Bowl i 10 PIN Parish "%Hat Scores Trick"Il WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1972, PAGE 17 with 582 (233) 582 (2 12-190) 579 (220-196) 555 (208) 547 (202) Fred Hunter 231 Frank Sebil 212 Bill Porter 21Il Peter Abrainchuk 206 Terry Baker m9 Ron Leonard 197 HIGFILIGHTS -A ncew higli teain g..aine record by Trio-Tulevision witli 1145. FIAMER'S CLASSIC LEAGUE Week of October 157 197 2 LIIAGUE STANDINGS Canmcos 72 Mustangs 62 li'rebirds 59 Corvettes 52 Claws 51 Caiixeros 50 Torinos 46 Rustiers 40 HIGII TRIPLE B. Laxdalî J. LyVre 653 580 568 WlITIYKI.S Y.B. O(TOBI.R 14 111(111DO BLI S 'ati (Green 226, t112-114) Karen ('îihd'. 219 t(160) (hri'. Rtscliî208 Li'sa I)tn ain 206 .lii -oulitoii 205 <114) Kelly NIc(*ov, 205 III(;II SINGLI-'S Suisanihuflakin' l'eu Nichols.on 1 12 I1 t) TIAM STAND)INGS Goîifins I1( Tadpolc'. 8 fiLhbits 7 Buinnies 4 1eeWecs 3 Shirinîps 3 FIfIt (J Dwart*\ 0 M iduzts SqunirU'. TFIURSDAY NIGIIT MEINS LEAGUE Ed Brusli 809 (299) Bill Stacey 785 (336) Doug Bryant 778 (284) Dwayne Doak 771I (309) Doug Grylls 749 (363) Mel Tripp 73.1 (264) Wayne Allan 729 (253) Fred Schole 724 (246) Dennis Connelly 714 (259) Keith MacDonald 709 (302) TEAM STANDINGS FIIGI SINGLE W. Vervynek A. Ross T. Wliiteley- J. Eyre Iickcrine ; .S. B & R TIranNport MIitîflin". Barber Sho1î (on'.olî(id <cd Butinr'.t Witby l)ode C(hiry. Icalln No. 6 MI. Vi%%e.r (ro\%- n Li Ic I ns. Wl IITBX' MLN'S LI.A(;L'I:* W I.DN I'S DAY G. Woodcock flanis Zimniiier G. loI( Iillanid R. (hilds R. Ilougland Ilorst Zîînnirr HIGFI SINGLEIS M. Camîpbell J. Mifflin B. Vesters J. Kiîsdonk R. ValHan t A. Vanderende 853. 388, 735. 279, 71 1,259. 7,5.3. 285. 724. 263, 7t01. 207, 286, 281. 280,. 278, 276. 276 TLAM STANDINGS Gea. Cinis Barber Sliop The Guys, Bob's Boys, Jordison & Carty Dodd & Sou ter Knigits of Columbus Royal Hotel Southern Gentlemen Andrew Antenna Dianiond Installation Ron's B.P. County BowI Mercantile Dept. Store Ottenbrite's Mcn's Wear Mac's MiIk Don's Spur Service Il 1)ufrs Towing Service 11 Tony's Men's Hairstyling 8 A &T Motors 8 Mitton Electric 8 J. B. MeMulIan Real Estatc 8 1)oug Witson's Mens' Wear 7 223 212 211 211 H1IGH TEAM Claws Catineos Came ros 2090 2057 2037 LANDER - STAR K CLASSICS TOP 1IGI1T Bob Edgar 581 (208) Johin Waldinsperger 581 (207) Johin Lawrence 569 (203) Bob wVorsley 566 Hermian Prakken 562 (213) RiciliBurtcli 552 Ross Gavel 551 (203) George Brabin 544 (2 11,209) Johin Mason 544 STANDI)1NGS- Ticats S5I, Mustangs 48.,1Pan- thers 40, Argos 37, l'agIes 36, ('ubs 33, ('ict\24. MEN'S TUESDAY NIGFlT Tiremen Opennq The Tiremien openied the 72/73 season on a winning note last Wed. Oct. 1 1 whien thiey trav- elled to the Lamblon Arena to play the Young Nationals. Il vas a good, dlean. fast skating gamie with the Tiremeni coi- ing out on top of a 6-5 score. The Nats outshiot thie Tiremien 40-3 1, but K imi Crouc i in the Whiit- by netss helcîtheioff. Scoriîîg for the Canla- dian Tire 'Tiremien' iii thieir opeing ganie wvas hand led bv Don SCORES If' your tcamn woLIld like 10 have giame re- SUtls piîblishced iii the Whitby Free Press, al] you have 10 do is mail or brîig Ilîci t10 the Wiîtby Frce Press office on