Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Oct 1972, p. 16

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PAGE 16, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1972, WHIT13Y FR EE PRESS MOTORING with Mike. Burgess It seenms there are timies Mien yoti volunteer to do tings and then ask youirself "Whiydid 1 open ny big nmouth ini the 1'irst pae? And being a-, typical 'average Joe' 1 find miyself getting into these situiations fromi time to timie! it ail started a while back whien 1 offereci to hielp the local Ca,.ble TV conmpany with photo- graphy and darkroomn work on a piart timie basis and woLIILd up coniniitting myseif to produice andi direct at Ieast one, îifnot miore. TV shows, thainks to personaible andi glib d irector of' Cablecast. Bill Riddell, who hiad no problemi convincing mie. As the first show \Vi5 to cover local miotor- sport, my lfirst problei was not content, buit HOW to dIo what 1 wanted to do ( technically). Whien in doLibt. ask ['or advice. righit? So I con- tacted a friend who lias produiced more shows t'or CBC iii the last 1I2 years than the average guiy will probably ever watch. After mnany bleary-eyeti conferences, (probably duie to too f'requient re- treshmients) a workable format emierged fully loaded with suich phirases as 'dissolve to'. 'talk over tape'. and 'suiper graph ics'. The next problemn was to find sonie ready- f'or-thie-tak ing action phiotography. The racing was ail over. and 1 Was quite sure that Ja,.ckie Stewart anti the boys wouildn't corne back hiere gratis juisi so wve cou Id shoot 50 feet of tape. The neXt beSt soIlution vus to 1ho1l an event locIIlY' with local comipetitors. vIîich bIringls LuS Lup to last Suind ay. Tha t's righ t ! R enîem ber the t1 a.y i t neye stppe ranin. > Besities thec fact that the TV camneras don't have windshieltî wipers. hiow d(o youI get a dVnam 11ic picture of'a, car spinning i t wheels antd not tgoitnLan ywhere'? Anti trv snîiilîig;- w~hiIe voui1re Standling in thîe pouiring ramn inter- viewing ,soniebody? AntI imagline h avingy to changie the form a t at thc sanine t imle becdause thew tenl thouisand tdollar camieras.just wvou't do0 what t hose h u ntlredti houIsad t1 ollar camneras a t (BC w il! dk). So there wvere f-orty, (*ollege conlpeting inIl(r cnii aits out at Durhamî c ramn. InCILiding an an- The Cable TV crew filming a slalom car in action. - PHOTO BY MIKE BURGESS tique AListini-Heaily convertible (wi thou t the top) driven by tNllow enthusiast, Dick Baker. l'di like to sav everybotly enjoyed them selves, but I1 vas at'raitl to aisk any'body tor fear that theCV \wold tell me what they rea,,lly thoughit- and thaýt prohaibly WOuI(ln't have been printable liny- way! Neverthielcss, a biet' report of' this O.M.S.C. Slalomi is the lezist I can do to give cred il to those people who perseveredi. (lass 'B' was won by I Ian nu i FaIII en 2-40Z 1DatSun l)Who10is gettinIg very consisten t ini th is claiss. 1) on ('lei nen 1 LIrove, an1d hlis Z28 C(aniaro ('J')i îlot to ment ion acting~ as canieraiman who 1S no0\VSUI brcaktclowni. a Cor1vette (class 'C') to take tvo class Vinls ChatLI'eitffCrfor a poor fiéring fromni IferVOuIS Dave Ottman (Datsun 5 I1O) squeezed past Barry Alexander (Toyota) to take the 'G' class trophiy. Barry's wife Cheryl won first lady. And finally iii 'H', Jin Famine(Vega GT) despite a terrifyîing amnounit of' wheel-hop, beat out or- ganizer Jeff Christie (Volvo 544).- Startinig today (Thursday Oct. 26th) at the new Shieridan MaIl iii Pickering is a three day AuItoraina. Saturdlay and Sunday at the Ascot Inn in Toronito are the Caniadian Automobile Sports (ILl s (C.A.S.C.) annual mnembership and general mieetinigs. Worksliops anid seminars wiII be held on Racing. Ralî ying, Solo events (Driving skilî tests, Slaloms. etc.). anid oni administration. '[il next week, Happy Motoring! 10 PIN Lastwitv Bantaîîîs T'OP FIVE GIRLS: 1. Shiar(oni Why it's called THE SECURITY GRAPH -: -------- Bgy: Steve Hanson How much Life Insurançe do you realiy need to, guarantec your family the kind of future yotu want them to enjoy? The Manufacturers LiIe's Security Graph answers this question by aunasily understood visual rmethod. A Security Graph review of your prcent Life Insurance.will enable you and your family to get maximum benefits from your present policies. *For more information just mail the cUpon. S. K. (Steve> Hanson. S1jï0îý 501, BellTowe 1r, .;,.,-awa Centre' Osflawa, Ontario M28-7391 ~wanstue~bo Umn e s (ascrIy - '19.3 (H38).