Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Oct 1972, p. 18

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PAGE 18, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 19721, WHITBY FREE. PRESS, With J.oy. R euad for' period 0e lober 22 Io 28 CAPRICORN - Dec. 22to Jan. 19 A change no' residence niay 'seeîii attractive b somle otf you(' apricorius. however ot i e pressu red lu 10 change wîion I proix'r Ittuigit t b fle scect ion of' a lie\\ honme. and ti l possibi iiesI k'.or f'uture faillily S expansion, Signii'ica nit davsareieNioiday flie 23rd andTi i'esda Ilile 24 îh. h a social a t'lair plannueti aroun u a hiutiiday or ;in aniniive r- su ry ce le brati on srksin Ierc'.t. ib'is woid be an11 \ceile t finie bo start a superviseti(fiefb bo ciiter gain or lose weighl. l)isctipline is requiret iniiboth îinstances. Avoiti curren bt'add ish it dueand seek (lite ativise ni' a ph>'sician. AQUARIUS - i. 20 Io Feb. 18 L-ncrtzs' k high tontflhe 22nd. 1'his nesv cycle inf'luences cou rage. Lise eautlion on l Îe 2 3rd andi 24th in tieaiiing w\i 1h importanit uen. Soutle inharntonv or lack of' underslanding will lie fl in fle fam ily circle on flic 2Jrd and 24th. You ean move mounltamns by plodding steadily to lice heurt of ftie trouble. ,You are likeiy Io1 indth itIil starleti\\,lien sorneone fét'l rejecteti, useles'., or unwanted. Romiance perks uit on lte 25th and 2bîiî. Home respon sibilities or neetis ot'comion people sitoulti bc taken care of'on flice 27th andi 28îit. Activity cycle k higit. PISCES - Feb. 19 to Nlarcit 20 Linrest i 11h.the air as flice week opens. Octobcr 22 us a mnosItdifiiult dau. 1larrnony should prevail on flite 23rd andi 24th Mhen s;erions dis.- cussions eari be carrieti outi b everyonie'.s satîs(action. l)uring titis seven day periodt ry 10 back off' lroitt probleits s'i thout i backing d own on principies. Walk away if trouble cornes )ookingl'or you. Use pass'ive resistance il' all isc l'ails,. You have l'ar more to gain tlitai to lose il'you take titis attitude. You r lantly utay l'cel fle tensiont aroun u ttei on tte 27th ritnd 2Sîlî. So lt rut'lied l'eatiîer'. s'.i t kidrne'.'. in lelîse hontle pro ble rr s. ARIES - Nlarch 21 bo Apr-il 19 Wednesday fle 25tlî is apl Iobcbfile utost ,ignificant day oi' tItis perîoti. Short journeys. chlmdren anti studl es are 1-Iavored aittis ýtinte. During tltk periodti Iere nîay be a lcnidency lu look fondly' ut fle past. Treasuire '.viat lias goîîe bel'ore as e\liericîtcc. bu t coitlinually look aitead. lThe past is deati. Plan a short trip on Suindluv. A quielt drive in lte country sitared s.it older relatives uta%. restore youir sense of' iurnor and l'un. TAURUS - April 20 b Mas' 20 There ks no lime to beconte bored or di'aîlmdwmlt svour own progress. You are miaking Iteadway and later. in retrospect. y'un wiii be able to look back on titis perîod as beiîtg estrentcly productive. Your mosl signil'icanl day» are Niontia fle 23rd aîtd TueNday'lthe 24t. A sitortttip on Sain rda"Ilite 28th eau hc reia\iîîe usa,. eli a,, inf'ormative in a business conneetion. GEMINI - Mlay 21 Io junie 20 Signifleant days of l' ite eek are \Wedncsday flite 251ii1 andTi iurstia% flite 26thi.wîen tlents you oflen do not use becumie apparent t fi associales. Adding io possessNion%. ciiter liousciold teiwcî or nont- essentiai ciolting nîay be unw..isýe at present. Your budiget slîouId lbe er<panded in lime for flite year-end holiiday perioti. If you dIo sltop take along a praclicai ('apricoru or conservative Virgo wiit you. CANCER - June 21 to Juuv 22 The pattern of tiis week ehitges l'rorîî donesticily bo a more l'un' ioving ittien. Your disposition improves aîîd you are able lu take malter'. in sîride. A plan energes, througitwtii you l'eei ne'.. de- veiopments cait bciîandled with a mtore mture ouiook. Siîznil",caii day'. are Vriday lte 271iî and Salurday flite 28t. Mid'."eek s% uns- picîous l'or traveling. LEO - July 23 to Aug. 229 Home and iteart ofl'er a quiet itarbor ltor flite nc\ ex '. weeks. You take joy in creatine, a compie îeiv individîial htomte ailîtospitere witîler il is, a lorty-roorn mansion or a itotel moiti. Possýessions. artif'acîs. books and painlings tbru your lîcatquarlers mb toa pro sancluru. Youj arc bmr beîwecn ancien t andi modern decor butî ollen successl'ully