Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Oct 1972, p. 6

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PAGE 6, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19,1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS -JIM OUAI Basically Tiîat's righlt . . . . ail of uis are basically Lazy. For instance, how many of LIs bother to wear our seat belts'? We hounded the auto rnîîfactîtrers to niake the cars safer and every year they bring out i1C\v sat ety f'eatîtres but try as they iay thîey still can*t control tlîe driver. X'ou know. the old bit about humati error. SSeat belts hit homne with nie this week af*ter 1 lost a battie to a short, stubby steel pole. Be- cause 1 iîad no0 intention of lîitting the pole 1 was cornpletely unpreparecl and before I knew it nîy front teetlî were piaving a tune on thue-steeriegý wlhîeI. 'Unfort uniately iny upper lii) got ini the way. 0f course it's obiui ..lad i u1 kedup yvwould riot have geoné forward far eno'tîgli to coiide wiî tute steering wleel. The datîlage ta the car wasn't tlîat great butt my teetiî atnd tpper lip hurt like blazes. Yout don't realize how nîuch you use youtr upper lip until yout have to do it one day. If it doesn't get better soon 1 imay lose nîy reputation as 'hiot lips'. We used to have gauges ini tle instrumient panels of cars ta tell uts what was happetning utîder the hoad. The manufacturers discovered people were too iazy to watch tiiose gauges sa tlîey in- staihed what is called 'idiot liglîts'. Tlîese lighits are designed to light Lip wMien sornethiîig goes wrong but tlîey don't give you any early warning. Because they are uisually red, wiîen tiîey dia iight Up yoLI can't heip but sec them. Wlîen we complain about the high cost of food these days we should bear in mmîd tlîat if we weren't s0 lazy we coutld cuIt our food costs by siînply spending more tinie preparing mneals. But we doîî't. so food suppliers do ah i tue scraping, peeling, biending and somnetimes Ailthe cooking and openi it,' heat it anid serve it. Quite lîanestly 1 miss the good aid faslîîoned hiane cookec i neals 1 liad years ago. 1 could still have thlem but l'mn too lazy to prepare themi and, like most people tiiese days, 1 don't have the tinie to speîîd tWO houtrs preparing a nical. 211 Brock St. S. Phone:6683610 CHINESE 1TEFOOD saL IH0I!\(.7~ 668-7021 "And Lot YGur Taste Be The iudge" 10%OFo FREE Home Delivery Pick Up orders FaSt Take Out ServiÎce SUNLIGHT RESTAURANT AMPLE PARKING AT REAR A s fo r being iazy in the Car tîy lhp is still sor'e enouigli dtl a Ir going to niiake an hionest effort to tise thle sea t bei ts intstead of ttik inîg tîîy chances onth le ocds thlat 1 wotî 't get iîito ain a- cident, The next titue the odds catchi up to tue 1 ititend to be bett0 r,1)*e 1arle*,d We're Lazy ... ~mm"m Why it's called THE SECURITY GRAPH Sy: Steve Hanson How much Life Insurance do you rcally need to guarantee your family the kind of future yoti want them to enjoy? The Manuifactuirers Lit'e's Securuty Graph answers this question by aneasîiy understood visual rnethod. A Securiîy Graph review of your, present Lite Insurancewilt enable you and your family to get maximum, benefits frorn your present policies. For more information just mail the coupon. - - - - - - - To: S. K. (Steve) Hansori Suite 501 , Bell Towcr, O>shawa Centre Oshawa, Ontario 728-7391 0 .ManuAL!fe lhe Manuacuors tife Insurance Company In over ia year of wril ing 13ird('s Eye View I hiaven't mentionec i nuicl abouit the most import- ant aspect of' this colu tin. That's youi. N'any people have stopped me ini the Street to coninient on1 the columnn. I have beenl in Shlort's Pharinacy in Brook lin, Ace Fliicct ronics in Wli itby, the Police Station, the Iibrary. Dominion store, in otlîcr newspiaper offices and even ini areaý.s otiier than Wlîitby and people have taken the time to mention mny columln. To the people w'ho have compliniented nme f'or wvhat I wrote 1 thank you. To the people who tol i nie they ciidn't like whiat i w rote . . . 