Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Oct 1972, p. 15

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WHITBYFE R'ESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19,1972, P AGE'15 Whitby Minor Ba sebal Awards Banquet Whitby's Heyden- shiore Pa'v ilion w as packed on Sundaý.y, Oct. 1 5, i 72 ais the M inor Basebaîl Association of- fi-cîial'y brough t the 1 97 2 season to a close with i ts ,iiiiLial '"Awards Day" to wind up a highlly successtul season whiichi began back on MVay 27 th. wvhicli the Munlicipality liad proclainîed '"Minor Basebail Day ini thle Town of' Whitby". The -A\vards Day" lus been hield eachi year to bring the season to al close and to hionour thiose Whio have won chian- pionsliips and also 10 recognize the many peo- ple, clubs, organizations, and business concerns of' thie conînunlity Whio hielp) to niake the W.M.- B.A. prograiiie Ipossible. This vear over 500 boys ranigingii age froni 7 to -'0 were pflaying organ ized basebaîl ini Whitby. The Associa tion hiad 33 clubs. 28 of thiese in Tee-bail. Tike. Pee-XVee, andi bantami House Leagues aind f'ive clubs representing Whit- by iin tle Eastern On- tario Basebaîl Associa- tion at Tyke, Pee-We. Bantamn, Midget a nd Junior levels. Three of' thiese clubs won Eastern Ontario Basebaîl Associ- ation tit les. a feat whlichi is worthy of* praise sitîce the W.M.B.A. is only iin its fourthl year ol opera- tion. The af'ternooiî's acti- vities got Lnder\vay Mien t lie W. M.B. A. Presitient Mike M c- Arthuir in welconuing the large gatlhcring of play- ers and pa;,rents. coml- mented 0on the SuICCesý* of' the seaison. and ex- pressed the thanks of' the organization to thîe niany people wvho nmade the prograni possiblie. Po- lice ('bief Wmi. 1ilking- ton whio lis played the traditional role eachi year iin tlirowing out thîe MUDGETSAo v n à y i wo Young hitby hasebali player%. Wiiy Spencer. ut nd Rwky Stacey* glance throuph San liranceen (iants Yearbook u t Wintlw Ninor Baschail Assue. '%.irds L)uv" lchiun Sun. ut licydLfl\hore Pavdîin. B3ook was jupu ne of imany Yearbooks nul aultograpiLd ba\e balis donated by Niajor Leugue clubs) and presen ted as prizes ut %vind-up to local basebali ,,easoii. "'First Bal" iin the offi- ciaI openiiig cereilonies was o'n lîaîîd anid cap- tuired the attenîtionî of' blis yoLin1g auiicice with a t*e\v wcll cboseîî words aboui t sportsmnî isb Ip)anîd sa fct Y. The firs t group IOf' players ho be 1h1oouredi wcre those of' the Tee- BaIl group. a îîew diivi- sion in the W.M.B.A. started thiîs seasoti. wlîicb createtl a g.reat deal ofl'inîterest. Six clu bs. Uncle G eo rge's Boys. Pete the Plumb- er. Palmerstonî. MeNamia- rit MVarinîe. Guis Brownî and D)uponît made up thie loop with Uncle George's Boys. thec \in- tiers of thie chamipion- slnp. Everv one of the boys receivcd a .- B.A. crest \vhile iliose' 011 the Wiîîuiiig lub [hre- ceived t ropb ies anid clianiiliotîsip )crests. 'len lubILIs Iade Lup the W. M.B. A. Tvke 10IfousegLlee ill the 72 seasoil: oue of* the tîlost suIcceSsui*l ever. with plenlty of' excellenlt base- ha Il tl*I(I oout the regiu- lar scliedu le a nd au ex- cellent series of' play- ol'fs. Flooker ('hiev-Oldis. Rotary, Broxvn's lood- PLAY anti Tom Casey also hiad onîe goal eacbi. Jiiii De- mille scoreul the fourth goal uinassisted in thîe lash tii -ce i nîu te("s Ofi the gain1e to tÎi hLii-). l11c also assistcd 0o1 one goal. P>at McG;ibboiî andI Paul Ravary played ini the net for thie B.W.M.M. niaster, Rae R. Joncs & Son. Jortiison - Carty Gulif',Pal-O-P'ak, K-Mart, Dairy Quceni nd Gar- rard Roaid F'ire Fighiters aind ('onsuiners Cas nia:de up the leaIgue vith CoiîsLilîcrs Cas the even- tLial cliiiioiis. Thle cIlIb %vas preseiitcd with thie Ciîazdiari Jolins-Man- ville trophy, the players iîd ciaiîpishlip crests. while thîe players of' the other clubs eachi received a W. M. B.A. crest. The K of* C Tykes. the Wilitby entry. ii thie Eaýsterii Ontario Tyke A series capped a SLicct*Ss- lIÎ seasonin iiwhich I~' led their lea,.gue in tie reguIiar schiedule. by xin- nîing thîe E.O.B.A. Tyke ('iaiiîpliotîsip fotr the third successive yeiir. lle club wats prcsented xitli trophies enîbleiiî- tic of' their "Penîiant Win"iii the regu lar scite- dule aîîti their tit le win, wvlîile thle players anîd coachies rcceived t ro- phiies aind cluîanîpionshipi crests. Ha rd work1 ig coiiveuor of* the T'ee- BIl aiid Tykec groups mias Wiiistoii MLschiett. Untler the gi iace of' TO A TIE Bill Watters, the W.M.