Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Oct 1972, p. 16

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-s PAGE 16, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19,1972, INHITBY FREE PRESS 'rTH OUTDOORSM ANJ' WITrH PAUL WUCHER AItthougb huîtiiig seasoilias îlot yel reaclied tIhe. i idd le of' ils ailot ted hl'fe span. fr'ustrationi is aIready cauiLsitig rigor iîortis in wlîat were i'restî and vital spirits just a t'ew weeks agï,o. Otidiy enougli tlié source of luiis aiîguisli is nt a iack of' gainîe but a iack of abitity ini tryiuig ho britig hie creatures dowiî. TIiis sorry state of' at'lairs usuaity sparks more controversy over shiot shieils tliaîî current eiectioîîs. Everyone whio does eveui a uitIle luitiîig withi a sliotguiîlhas luis favorite toad l'or thiis andti liat aimnaI, andti cuigli prool beluiid is argumntto10 nake atiotiier persoti tiîiik tuat possibty svtciuîg t'rom n îuiîîber f'our shiot 10 pnîiber five siot will getlihini more gaine. How- ever, in most instances. thiis is just tiot thie xvay to, success. Thie biggest sinîgle factor thiat we ail face iii sioîginintg is flot ioads. thiey xviii ah kili. it's surnply thiat you and i doniîtldo eîiougiîshtootiîig 10 be able to consisîently hiit a tiuck goiiig aI 50 tnph or a phieasatit getling uip aI 35 yards. Tlie ammuitnition ve Lise, whatever ie îiiake. is de- signed to do tlie job, but, our low skiit ant ihiglu excitemient at gettiîîg a shiot cati realiy ruiti our liîunting. l'ni -pretty sure tluaI by Iis tile sonie- body is saying, "okay, loud moutîh. xvhat cati xve do about tluat'?" Weii, start by reading ail tlue books you can on wing shiootiîig and proper shioîgun procedutre, tiiese *will lueip iii getliîîg your ii iîd liîiîîkiîg Iii die correct hune. Tie boys xviuo xvrite tluis nliaterial reaily are the,,experts aîîd thieir advice caîlîot tiai auiy eclual load oft'iv'es or seveîi -id lia~llVs. eaisily be V'Li f'ed OIT. Yet, i thle read ing inithie worid will IdO you no10good if you do1n11,gel out with that weapon ýanti start shooting dlay birds wlieuîever'thie opportuinity presents itseIf. i doni'! ti iîkfluit oneC round a year a t a triap riange is going 10 solve aiiy of' your probienis. Yup, Vi lfaced with the siiie probteni here that jusi crossed your mid shooting miore Iban' Ibis aI stich a place cati be expçnîýe. Aîîyway, here is a waiy 10 beat il, buy you rset f a hand trap, a case ol dlay bird s, anti a i'ew boxes of' trap toatis, the casings slîou Id be saiveti for reloaiîîg. G rab a liii it iîg pla, go out anti shoot. Shoot att year lonig, wiîîîeî' hlru tli nexl huiititig seasoti, shoot aI every tdistanîce w i tin iiange, range hei ng fi fIy ya rdis or- untier, ant ila every possible Il igli t atngle. t)oiîîg tbis wvil ie)tep o assure yoiî of' a greater success ilext seasoti. It 's a -con fidence bu ilder and an ex- citernenit cotitrotter, x'Ou viii. betieve il ortiot. inld tuaIt YOu can aZctuattIy take youîr timie i n m1ou Iting you r filrea iandtit-i in g ewer pan 11ic siiots. Don 'h Waiî t ifi next year: .stirt1nowý lucre is an aýW fi* lot Of' Ititi iîg tefI anti a few tiozen day birtîs wilt acluai iy amaze you wi1h thie iîîprovenîetît yoti fint ini your shootitîg. SHOT SHELLS i ai tar axvav froîii beitîi. an expert ail stot- guîinîiîîg, iiifact îîîuClî of hee timie I swear I cani lîcar the birds Illgtîiîîg Iliir foot pin feathers Off aI sonie of' the L"sure