-". (1cr: I [cotnard - 379 (129j, 3. lcics Gilbert - 326 <I 37 . 4. iu' Levc'.îu - 3 13 (12(). -5. .\nn I-rohel - 309 (Il12). I 1*01, . V I BOYS: IL Kel n Brabin- 382 (144>. 3. Jeti Thorton- 373 (135>. 4. I)arren Alcock- 368 (129), 5. Waller Niorrîson - 344 (12 1). Eastway Juniors & Seniors TOP VIVE GIRLS: 'I. Terri (;eorte 492 (171). 2. Juidy IRuigzok- 459 (161). 3. Cynthia Nloin tford- -395 (<146), 4. Shieila marie (ollison - 384<(132>. T'op VIVE BOYS: I. 1ini 1cr- ris - 509 ('177), 2. JefI Ilaines - 502 (196), 3. G;ary Ross- 494 (185), 4. Cecil Prakkcn- 486 (188), 5'. Dave Ale.xander- 467 (191), Mark IlAston- 467 (175>. Lander Stark Classies TOP EIGHT: Herman Prakken - 66â (247, 225), Ian Denholm - 584 (234), Bob Richardson - 581 (226), Jim Leamnan - 562. Ron Poulton - 558, 1Bi11 Durkee - 545, John Lawrence - 545, John Mason - 538. TEAM STANDINGS: Ticats - 56, Mustangs - 55, Pan thers - 48, 4.:Ic.- 47. ui 41 * Cobra, - 39, hcs-3 I lziiiier's ( Iassic I .eagu<' LAA \( 1s 1 ANDi)lN(S:t ý-% 7 F tI oir rd" 7 1 i. l- 59I1\ ~ . ( .inîcfcru - . I'r 50, tiN er - 53. 9.( "' MI. Lawrence -546, B.I Temple 530. A. Smart- 130. IlIGI SIN(;I«: A. Ro'.'. - 221. NI. Lawsrence - 21 i, B. Poole 2032. IIIGII ILN:I rns-2096, Rtustlers - 2(24, (lawNs 1968. Fridav Mercantile r'I:N PIN" IIIGII TRIPLIS: 1. Tony Lu- pcl - 641, (222, 212, 207>, 2. Stevc 11cesak - 626 (248>, 3. Gary Judd - 595 <224). 4. Nick Ryscikowv - 591 (21 1), 5. Art Smart -583<(223), 6. *"Mie" Mýc.Nlaster- 567 (2 10>, 7. Glen ('opp - 559. 8. Roni oulton - 552 (2 19), 9, Brian Laxdal - 544 (222), 10. Boycc Blair - 541 (208). IIIGU SINGLES: 1. Zoit Big- lin - 221, 2. Bob Harris - 203, 3. Bob I-lrrington - 200, 4. Date Pettes - 192, 5. George Waite - 192. TE-AM STANDINGS: 1. Con- tinental Sauna Bath - 32, 2. Starliners - 24, 3. Engineers - 23, 4. WiII's Varicty - 23, 5. Citizens' Finance - 22, 6. Cana- dian T'ire - 20, 7. Olibeats - 19, 8. ('hévelles - 1 7, 9. Bobby Orr's 11/d - 10, , . 13 Pille Ride spo>rt-, - 14. JIK;GIIIP 01: 1111- ii\\11lK: «Ilic I rîda NIca n tie t cagiîc sýtl uu~1 Lîkc mu 'clcicme ts o lieu qionsor'. [o tliir cagnie -COlN- I INTIAI1-SAU-NA BAI ll"and Ihlanls yow. Pl PI Whithv Ladies' Canifdy L'eague SEC(TION PINFALL: Allsorts i1,845: Gurndrops 11,86 1 [linbti-s 12,871, JelIy Beans 12,367, Live Savers 12,1 10; Ma- pIc, Buds 11,891; Peppermints I2,020> and Smnarties 12,6 12. TRIPLI:'S OVER 500. J. King 660; S. Spencer 649; D. Kehoe 619; G. Sandford 618:.NI. Mc- Laughlin 609;I. Farquhar 583: A. L-abanovichi 576; B. Childs 570. SING LE S OVER 500: S. Spen- cer 264,229; J. King 353,215; SINGLES OVER 200: S. Spen- cer 264,229; J. King 35 3,2 15; M. McLaughlin 247; M. Far- quhar 237: D. Kehioe 233,200;' A. Labanovicli 229, G. Sand- ford 225,202; P. Davie 225. Wiltl) YBC Tvkes l -A NI P>OINTS: Goblins 13. I ad poles 13. Squnirtis 10. NI ic- tzcu 10 s lB.iidbi r'. 9, Sirîimips 8, Iiminiîes 4, [ Ifs 3. Peewees 3, Dwarls 2-. IliGiI IDOUBILES: Kelly \,Ic(oy 26 1 (149-1 12), Paul Green 242 (138) Scoit Lintner 231 <132) Karen (iiilds 224 (113-111> Rae Nicholson 223 (117) IIIGI SINGjLlES OVER 100: Patricia Powe llI 18, Jeffrey lianumners il18, Lisa Dunhaman 113, Robert Stewart 112:- Whitby Wednesday Men's League IIIGH TRIPLE: G. Houghland 780, 346. A. Vanderende 773, 316, K. ('rossland 759, 328. K. Latindry 775, 303, [f. Van- stavcreil 763, 274. IIIGI] SINGLL: B. Vesters 305, T. Ainsworth 299. G. Wood- cock 281. t). Duncan 128. TAISTANDING: Doi's Spuir Service 15, Domfts Towing Ser- vice 15. Tormy's Mern's Haîr- styling il, Whitby Free Press 11, Pickering G.S. 11. A & T Motors 10, Mitton Electric 10, B & R Transport 9, Doug XVil- son's Men's Wear 8, J.B. Me- Muilan Real Estate 8, Mifflin's Barber Slhop 6, Whitby Dodgc Chrysier' 4, Consolidated Bath- urst 3, Teanm No. 6 - 2, M. Visser Crown Life Insurance 1, Tearn No. 16 - 0. (416) 439-0241 Arlie Sales, Ltd. The MAazda 808 Coupe $2669. 'ZO9Dundas St. W.. Whitby 668-9397 Bowling Eveninp -Tuesday amd hursday mi IVANIS HAMRS YTLMN 1«-DUNDAS ST., L.- HITSY "fyou want to look your best" WhItby (416»668-4321 Dunlop Radial PIy Tire H EADQUARTERS ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE '103 Dundas St. East, Whitby 668-3356

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