1 wou id like to thank youI as wvell. Whien you write a colunîn yoLi can't expect to please everybody. It WOukI be nlice buit it iSnl't real istic. i try to write abouIt things and happen- ings 1 think p)eopie WOuIld enjoy read ing ablouIt but Ilt Ial Of LIS are interestec ini the sanie things. A-uýYt,îs eil or we nîlighit lead a very boring lif*e. What i do appreciate very nîuchi are your coin Iiei,ts and suggestions. Whien Peop)le stop) mle to conîtiient either f'or or against soilietlii",- I've wrîtten i knlow that at least tlîey tïook,11,,the tirne and trouible ý'to read it and thiatLs whàt'flie whole thing is ail about. Writtig a coluni n is no easy task if you con- sier thlat wlîat is interesting to the writer nliay flot necessariiy be of' interest toflhe readler. Ai- thoughi the content is important. so is the grain- mnar and speiling. But the hardest part is whiat to say. Aithit igi don't tise bad language ini the colunin there are tinles Mien 1I have been Ïl'ired upl enoughi to emphasize somlethîng witii a profane word bu t most imles 1 feit it woud id haive been ini bad taste. There are other times whien 1 wouild dearly have ioved to Lise tis coiumin as a med ium to attack someoine or soînetlîiîg but thlen the columnl loses its purpose and becorin'es a personiai piece of' writing that most people WOLI id n't care to read. lIn 20 years in Wlîitby V've heardl a lot of things andi seen a lot of' f*i nny 1hap1peninlgs anld tiiese are the things I like to pass aiong. So to m1Y read ers this week a salite and t batks f'or bearinw with nme thlis long. 1i miglit also ask that the sulggeý.stionIs Zand cominents keep coming and, if' possible. increase because this is the only way 1 can realiy teillIf' youi enjoy read mg 3ird i-L's Eve \1iew. BIRD'S EYE VIEW NOW is the time te change your furnace te Natural Gas. Easy-to-install gas burner gives you efficient, Iow'cost heating. Get the jump on winter now by instaiiing a Natu rai Gas burner in your present furnace. It's a quick-and-simple operation that gives you heating peace of mind when the coid season starts. You can have cleaner, quieter and more econon-tical heating, yet pay as littie as $1 .95 monthiy rentai. The burner fits any type of fjjrnace-forced warm air, gravity warm air, hot water boiler or steam. Installation, service and maintenance are free, and you only pay for your Natural Gas asý you use it. We wiIl instal a free gas service uine, provid- ing the main gas line runs directiy in front of your house. <Think of the coid winds, snow and ice ahead ..and get Naturai Gas for home-warming now, 101 Consumers Drive Whitby 668,9341 I il VACATIONS FREEPORT- ONE WEEK Depart Toronto Saturdays Nov. 25 to April 28, including air - hotel - breakfasts - plus rnany extras. From ................................... $193* *Special rate of onIlp $181 avaitable for early winter de- partures of Nov. 25, Dec. 2 and 9. JAMAICA-ONE WEEK Depart Toronto Saturdays Dec. 2 to.April 28, ïncluding air - efficiency apt. - some meals - and many extras.* From ..................................$253, *Special rate of onty $237 offered for earty winter departures of Dec. 2 and 9. Subject to government approval. DONALD TRAVEL 102 BROC K ST. S. WHITBY- WHITBY-ýHARRISON FUELS LIMITED "Your TXACO Dealer" FTED'S FISH & (HIP GRILL 0 FISH & CHIPS Halibut 90é Haddock 7U~ Your Choice' BOTH Engiish Style Prepared in Frank's Famous Way. TrAKE OUTrs TABIE SERVICE lt MYON 3. 668-3611 116, UDOAS ST. W. ---l r

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