Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Oct 1972, p. 15

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I THE OUTDOORSMAN' WITH PAUL WICHER If xerc a bettiîg iniaiicld if I didîi't have 50 uîiany tiugs ta get done around honme, I would liead l'or onie ai'lhe rivers xvherc raiuîbows are shili open. The "wond(ertl'?" weather wvliclî we have been bhessed wiliî silice Iast weekend is just whî' at is needed ho briuîg the 'ail run ai' fish uLp [roi he cdeep waher ini wilîih ey have speuih inosh of the surnîiier. The raiui lias warîîed the rivers and carried thîe haste ao' lîeuî far out into Great Lakes: tiîis iS juSt whaýLt is needcd. Thetfaili ruui is iii uîa way thîe equal 0f' the greut spriîg spuwiiig uigratiaiîbut tIiere xiii be fis i inthue rivers whîiclî have guiieci faanie. f'or thîir raiîîbow tislîing. h auîî purposeiy avoidiîîg specifie rivers, as uîaîîy tiniies, it's necessary ta travel ha severai before yau vili fiuîd tisli. i tîeuîi. an thc specit'ic days Iliat yau are thIere. However. tlîis traveling anîd seeiuîg îîcxvcounitry caui b'e liaif tlie funî of' the outing. You eau coisuit your Ontario Fisliing Regilatîiis ta sec just whîut waters are opeui. If* you oxvi a bout auîcl dou't uîîîd thue rallierdcaiip andi cold coiîdiîiouîs. oui openi water. 1 I shoLld think that aiîy liartiaur or slîeltered bay xvoukII be worth a try. troihing ah slow speech. Probably aone af'the biggesi niisiakes uîîade by tfalh auîgiers is tuiat they do ual fish showly or deep) eiough. Thîis isn't thie spriuig or earhy suîîî- mîer, the water. iii geuicral. is cooliug of'f' anid viii be below the raiuîbow's peak achivity 4enîperahurc ranîge aI' 6 i degrees. Thîis calîs, for a show clowuî. iii speed. as tile fishi simîpiy willinat cluase a hure as, they wouud.CI if' il were xvaruîîcr, Now that yau have your lrolliuîg speech cLt down. put on santie weîight or a cleep rumîiing Iutrc ta get down toward the bottomi. ' The greater îîajarily of people troll- ing are working the mîidcdle or top iayers oh' thie water anîd these, excepl unîcer special conditiaons, lioid the hcast uîuuibers ot' hislh hotu SL1iiier uand fait. Make a sial iiîvestieniihii a water thier- iîouîeler uuîcl fiuidouIt ut jujst xvhît depth thee hest temiperatures are ah ancd fishi there. The activity ranîge l'or raiuîbows is betwcen 48 anîd 65 detyrees. If' yaU are goiuîg ho work the streains. iii a pair af' xvaders. the iiosl cujoyable xvay ta fisli Iroit. you.u wilh hiave ta kecp that fly or litre buuiping the bottoîî ancd il xillh have la niove slowiy. Trout iii rivers will alinost always be hîuiggiîîg thîe bohtoii. except Mien thley are hakiîig surface food; isctwhiiclîI 1doni't think you xviii fiind ut this limie oh'ycarii. Rainboxvs have no reser- vationis about t holdiing, in fast watcr rippies, or heavy decp) water and whiic the, top) may appear to be tiiihishiablc, rcnieî'nbcr, tlîat below the sur- [race it ik relatively cairn and peaceful. i3ottomi contours andci-nclrwater snags break the current's flow and make icteal holding spots. Deep [poo1s with a gaod current flow shouici not bc passed Lup, bu t, again, get riglit clown to the bottoni. 1 simiply canniiot pick myscîf a ccp hole, put on the bait and sit thiere waiting for somcthing to haippen, not that this doesn't work, but it's jUSt not niiy idea of trout fislîing. 1 cannot iîake imy- self believe, that ai wormi or roc sack, sitting on the bottoni, looks thleast bit naturai to ai fish living ini rLînning watcr, whcere evcrytIlîng cisc is constanithy noving. Hlowevcr, if one werc to take this saniie bail ani dca',St it uip und across thie streamn aid-ici ltil drift clown. it looks very natural. Tliis techniique lias prodUccd many good sized trou t for nie on lys, lures and bait. 1 approacli the area frorn wlîiclî I want to fisli froiii clown streani, in the water mioving siowly. trying 10 keep the bank cover at imy back so0Las not to sliow a Silhouette to the fishi as lie turrns ta take or foilow the hait. The first cast is usually piaced circctly uipstreani f'romi nie aiîd not 100 tfar out. It is aliowed to work back uitthie speed of the current. oilly cnlough hune is picked up to kcep it t'romn snagging the bottomn. Let tlle curreuil swing the bait past you anid dowîî streuîîî unlil it swings behîind you anid cones ta the surfCace. thîeî retrieve it for tue next cast. The îîext cast shouIld be a bit further up streaiîî agaiii andi ahloxved ta work back tue sainîe way. Suicccediiig custs sliouid be îîîoved toward the celîter of thie river itllyou have covered a coiîiplele archi up Lind out f'roîîî youir position. O111Y thlen shouIl you take a few steps up sîrcainianîd repeat the cîîhire pracess. Thîis rnay sei like a slow boriîîg technique but yau aire comlplelely covcring thie water and spending youir ailoxvabie sireani tiîîie