Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Oct 1972, p. 5

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1972, PAGE 5 Electi on Note: Thlese are astro- logical revelations.,abot the three candidates anîd îu>t persona I horoscopes. Mike Connolly, the Liberal Candidate for Oshawva-- Wliitby was born uinder the sigil of* Aquarius. He is a htî- nanitariaî and a vision- ary. His dreamis are of' world peace, love and! coîuluest otf nature by iman. H( seeks good in' everythîig, and mniages to get along, well xithl evervone. Rare qualitv of' mni and a sensible altti ttde toxvard hiealth habits are traits t'ound in Aquarians. The indi- cation in regards to money is tIiatît t is good 'or wbat it cýan buy ini the wvay of' progress and developinent. He would protxibly ,accoiiplisli a great deal in very little time and witli liait' thie energv tuit most people WOuIld have to put into the task. Aq ua,,rîanis ai l'or the highest illIMI hunia harmony in relation to friends and business as- soc ia tes. 1 \vOLIId inuiginle fthat Mike WOLIld like to en- tertain as bis horoscope shows himi to be a s0- cially triendly person. Ed Broadbhent. whlo is seekinig re-election a s M.P.. representing the New l)emocratic Party was born Under the sign ot' Aries. Thîis indlicates thlat Ed bas leadership qiLalties. He ShIold bIe able to cope well under pressure and tensionis. Born uinder a "'l'ire" sign. Edilbas an extr'a o'd inaîry amnoun t o t'energy, lO * ce and vitality. It would appearti' tat the 11or1e hiectic the situation the better Ed wotild like it. Ed bias al sense ol' self' sacrifice and a r'are coin- petitive spirit. Challenges are always picked uip by people born under thlis sign. People boru uUnder the sign of' Aries are idealists, trLitlibtul*and place bionor bel'ore ina- terial gains. Tlhey otten have excess of' vital- en- ergy and tremiendous willpower. Mike-Starr. who lost bis seat iliithe last t'ed- eral election to Ed Býro ad bceiit, is seeking election and is al Con- servative. Mike is born under the sign of' Scor- pio. This \voLld indi- c.ate that lie aspires to great Ibeighitsý.,Mike~s ,presence is t'elt iin a large crowd aiid deniands at- tenltionl. I woLld suspect that Mike is always ready to accept whiat lil'e bias to ot'Ier especially if it is ini the nature ol' al chal- lenge. Scorpions accept the respolnsibility whien things go wrong, and once commiiitted will st ick to that commit- ment l'or hl'e. Notbing dletem's a Scorpion l'roin blis purpose. Mike lbas a miagnet- Îism aboLi t lii ni tIi at is eXCiting bu 1Lt 1I suspect aloîig wit Iis explos- ive quLality you \voLId 'lind at timies lie could be nmoody. Ellection day is Octo- ber the 3Oth anid this is what the stars indicîite for the candidates. M ike Connolly (Aquwa- nius. Your popularity ini- creases due to cour-a- geous speech and action. You have important To frietîds iii the legislative f'içId. Ed Broadbent (Aries). Somne of the tension o!' recent weeks dissipates. You belong in the tlîick of life wlîeîe you cani coînmanld ttenltion. The YouI will Continue in the next fe--w weeks, to l'orge ahiead, especially ini the iîental 1puirsiits tlîat interest you. Mike Starr (Scorpio). Yotir inost sigmificant day is October 3Othi. Stars - 13Y JOYCE [ILRAL) This lias to do wîtli your finances and l'riends, hiopes and wislb- es. You get a beautiful insighit on thiese things by Noven'iber 3Otti. 0 e Thoenk Bi g. CHRISTMAS TRAVEL it's gettig lote reserve 110W winter Iseaion brochures avoulable Confirmed Speoe Stili Open to ....... NSSAUBARBADOS GRAND BAHAMAS HWI FLOUDA EVEN CUBA ALSO Christmas group and- charter flights to the U. K. are f il ling up fast. If your club or organization deals with ITO Travel for group and charter f lights contact us immediately in order to avoid disappoint- ment. Persons interested in joining reputable social organ izations that'operate charter fl1ights-- should contact us immediately (No Passen- gers booked through clubs and organizations handled by ITC in the ast summer were stranded in Europe) Don't delay. (Ca Il now for Information). Remember, on group flights, Children travel at haîf fare. $197 $201 I.T.C. TRAVEL WHITBY MALL 723-6792 "SOME AGENCIES SEIL TRAVEL WE SELL EXPERIENCE" Dec. 20 - Jan. 3 Toronto to Prestwick Dec. 20 -27 7 Days to London We finally WVe finally dîd it. changed the looks of the Bu g. For openers, open the door. And Wham-O: -What's a nice big interior like you doing inside a Volkswagen?' There's plenty of leg room up front. There's lots of head room. The windshield is curved and pushed awayfrom your nose.1Ils 42% olarger. (Thafts the windshield, nef your nose.) The padded dlash'is completely re- designed and easier 10 read (for those cf you who like te read dlashes). The seats are more comfortable, cur- ved and contoured to your body. Inertia-type seat belts buckle up as standard equipment. And wonder cf wonders, it is new much easier 'for passengers to, get te the back cf the Bug. With ail the newfound room, we had te, find a new ventilation system. Which we did. And its se good that, now, even the side windows, can Le ventilated and de- fa g ged. mostly hidden. (Although the taillights are nearly twice as large as ever before.) Altogether we made 20 improvemnents in the Super Beetle for 1973. But without a doubt, the biggest im- provemnent of ail is the feeling you get when you get ins ide. Take it for a test sit todlay. 1973 Few things in ife work as weII as a Volkswagen. As for oulside improvements, theyre OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN LTD. WHUTBV - OSHAWA 1425 QUNDAS STREET EASTWITBY ONTARIO TEL. 6689383 Accordling y 72aaa NASSAU HAWAII FLORIDA

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