lhings" l'veVt- tt upil.,Neyer- has the amninuuîilion that V ve beeî i sîotiiig caused nme 10 miss a bird and tha ts pretty good, consideritig the aniounl of' profit the 1maî1Iu- facturers gel Vroiîni y eîideavouîrs. Ail kidtling aside, are we reaily u.siîg flie proper shot suze l'or the gaine that we are huîtIiiîg anti are we uinilÎ ini heavy enouIgIl q udn lies to gel a dlean k iii'? The essenîce of* hie shtgui 15 10 place as inany pellets as possible on the target. The targer the pellet sîze. there are fewer îuiniber of' pellets. andti he ewer tnnîber of* pellets iin the air.thie tess chiance lucre is of' getting a k iiliîîg uit. Actuat1 bailistic test îng lias showvîit hat iiuinber six sht lias miore slîock iîg powver îbaii au eqUiatlo01(. ill xveiglit of' shot, than nu ni er two shot lias andi Ibis issimipty because lucre are mîore peletes hitting thie large!. Nuîîî ber two sio t. becauise i t's licavier. xviii travetl urther but il witt îlot uit any liarder- lock-OuItS 1i11\ sigli the laitei'. Deta ils availatîle ai Street L.. Wlîitby. Ont. il- boys Lup IIO'. aiJîay UI t ie Tb) BA NK. i1O5 DuLIndLs t'ý Ultimate!. A Many have attempted ta emulte the quatities of the TX 500 Limited. None has succeeded. The TX 500 Limihed stands atone. A legend of snowmobie superiority. Uniquety endowed with those rare performance and design features which mark it as a ciassic sym bot of Palaris leadership. STANDARD FEATURE5: SuperStar engine/Hydraulic dise brakes/Torque- Balanced Drive Systemn/Adjustable Equaliberator Power'Slide suspension/i 5" rubber and polyester cord track/handle-bar mounted eut-off and hi-Io head- light dimmer switch/regulated electricai system/fuII-width non-flieker brake lights/two night-bright seaied beam headlights/c'hrome-plated steel skis with cushion chromned shocks/extra-Iength. sure-turn skags/padded spreader bar! extra-strength frônt and rear bumpers/aerospace fiberglass hinged hood/ speedorneter and tachomneter/COD ignition/seat strap/extra-iarge tool box/rear snow guard/side refleetors and taillight/super-thick wedge seat/polished chrome gas tank. ENGINE: 500 cc. 50 h.p. 3-cylinder. KA&MPING Unlimited Oshawa SALES - RENTALS - STORAGE 7213m9941 AJAX B.W.('.B.'. 's ptayedi aui exhuibit ion gainle aigaiiist thîe Ajax Royal ('au. Legioîî Br. 322 at thie Art Thioinpsoii Are- iua. Bay Ridges. Ajax îook the 7-1i decisioii over the B.W.C*.B.('.'s. Tliere xvere two goals ii tue l'irsl period by Ajax, M ike Upiton ah 4-26 Liii- assisied anid )ave Gra- tiani at tue i1.00 mîark also uuiassisledl. Ajax scored txvice apain ini the secoind; Gary Mur- DE FEAT WHITBY pliy a it 8.1i7 assisted by Marty Sîreeter. At thie 13.44 Briati Ramii scored assistedl by Dave Gra- lîaîn aiid Matt Sîeplueiî- soni. B.W.C'.B.('.'s Keni (Clarke fi'ialiy put onie past Ajax goalie aI i15.00. uiuassistedl. Thirti period Ajax scored ttîreenmor'e goats, Mike Kassen ii vil Gary Murphy anti Marty Streeter assistiîig ini the l'irst i10 secondts of' iplay. BriaiîRaiiiiscoredti wice f'or' Ajax at thie 4.26 JR. ~A' Tiere were nîo goals or' penalties untîlth(le 6:221iiiminîute mark of'thie 2îîti periot i weinAjax's Berîîie Johnusoni scoî'et l'roiii Jobuî Fieldinig andt Ric Kraîic. Ajax weuît ou t iii* 'î'oîî by two eoals wMîenîJotiii Field- 7-1 anid 18.22. Gleti Ross assisted on Iliese lwo goals. Ajax played an ouitstaliid îiîg gaiiie. tlîey xvere allovei' tue B.W.C.- B.