Brock Street S. lie mailing address is P.O. Box -106, Whitby, Ont. It' you are briîîging t1e scores n, the Free Press office is on Brock Street S. opposite thie Whiitby Fire Hall. lIn order tb publislh the results, we mutst have thie following informua- lion: Ref eree's The Oshîawa Minor Hockey Association is holding a Referee's cinîc at the Harm-an Park Are- na on Sat. Oct. 2 1 st. t'romi 2-3 p.m. There wilI be classes hield at thie Oshawa Civic Audi- toriunm on Sun. Oct. 22 ini rooni No. 5 withi Ivan The Brooklin Whitby Canadian Building Cor- poration Major Midgets played the Bay Midgets Moto-Ski Major Midgets at the Don Beer Arena Pickering. This was a mixture of good and bad defensive plays and slop- piness. Thieir checking and passing was also a mixture of good and bad. ln the first period Garth Buish opened the scorig on a pass from Jini Bran- ton at I 2).42. Again at the. 2.36 Dave Parishi scored on a pass from Jimn Branton and Randy Johianssen; the B.W.C.- B.C.'s took a 2-0 lead. The second period there wasonly one goal scored by Roy Isagris Lnassis- ted for Bay Ridges, time 2.11. 11n the third period B.W.C.B.C.'sopened the scoring aI 14.03. (Carlo ('amniozola tunassisted) Win Gaine, Nicholson - 2 goals I assist, Brian Grubb - 2) goals 21 assisîs, Tom Mc- Leish - 1 goal 2 assists and Bob Mowat I goal. Scoring for the Young Nats was Clifton 2 goals. Shand, SculIy and Aitkin each added singles. Whit- by took 9 o f the 14 penalties hianded out. The next gaine for the %Tiremen' will be tibis Fni. nighit, Oct. 2_Othi. whien thley go to the Victoria Park Arena 10 play Bramialea. NE ED'ED I ) Naine of league. 2) Whien and whiere garne was played. 3) Naines of bothi teamis. (Wiîce's Transport vs Brown's Bus Lines. Tyke House League). 4) FuIl naines of winning and Iosing teamn scor- e rs. Scores îmust lie îurned in no liater thian 5 p.m.. Mo nday. If mailinig in scores, address tlieni 10 Ithe SPORTS DEPT., Atten- tion: Doug Weales. Cinic Locke and Bev. Grahiam. The classes are from 10:00 uintil approxi- mately 1:00 p.rn. The clinic is open 10 anyone interested, and thiere will be no charge. Be sure 10 take your skates on Sat. THE FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET1 23ý PRINCE ST 725-9783 OHW Mike Burgess as both tearns were serv- ing double minors at the lime. Jim Branton fromn Dave Sorichetti at 11.26, Dave Parish scored unassisted at I1O:- 35, then came back again at 8:58 on a play froni Paul Johnson and Steve Sandford. B.W.C.B.C.'s scored again on the pow- er play. Joe Forbes scored froni the -point into the Baay Ridges open net as the Bay Ridges goalie hiad been knocked over b.ehind the net Mien he tried to clear the puck, Garth Bush and Steve Sand ford were given the assists time, 2.42. Bob Ouellette did an outstanding job in the nets for B.W.C.B.C.'s. Tom Connelly took over the second with Bob coming back in the Ihird, Final score was 7- I for B. W.C. B.C. S. good limie on a chialleniging course, and came back a lot more enlighitenled (and no doubt a little wiser) about Slalom racing Amierican-Style. MTI next week, Happy Motoring! 