- B.A. Pee-Wee division hiad an outstanding year wîtlî soîne top notchl bascbtlll througlîou t the scasonl and thrilliîîg flay- downs whichl saw B&R Transp)ort ernerge as champlllionls of' Illenine teani group and WIn 1the Royal ('anaciian Legion, Bran chi 1I1 2 lropliy whiclî was presentcd to theilon11Sun1. along witih tropliies and crests to eýaCh of' the players. Other clubs in tIle loop were Kiwanis, Brooklin Legion, Branchi 152, Lions, Mercanitile Dept. Store, Sýýaway Mo- tors, Redi WingOrlichards, Dodd and Souter, anti Dale Plastering. The Legionaires. Ithe local enitry in the E.O.- B.A. Pee-Wee series hiad an oLItstaniing season. leaidiingtheir league ýf'roni openinig day and ending up evenîtual winners fol- lowing exciting playo'ff rouInds. The cluîb was presented with trophies enibicînatie of their le.ague leadership dLîring the reguIlar schedule and their E.O.B.A. Pee-Wee ('hianîplionshiip. The club was also presented with the Greater Niagara Basebaîl Association An- nuLal Pee-Wee Tourna- nient Trophy as a resuit of' winniing the tourna- mlent clianpionship against sonie of' the best Pee-Wee clubs ini On- tario. 197-1 was a banner year in the Bantami HouIse League of' the W.M.B.A. whichi saw spirited action betweeni thiree Wlîitby clubs, Cn ada Yearbook, Custoîîî Flouse, and MaclMi i Ian Orclicards anid a club fronî Bownîanville, w ithi Custoni 11Luse tlie title winniers, capt utring tie UnitedI Rubber Workers TrFiopliy. Thie 'utstoin F-louse also vere victors in tlie area's first Ban- tains flouse League TIourI- nanllenlt eld ini Sept. Withi Clubs froîîî Osiiawa, Ajax.,I3owmanville anti Wlitby competinig. Alec Fillier aid Ron Twining were thie convenors of thie Laitaîîî group wlhicli also included thieLasco L.0. B. A. 14Cý'7anadiaiî Tire Midg&,ý's hlacian ÇuLl-. tlîey came out league leaders during tlie regu- lar league play and they bested Port Hope in a thirilliîg playoff serteS to capture tlie E.O.B.A. Midget A Crownl and beconie the third Whiit- by club i 72 to take chaniiiîisliip lhonours. Thie club also made hiigli- ly impressive shiowings ini tourneys in Colling- wood and hiere in Whiit- by where tlîey. went ini eachi case righit to the fiinal round before eli- mnination by soi-e of Ontario's best. Whitby's fiftli eîîtry ini the E.O.- B.A. was tlue Attersley Tire Junior club whiichi tfîred quite wcll inii is first year ofoperatioti. Anothier cxc iting part oftlie afteriioon was the By Doug Weaies holding of' nulnerouIs drLtws f'or basebails au to.- graplîedl by players of' several 111a jor leaIgue-. clubs, Îau t0graplîed ' pic- turcs and yearbooks do- nated to the Whitby Mi- nor Basebaîl Association by major league clubs. Whitby is rather un11- iquc in Iliat it izis a group of' interested and dedicated nmen who aet as officiais without re- muneration, a situation f'ound in few other coin- Inities. This group of* Men who give of their timie voiuntarily under the direction of Umipire in Chief Dr. John Wall are to be commended f'or their interest in the comimunity's youth. Ovr100 men are in- volved:in the W.M.B.A. programme, acting, as uimpires, coaches,ad assistants and as execui- tive members of the, as- sociation, doing 'count- less chores necessary, to the successful operation of the programme. p eail aI low ing ini two goals. 'llic ncxt gaine l'or the 8.W.M.NI. is Wetl. Oct. I18 against Bay Ridges. Satuirtay, Oct. 21i tlhey play thieir first leagLie gaine ini Stouiff*- ville ,agaitnst Port H ope. Macls Down Bowmanvi lie On Sun. at Bownian- ville Aretia, the Big Mac's minor bantamns ianded the home tealn a 7 i 1tlefeat. Dave XVîl- lianson recortîcl filus f'irsh biat trick to lcad the wvay. M arty (Gnlls sC 0 1_?( oails. J oh i f*iisbed oLut the scoring. Dl)eanScynIoLi rSet up lwo)i icc goalIs. .i111 Pros- ser, Johin Jordon, Allan Maici)oîîaid and marly Gallas ail adtied mnc as- SiSt ho tue ir lot(ais. ]-lie Big Macs were slow iM starhîngîand înisud rînany opeil nets and biti plélty of' goal1 post s elîe lorc breaking OLIt loi1- goals, iii thîe lat ter hall t)I thle gaine. Roberti Philiips f)Iayed a sbLait oui for the fi rs t balif of thei gaiie andI iBill Niorrison was beateii for the oiy Bowînanviîle taily. Big

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