comibine flite twn. Vocalionai cuidanice cou rcsý andi studie'. involving! organizalions 10 whici y'ou belong, oller iiudt b'oodi 'or thouglîl durîng flite eariy part of flite week. VIRGO - Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 On te 23rd lte Sun enter'. Scorpio and l'or îtirîy day'. transits thal irea o (f vyour char! lîaving brodo wifli ttrnmuinii.fcalt close vrelatfives, SAGITTARIUS - Nov. 23 to Dec. 21 P ie 26tiî b bite 2Hît is a glowing period. roinanîicaily anti 'ociaily. Youi cosîli be euit erbaiîithugbe boss or lite con Iti be eritlerbaining you. Cuibivate ynnir Scorpiîo l'Iîiis,. If you Nh1)'..' hîeîîtyoti culitbe Irtîsteti te>' '.illcoitîde ut yoîî. 4e* *0v.4 o Thie above photo is tiot tieiiig featured f'or ifs historic sigificaîîce but because if is an inferesfiîîg hiotse, anîd would cerfaînily be reîiîeiîbered because o'flhc quainit birdbatl onuitis lawi, flic old l'asioîed porchi beuichi and interesfiiig silLf fers. Il' youî eau idenîfythyeficmanie of' ftie street Senior Citizen Winner EDITOR'S NOTE: The Whitby Free Press would like to thaniik Mrs. -DLaisy Richardsoil of Cenitre Street South. Whitby for beiîig the very first senlior citizen to participa te in "Aniecdotes" A delighittil lady iii lier sevenity-eighfth year whio cani spin milany ani engaginig narrative aboutf fli Comnty Towni iii days gonie ty. Mrs. Riclîardison is Graihniothier of' seveni. Great G ranidmother f0 twelve anld Great, Great Grandumothler of fwo. Suie watcl to be sure thiat flie Wlithy Free Press put ini a 'plug' oni lier bhî iii ask ing cou nci to conisider more seniior citizeni livinig accommnod at ioî l'or oflier seior citizenis such ais the mie shie lives iii n mi itre Sftree t. Thie Whîby Free Press \vill pay SIO flor flie puîblicafimioi0f'every 'Aniecdotes' feature az iiilei- courages senior cf i/enls f0 participate. "Mvore flîaii iiiytinig of' the old d(ays, 1 re- nîeiîber wlieîî flie Royal 1Hotel was flic bcsf liotel iii town. 1 wenft there f0 work iii 1931) d urig the early part of' the war. The ('ouîîfy Council used f0 aIl stay tliere wlieîî thiey camne to Wlîitby l'or a wcck. Quie year 1 bieloniged f0 the Letgiotn aicdi 1dclciclecd f0gef a daiîce goinig l'or flîem. A f'ev legioiîiniembers soldl tickets to flic danice aiîd tlîev Iîad lots of'l'un. I f's iot ftic san.ie as if uiscd fo he. l've n f lotigli finies were liarder iii those daiys eveî'yotne seîîed s0 lîappy whiere eveî'y' hiiîg is rush, rush. ilo\W. 0Qe womlan af fe lic ce hel iiin hoîîour of'flic count 'v counIcÎil had sucII a good tirne squLare dcling. i,,lier flase teetlî wenit flyîng across flic floor. HEARD'S TAXI 668-3732 Radio Equipped & Direct Line at Arnold's Ma.,ket, 115 Brock St. N. For Your Convenience 150 Perry Street Whltby OpnEveninps Tuesday and Thursqimy 1400 OUNDAS ST. L.- WHITSY "if you want to look your bestp' Whitby Scarui gh (416)XM8-4321 (416) 439-0241 wlîere flic loust can be found, cal! liheWlîitby Free Press of'fice at 668-6 111 ubctweeîî nine and eleven, Fridlay morîîing l'or a free ticket l'or uise anyfime at flic Whitby Brock Thîeatre. (Limîit one ticket per lîousehold.) Lasf week's aîîswer. 'Ringwood'. Hint: Location: tiot f~ar f'roîîî towîî me,,eting place. Mrs. Daisy Richardson would like to see more senior citizen apariment dwellings in WhitbV. Yes. people came f'roin flar away to stay at Wlîitb)y's Royal Flotel. If used to be so attractive wîth a lovely l\v nin hi te back. Thiere wvas a big double dining roomi wliich couLd Iseat over one laund red peip le. Benchies and big. coniflortable chairs were in the polishied lobby. But 1 do reniîem- ber th u 1 side jardlinai res and Chairis xvere stolen. D)r. Ruddy, on ('ounIty ('ounIcil tIeîi. alWaIys wanted cherry or apple pie wvitli ice creani Mien lie camie, and I alwvays saw there wvas somne tor hiii. JUdgc Keller McKniie \Vas anothIer fanIioLIs visitor al the Royal and wanted aple ie witil cheese. -Apple pie \vifhout cheese is like a kiss w ifliout a squieeie." hie*d case nic. Iii look ing back I can'f helli bu t wislî ail those saine people were there again : i t xas sLIch a!'1plea',sure to work af the Royal Hofel ini those 'good, old days'." *,tt r to t e edt e s, O20 ,. sltb FUE WOL qw 1 W M LAYE Nu DI Preuium ad ueOil ~$~DXOIL< <eÀdý

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