. The Provincial Gov- ernilient spent millions on conistrutctioni of Tor- aoita buildings lie said, and( i haven't-lheard anc complaiîît about that. The bylaw passed with Couincillors Attersley, Musseirnan, MacCarl and Cox oppased. '-Under the sale agree- ment, thie library bo-ard wiIl purchiase the town hall for $378,000 and will lease back the uipper storey for muniiîcip-al tise. On Decem ber I18 the hibrary will take passes- sion of' the hower Iloor of the building with the exception of" Iliat par- getting clear shots at himn as they were left standing alone -in front of theý net. The only goal came off the stick of Daug Crawford at 5:06 of the third periad ta tie the score at 3-3. The Tiremen out-shot Bramalea 44-37 but could easiiy have capi- talized on more of these shots had there been men in pos ition in front of the opposition's goal. This now leaves Whit- by with 3 points after defeating Toronto Nats last weekend 6-5. Next 'gaine for the "B's" is Friday evening ini thie Art Thiornpson Arenai in Pickering at 8:00 p.rn. agTainst the Pickerinor Panthiers. Whiitby: Goal - K. Crouich, B. Crouch. De- fe.nce - Perry, Potts, Spanger, MacCarl, Tur- tion now being used by the police department. This portion will be turned over to the li- brary when the police building, now Linder con- struction at the Ross- land Road site is com- pleted. The town planning and public works de- partmients will be trans- ferred to the former Brooklin town hall. ner, Cook. Forwards - McLeish, Grubb, Nichol- son, Rowley, Mowat, Millar, Wood, Johnson, Harper. Bramalea: Goal - Wool- nough, Ridier, Defence - Perrins, Webster, Du- gan, Joyce, Macrae, Hal- pin. Forwards - McIn- tosh, Crawford, Beasley, Hopper, McMillan, Mar- tin, Hayes, Elk, Box. Summary: First Period: 1. Brarnalea, Hayes (Elk, Joyce) 4:55. 2. Whitby. McLeish (MacCarl) 12:- 52. Penalties: Spanger 4:0O,Turner 8: 00, Wood, Dugan 10:30, Harper, Box 1l:46,Joyce 12:37, Webster 15:46. Second Period: 3. Bram a- lea, Box (Elk, Perrins) 0:32, 4. Whiitby, Nichol- son (Potts) 15:19, 5. Whiitby, Perry (Gruibb) 16:03, Penalties: Perry 9:45, Duga n 19:2-1. Titird Period: 6. Brarna- lea, Crawford (Beasley, Perrins) 5:06, Penalties, Perrins 0: 29,) Harper 3:40. Cana ch nmbrnpr gallnWth the n fpr fome t' ade: Cn Caada's m scessfulrapolt car. Buy hee at'sbeen 9 toesdunderth 5eos tos-h sgleond itionshaginstofe foraet 100t'sThmader. n beIt posil uymeîîn 1971 CHEVELLE - 2 Dr. Flardtop. SS 454 CID Engine, Automnat le, Power steering, Power brakes, Cowl Induction, Radio, Bucket Seats, Consul, Caniary Yellow witli Black Raeing Stripes, Black Interior. Licence 448-56A - $ 3,795 1970 CtE VELLE - SS8454 - 450 H.P. 4 Speed, Power Steering, P.D.B., Radio, White Wails, Mag Wheeis, Black Exterior with White Racing Stripes. Red Bucket Seats, Consul also with Black Vinyl Roof. Fias 38,000 Miles witli Bal- ance of G.M. Warranty. Licence N22790. 1971 BUJCK SKYLARK - G.S. Convertible, 400 Cu. In., V8, Automatic, Power Steering, Power Windows. A Nice Soit Green with Wlhite Convertible Top and White Interior. A Real Sharp Car at an Easy to Get Prive. Licence - 611633 -$3#395 1972 COUGAR GT -, 351 Automatie, Power Steering, P.D..B., Power Windows, A.M. Radio with Stereo Tape Player built in, 15,000 miles. Regal Blue exterior with Blue*Custom interior and malching Vinyl Rootf. Licence 54895A .$3#795_____ 1250 Dundas St. E ~ Whltby "Where every- Stransaction means Y~"'satisfaction" 4¼ o68?33 4> ZOLTAN 1 60 Sirgito(ý' St. Southi Oslizawi (Xiii 728-0051I

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