Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Oct 1972, p. 10

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lW@rkshps in session Andrew Till dscusses special drawîng of a room with a student at the station, PHo7I'()- muRRAY wmIIITE The Whitby Arts Centre began its first of eight weekly workshops in ois and acrylies. *Thursday afternoon, Oct. 12, 1972. Mr. Andrew Tiil of Tor- onto 's Mazelow Galleries is teaching three classes each week. Aduits are welconie eithier fromIn p.mi. to 3:30 p.m. or from 7:30 p.mn. ta 10 p.mn. The more yoLthfuil artists can receive instruction and guidance fromn Mr. Till frorn 4 p.m. tili 6 p.nu. Andrew Till lias been painting from the age of ten and over a twenty year period has tried to "&piasticize what 1 distili in rny mind fromn nature". Students are encouraged ta view everyday things of nature and interpret them througlh the art nedium. ut station* PIIO'l'OGRAPIIY Mr. Tiil's goal is to create anl "attitude of liberation frornrepresentationai painiting". Most of the students are housewives whio lïnd. because of' husbands. housework andi childreni that there is littie opportuniity for expression witlin hie hiome and aire grateful tor the class timie ho learni and express. Thle first session began with a slide presentationi of what Andrewv secs iii the niaîiral existence sur- rouinding imii so that the students "'know whiere lie is ah"". Althoughi lie begani work in oiîs anid has re- cently donc a few new pieces. lis imaini interest for imiiself andtihte stLldents is ini acrylics. Once lie knows the studenlts. initerests. -Poten tials anti evalu- ations lie will emiphasize acrylics because of thue freedom of expression availa bic. HEWSON KUNSMWEN1 Clubs attended the Kins- mien District No. 8 Fal Countcil Meeting hi'eld in Sault St. Marie Sat- Lrday, October 14, 1972. Delegates fronu 54 Kins- men Clubs attended the meeting at which Dis- trict No. 8 Governor ('lare Hewson of» Whit- by and luis executive outiined tlueir pr'ogranu f'or thie enisuing year. National President P. Blanchard explained thie overaî,il policies and nat- H aunt ed Menubers of' the news muedija. all federai cati- tildates. Whlitby civic of- ficials. United Appeal of'- f'icials andti teir f'anuilies a re invitetl to "The I-lau nted House" ton ighit at 7 p.nm. ('reated by Conmmun- ity Conscience. tie Hauîited Hanse provides a breathitaking experi- ence "l'or tliose brave enouglu to make thue comuplete tour tlirouIgi the two-storey farm lioLIse anid into the base- nient for tie Litiniate surprise-. Highly suiccessfuil last year at a di ffe'ren t site. thie proJect lias beeni bet- ter p repa rtetl w i tlhi ii- tional tlirills this year. ht is perfectly safe fIor chiildren vith activities alteredtiior atinîts after 9: 00)P.nIi. The lbau nted house- PROGRAN% ionai program aWopted for the AIi-Canadian orý- ganization at itgi recent National con , ention hield ini CalgaWy. Alb- erta. Ten delegaâtes ah- tended this Fali Coun- cil Meeting froni the Kinsnien Club of' Wlit- by. Tlue meeting also enabled Kinsinen ',froni District No. 8& ,:ta ex- chiange service ideas antd luca,,r low other clubs raise ttinds for service work. House will be open ta the puîb- lic from uFritlay, Octo- ber 27 ho Halloween night. ILIestay. October 3 I from ni7 1). i. ta 9 p.nl. for families. and fromn 9 ho I1:00 a.nu. for atinîts. Admission will bc S I1.00 per couple or f*aily with proceeds coing to thue Unuited Ap- pei. ('aI I('o nu nu u n ity (Con- science at 668-5040 l'or Il 1I iI I i FREE Anti-mRabies CIinics DATE Oct. l PLACE SCUGOG TWP.---town Hall PORT PERRY-F ire Hall Oct. 13 GREENBANK-Formerly Bert Thompson Bldg. COLUMBUS-Townshîp Garage Oct. 16 CLARE!ONT-Community Hall Oct. Oct. AJAX--OId Fire Hall, Hunt St. PICKERING-Rink House SANDFORD-Township Garage UXBRIDGE-Uxbridge Arena Oct. 23 PICKERING Fire Hall', #5 Bailey St. E'ASTWOODLANDS-Fire Hall Oct. 24 BROOKLIN-Commrunity.Hall GOODWOU-Township Garage Oct. 26 WHITrBY-Heydenshore Pavilion TIME 10Oa.mr. - 12nomon 2 p.mn. - 5p.m. 10 1,- 2nmon 2 pm. - 4:30 p.m. 10Oa.m. - 12mon 2 p.mn. - 7p.mn. 2 p.m. - 7p.m. 10Oc.,. - 12nomon 2 p.m. - 7p.m. 1Oa. m. -l2 Noon 2 p.m. -6 p.m. 10oa.m. - 12nmon 2 p.mn. - 4:30 p.m. 10Oa.m. -5 P.m. Alil dogs and cats presented at above clinics wiIl be vaccinated free of charge by the Canada Department of Agriculture. I10,-1973 DATS'UN NOW ON DIS PLAY ZOLTAN Nd IC, CALL 728-0051 M -,,Onaicj*s C,> family 'restaurants W9 ITBY OSHA WA Hwy 2 ut Simcoe N. Thickson at Taunton PAGE 10, THURSDAV, OCTOBER 19, 1972, WHITBY FIREE PRESS 1 ;-ý#, 11 il ý

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