1IlIGUI TRIPLE George Brabin Bill Mills Randy Stewart Genie Supryka Don MeLacian FiGIi SINGLE The 4th Annual Great Lakes Challenge Gymn- khana-otherwise known as the Detroit Invitation- ai Slalom -held Sunday October I Sth at the Chrysier Plant in Detroit, attracted 1 25 competi- tors from Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Ontario and even one entry from Colorado. Our 'Team Canada' (solo events division) went stateside under the able guidance of coach Jim Halliday who competently arranged for roorn and dinner reservations; flot to mention hosting a pre-race lis roomn with the willing as- sistance of other O.M.S.C. members. It seems the Amnericans were also having a 'get-acquainted' party in one of the baliroonis at the hotel, but as they were charging for the drinks and' we weren't, needless-to-say, the party goers gravitated to the Halliday's. It appears that O.M.S.C. is trying to earn the reputation of the rnost hospitable (and occasionally sober) club. Our first look at the competition almost sent us flying back to Canada. The Amnericans present seenied to favour Corvettes with Indy rac- ing tires, sorne of which placing over a foot of rubber on the ground! Which aIl helped us to feel like we had bicycle tires on our cars, instead of the legal (Canadian rules) stock tires. Nevertheless, despite being outclassed (or wrongly classed in sorne instances), approximately 15 Canadians; 9 fromn O.M.S.C., competed with a gusto that would have made even Harry Sinden proud. In Class 'BI' Don Clement (O.M.S.C.) pow- ered his Z28 Camaro to a third place, 8/10 of a second behind the leader followed by H.M.S.C. rnmber Jack Henwood also in a Camaro. Hannu Halminen and Dale Fessenden (both O.M.S.C. meinbers) took turns driving Hannu's Datsun 240Z in 'C- l' and placed 4th and 6th res- pectively. The only Canadian entry in 'C--'!, George Gilroy, (O.M.S.C. Capri) could only mus- ter an eighthi place finish-five seconds'out of first place. Peter Wright (L.A.S.C.) -drove his Datsun 510 as skilfully as ever to place second in 'C-3' followed by Jimi Fammne (O.M.S.C. Vega GT) one point one seconds behind to take fourth, and Jeff'Christie,(O.M.S.C. Volvo 544) in a sixth. Ralph Robinson and Mîke Burgess (both O.M.S.C.) hield down the tail end of 'C racing'- way out-classed! (Should have been in 'stock' instead of 'prepared'). And in 'D-2', Johin Hayson (H.S.C.C.) drove his 1275 Mini 10 witin h lall' a second of the class winner, taking thje fouirthi spot. Now the good news! John Hayson's wife, Ginny. took first place 'D-Ladies'. Anothier H.S.- C.C. miember, Rob Thorne. driving another Mini Cooper S tied down first place in 'D3-1'. And Ruth Halliday (O.M.S.C.), drove lier Vega GT to a sec- ond in 'C-Ladies'. AIl in aIl, not a bad showing for Canada withi only 15 entries out of 125. The course was quite long and shaped somnewhat like a figure 'S' with the fastest timies ini the high 30 second bracket. Most of the Canadians were turning mid to highi 40's. Althougli the course appeared to have been laid out by the local Corvette Car Club (there were a considerable numiber comnpeting) for high powered imicinies it wvas more a test of haiidling abty. I wasprati-aly iposible-7g4of 5 PIN 'i I I