('.s \v!0o didii't seeni 10 be able to gel goiîîg. B.W.C.B.('. jusl dciî't hiave it. >Their clîecking. passing andti tel'eîcelbat! a lot tolie desiî'ed. NexI gaine l'or the B.W.C.B.C. is Sat. i Stou t'tvilie agailist the Toronîto Beecli Nuls. ACTION iîîg scoreti at 1): Il At 18:06 tie Noi'thu York Rangers scorec ilicir l'irsh goal. scoreti by I)ave Dud iy lrîî(ri 'îî ler. Johin Fieldinîg scoretl lus seconîd goal ot' tue îîigih assisled by Berîîie Jolîîîsoîî and Rie Krauic aI 18:521. The Ranigers scored thicir f'inal goal aI 19:15 by Walt (Co- bhni. Nor'th York out- shiot Ajax 34 ho 26. Tiîeiî' iexî lionue gaiie xvilI be uiext Sunitay. Octobier 22, agaiiist thie Wesîonu Iotigers.' MIP RANGERS -The Ajax Jutiior "A" club downed the North York Ratigers ini the Ajax Aretia oti Sunu. Oct. us by a score of' 3-2. Jol¶un Fielliîîg led the Ajax aItaick xvi ii1 goals a liti i assist. 'j'ie oh ler AýjaX goaîl vas scoret i y I3eruie Job istoii. tue scoring was in thue seconîd witlî îuuuee goals Ail dlonc peio(d iii th1e l'inal twoi of' the iiiidd le Next Sunt. the iniI itîes t'ra iîîie. KNOB HILL FARMS JR. "4A")' clLub wiii play lhosî b the WESTON Ieaîuu. letters to the- editor, box 2-06 wý---h,-Jt-by' H1eavier siiol sizes wiii give youi hetter penetriffoti on hieavily tèathierect birds and silice these, geese miaily, aire bigger th&éy present a bit of'anl casier target, il' witlin ran,,ige, atidif* giventhie proper lead. Large shot in Supcýr heavy quanlitities, one and l'ive eighîhls ounces, stilii wi Il not lt you lut or kilt a bird il* it's ait sevenity ive yards. A hiier muLSt lie, abie to delerm miie cdistances:, it's foolislh 10 shoot at ,tiyting niuch over lorty-t'ive yairds, eveni withi a 1,ui!1 choke guni. MosI manulLfaicturters have thie recommnended shiot size printed on thie shieil box and it's-a good guide 10 'ollow. 'l'ie choice of' size. witini their sLiggestCdlo .ads, S is upto you. as they Lusuaýily give threce or four .flor every type of* gamiie. My own choices aenme two l'or geese, num 1nber f'our and Six for dUcks, over decoys anld J1.1111)shootillg. 1 uise whateVer cores ou t Of' hie a111n10 bag fir-si. Ait the wiaterftowl Ioads are onîe and a hi'one iii we igh t. l>hlea.San ts usuailly get seveni and a lbai Vs ini one ounce doses uiess ý'Reiger" decides t1tat today 1nothlîg Will go ui ess (ban tw"enty yards out, tiien I switli o sixes. one and a quLarter munce loads. Grouise and woodcock are m iissed wil ith n es or seven ai a baiVsthie end resuit is the saine. Registrat ion Down IThe Brook lini-Whitby NI unor iHockeyv Execuïtive report 1hat1 îgistrationi to date is oiy it (lie 500 inark wIi ile last year it was over 1000 People seem 10o be holding haek Ibis year biecause of the arena situa- lioný buitthie Brook lin Arenia XILL BI: READY l'or tlic i inor house legu 1 start the fir-si week of* Novernber. Ail inior hockey biouse league gaines xviii be plaved inithie Brook lini Arena tbis season. s0 iV*your sonIS îlot signed up. )ýyou Onty lbaLve two weeks in wilictî ho do so. The Brooktini-Whiittb M inor Hockey Association xvili ieIotdinga:L'i nat registra- tioni day ait the Wtîitby MunIicipl)Z Buiilding ou011Sat. Oct. 281/ 7 2 'romn 10: 00 a.rni. uL i t1 2: 00 1).ni. lii order 10 hietp every boy play hockey tbis vear. the B.W.M.1 .A. e.Necutive lhas decided tli f:.aii.iilies xvitl b fînantciat,1proM eis dtto10strikes ori Aw

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