Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Oct 1972, p. 12

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PAGE 12, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS ae Citizens in full Swing mo Thiat's just whiat hiap- pens on Thursday even- igs tat 7:30 p.mi. whien tlie square dancers get uinderwa-,y to thie euh of "lswinig your partiuer"! Last Thursday's gather- inig providcd as inany laughis as dancinig- tlose who came to watch hlad as good a timie as thiose being taughit. Mr. Lloyd Roerabeck, an Oshiawa square dance caller. taughit sorte basic steps and refreshmnents were enjoyed. Everyone is welcomie to corne to the Regal Roorn of the Cen- tennial Bldg. at 7:30 on Thursdays and enjoy the fuin - there is no charge. The. Tuesday after- -- noon Golden Age Bowl- Model ers League started with a smiall tLrnoLIt because many Senior Citizens were out of town ftor the day. This week saw a great nUm lber of added mieiners and it is hioped the League will continue to grow. Members nay join' during the next nionth by simply coin- ing to CouInty Bowl, I118 Byron St. N., on Tues- day afternoons at 1:30. The special price is th'ree games for $ 1.00. Mr. Brown, Of CoLnty Bowl, will be on hand to help beginners and give in- struction. No special equipmnent is necessary as bowlîing shoes wili be loaned for the afternoon. There are still a few airpiane openings in the Monday af*ternioon Pottery Class- es taughit by Mrs. Ida Nixon ut the ('rail Work- shop, 115 Brock St. S. Althouglh the classes have started, Sen ior Citi- zens may ýstill join for'a seven week period at a cost of* $5.25. To regi- ster, or for further in- formation, piease call Mrs. Crawford ut-668- 5803, ext. 64 any Mon- day, Wednesday or Fni- day morning between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. AIl of the above pro- grammes are sponsored by the Whitby Recrea- tion Dept. club bei ng organized A model airpiane club is being organized by the Whitby YMCA Linder the leadershiip of Mr. Helmiut Conrad. M r. Conrad lias been a mcmn- ber of the Model Aero- nautics (Club for several years and lias buit al- most every type of mod- el plane you can t1iink 0 f. Ref inîsldngj Course The Whiitby YMCA will be offering a ten week Wood Refinishing course. The course is schieduled to start Oc- tober 23rd, and wiIl be hield at the Centennial building. One course wiII be fromn 1:30-3-.30, the othier an evening class from 7:00-9:00. Merm- bers of the course are asked to work on smnall portable projects. Maga- zine holders, coffee ta- bles, snîall chairs, pictLîre framies are types of port- able projects that would be- ideal to work with. For further information, contact thie Wi tby Fam- ily YMCA, 668-6868. Limited registration, I1O per class. His objectives in the formation of the club are to estzibhish a theor- etical as well as practical concept of the construc- tion of model planes. The club will deal main- ly with gliders. smnall engined a nd line or "you" controlled planes. Thie course wil coim- mence Monday October l6th from î6:30--8:00 pr.with a pre regist ra- tioni preferred. Mcii, WO- meni. cliildren, students. arnyone lromn the age of' I10 and uip are welconie to joili. So tor further infor- inatioîî jLst contact t he Wliitby YMCA office at 668-6ý88 IPLUMBING DISCOUNT FIXTURES & SUPPLIES I 701 Brotk st. N. Whitby 20%DISCOUNT DIRECT TO YOU 668u6601 IL<ady Fo r .-I N4ir u' u TRENDSETTERS IN THE MIDTOWN MALL Budget I)epartrnen-ý Shiarnpoo & Set ................S2.50 Haircut...........................7 Perms .............................i.9 5Sa ndU P Colour............................i1 0.00 and U P .te k ....................10.00 and UP MADE TO MEASURE SUITS FOR TrHE MAN ON MIND OTTENBRITE'S MENJ'S WEAR 668-3261 103 DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY WHITBY 668-3618 BRO(K ~oct. 19, 20,21 The Carey T'reutment' Janit- Cubîîrn --,Jeninifer O'Neil ADULT ENTERTAIMMENT Added Attraction SITTING TARGET Oliver Reed - Jili St. John ADULT ENTERTAINMENT *CblIdr.n's Mati... Sot. 1:30* Pm Turion and the GREAT RIVER ALL SEATS 50d CO.uIngOct. 22, 23, 24, 25. The Possession 2ND The of FATURE DEEP END JoeI Delaney Both Features Restricted to persons* 18 vears of age or over MON-TUE-WED-THURbý> 'N '1HE GALLERY 723-7072 Senior Al Ward. Nesu I eîuocrati i lartyv (anudidatle lor (Ouzi nuR idlu eh alis s'.iii Ired ( andî ek a n~ uîdsou ( len C(odi ek. I is e gcncra rtow, ( ,sîî N i ie 1832 have I ived ou iIii k la rur tuin Pikering u tI os lshî. (;arý . 18 uIS would lîke luouontnue faruîîng, ilis land. \Mr. \\ anid -111%u'Asho i unICe manuîîe of lhe uîany m- soI;iI ii;ieedies lI11;11ithe I'.îe oloofhis Airpuni *and Ced ans od riaea mre e\pehencîue. 1 helieseiIî.it e uî;î'îilv olfîl/esoliject lu .~îveîline itIîplei ic ha1 duo n o gise p nri i opel. -A Ne 's I emî 'ralI 'arip ( ;verîinen i in (>CimasaUr a lieu, l)euîueratic Plarly ppusi honu s.oul'l ot se lia:îîprorîiv lu peuple.- Hours: 9 a.m. to 9rp.m. Mon-Fri Set. 9 a.mr. to 5 p.m. HAMER AUT CLINIC Càl-1-A R AN C E SAL E B3rand New, 72 SNOW PRINCE KL='59.5.00 Manual- GT='I695.00 Electric Hwy. 12 9 Thickson Rd*, -656m4482 "EVERYTHING FOR THE WELL'DRESSED MAN" f.rmn.rly ZOLTAN RONCKS Now Loct.d ut 1300 Dundas East, Whitby, Ont. 668-6828 Own your home before Winter Buvi ngthut home righit nlow \vill L'ive vou tîlue to 1Muke it SfILIýI uild coîu1fort- able bef'ore~ Winiter slows the worik. Auîd Victoria anîd G3rcy. withi eigh ity yezirs experieîifce III ctistofil building mrt Cge or people like yolu, will do0 al possi bic to hlep you have thaitdcreiim home quLicl1y. Cornie direct7todlay to Victoria zand Grey' 12GREýY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 308 DUNDAS ST. W WHITBY .668-9324

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