fishiing, not ruinning upl andi dowi thie baiiks casting hlithier and yon. 1 very seidloiîîLuse iuch. if any weight, xitiî Ibis type oh' fisliîuiig as if your cash is directed far enlougtl iup streailii. and ah a bit of ain angle. - die flow of' hie waiter xviii put il niear enOUgh ta the hottoîîî. If the river is 100 xide ho reachi across coîîîfortably With your casîs. cover ane area, îhiî nwade out h'urthîer and cover thie rcst. It is un porlaîi t îîot 10 cash so far thial you ahIow a large beliy ho develop iii your line. The drift wili ual lbc able ho be controlcd uiîd the lure will wisk past the troul's nose. Keep wa ter flot be the casts short. accurate. anîd caver the iii ils cntirîty. If the fýishi arc lucre. t il ii lonîg bef ore thic fun starts. WH ITBY FR EE PRESS, TH URSDAY, OCTOIBER 26,1972, PAGE 15 IT WILL BE READY The final day loi, minor hockey registratiofl xviii be Sut. Oct. 281h i t thie Wliitby M unicipai Buildinlg i~froi 10:00 a.rn tii 2:00 p mlRegistra- tion thîis ycar is arounld the 500 10 600 mark, as coniparcd to 1000 hast year. If il does not increase stibstantially in the next weck, the Brooklin- Whitby Minor Hockey President Edci- CrouchSaYS that ie Association wili have to reasscss its position as far us ice lime is concerneci. Tlhis could resuit iin the B.W.M.H.A. giVing LII)sorne Of its ice tiiuî to others. ý f your son isn't signlec up for nîinor hiockey, doni't wait any longer or lhe COUld miss oI. Thie Brooklin-Whitby Minor Hockey Assoc. cannot be cxpected to pay for "X" number of hiours of ice tirne if they only need hail* of thiat tinie. So if the Assoc. gives LUp ice timie ini Nov. because they don't require it, they xviii not be able to get it buck in Dec. if you dc'cide to register your son at that time. MINOR HOCKEY' The Minor Hockey Association of aur town lias been working liard since early summer ta give our boys anothier winter of hockey. The Town of Whitby is very fortunate ta have so many men williîîg ta giVe up their frée tinie ta coach our sans. Wliether it is Hauise League or All-Star, Minior, Mite or Junior "B", it takes many hours of work by thiese volunteers. Trhese men who coach, maniage or train these, teams are dedicated ta the job, sanie have noa sons involved ini minaor hockey, and sonîîe have sans aid enough ta hielp coach, but they stili corne out. Sonîîe people feel Ihat onîce tlîey have h)aid thieir mioîey for minar hockey registration, that this is where parental involvement ends. This is not truce. The men and boys af minor hockey can always Lise lIelp i i le dressing ron ta tigliten skates anîd sa an. Tlîenoney paid ta îîîiîîor hockey is for ice rentals, equipnient, referees, etc., il does nal provide a baby sitting service. If your son is invalved in minar hockey, take him î thie gainîe and stay ta wahch, or lend a hiand if il is needed. Dan't go home and leave your son witlî noaonc ta cheer him on. Hockey gaines are entertaiing, especially wlieîî yaur own Son is oI lucre trying hiis hardest, and lie will try liarder ilf lie kîîows that MOM and DAD are watcli ing. Whitb> A geuicrai umeetinîg of thie ladies' sectionîaf tue Whiitby Cuirliuig ('bb was ieid on October i6tii witiî ladies cluib presi- dent Mrs. Shîiruey Scott presiding. Sie welcauîîed ail curlers of tuhe club particiilarly tlhe uew cur- lers, ta thîe openiiug la- cdies" cu.rliîg seasauî shart- ing Manday, Ochober 3 3rd. Meîîîbershîip calîven- or Beatty Anîdrews re-, parted 29) îew ladies nernibers. he ways and means convenor Marilyn Rahîmne plans a territ'ic social season wihh a bridge and fashioui show in Jauîuary and tentative plans for a Monte Caria niglîl anîd aiso a country western fun spiel. Interciub chairman Helen Srnythîe repoirted firsh interclub curling starting Novenîîber I Stlî. Mrs. Evelyn Bonnetta Curling wiih assist bauîspiel conveliar Mrs. hivelyui Sliîeffield ini a "hwo day inîvitation open" claie Janiuary 18 anîd 19. S.O.L.C.A. rep- reseîîtatiVe is past presideîîh Mrs. Evelyn M iller. Refreshiments were served by social con- veîîor Mrs. Ruth Joncs. OF NI8ANI Club A' f Stable anid sure-footed on a 151,,2mcil w~ide track, withi double actioni shocks on1 Mark Il 'an'd 55 mode S. Ahl twins powered by durable Hirth engiîîes froml 292cc to 440cc for top'perforînaîîiice. d , %mý Coiiii tod introduce yc Beautiful '731 lay and let your dealer u ta the Big, BoId,1 q46 Boa-Ski. man's best friend in the snow J) OSHAWADISCOUNIT HOUSE 1916,'ý Dundas St. East, Whitly 725-1343 1300 Dundas East, Whitby, Ont. 668-6828 fa. OR W* -- l am l *lKt 0 e HEARD'S TAXI 668-3732 Radio Equipped & Direct Line at ArnoId's Ma.pket, 115 Brook St. N. For Vour Convenience 150 Perry Street Whitby MUDWAY DATSUN forerly ZOLTAN & HICKS' Now Located at l' = ' - , ; , 1 - mý 1 a O-«L4b kqb4wlw 0 A» a a -ib a i

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