Select Conauittee On Snowwnoblling Prior to the acjourni- mient of the Legislature for the summiier, a select comniiiittec was appoint- cd by legisiative asscmi- Nly, to study the effec- tivenless of present legis- lation rcgarding snlow- mobiles. A 1973 Moto-Ski "S" snowmiobile, powered by a 400 ce BSE engine and driven by Bill Fuller- ton of Pickering, Ont.. placed first in the stock 400 class snowmiobile races hield in Wasaga Beach, Ont. Manufactured by Moto-Ski Limited, of La Pocatiere, Que., the Mo- to-Ski "S" machine ha;d been onl1Y slighitly changed l'or- the grass races and featured a coinhination of slider and bogey whcel sus- pension. This combina- tion suspension is best suited for grass racing. More than 3.000 spec- tators were on hand to \vitniess the races and to sec Moto-Ski niake a re- appearance on the cir- cuit after about a vear of absence. Loti SoLICY.vice-presi- dent marketing. Moto- Ski Limited, stated. fol- The commnittec will exaine safety factors, problemns concernlig trespassing and environ- miental problenîs suclh as noise. Chairman otf the coin- miittee is Alex Carruthiers (P.C., Durhiam). The lowing the race, that "Moto-Ski is making a modest coineback into the racing field as part of a gencral marketing plan f'or overali produet im provenient wh ichi lias iluLdcd field tests for the consumner models. We are determiined to do as much testing as pos- sible before we get to the market 1place. "Moto-Skîi may enter several other races dur- ing the coLurse of' the sumnmer. Resuilts may suggest ftiirther partici- other ten people ap- pointed to thie commit- tee arc: Frank Drea (P.C., Scarborougli Cen- tre), Hugh Edighoffer (L., Perth), Bud Germa (N.D.P., Sudbury), Bernt Gilbertson (P.C., Algo- ma), George Nixon (P.- C., Dovercourt), Richard Ruston (L., Essex-Ken t), John Stokes (N.D.P., Thunder B-ay), James Taylor (P.C., Prince Ed- ward-Lennox), Thomnas Wardlc (P.C., Beaches- Woodbine), and Paul1 Yakabuski (P.C.,, Reri- frew South). A 44-page brief plus appendixes lias been compiled by board di- rectors of the Ontario Snowmnobile Distribu- tors Association and was submitted to the select committee l'or evalua- tion and ILrtîler con- sideration. patioli and testinig ini the witnter season" said Soucy. '12 Polaris wins oven "la"$ lii spite of' a strong chai- lengel'rom11 ConIllpe t itors witli 1973 moilels the land speed record went to a 1972 Polaris TX Starfire iii the "A" nioîodiied class. This year's TX is ai- miost an exact replica ol' that mlachinle. Blair McCann took his 195S and 400 Polaris TX stock machines and placed first ini the 295- 440 a nd 650 stock classes. It was a pa,,rticuilarly good showing f'or the 400 TX as there was no 400 class. nothîng runs like a Deere -JM 2 0; The styfÎng wîii send you. The'spîrît wîII move you. New John Deere JDX Snowmobfes,. Superb styling . . . superior performance. . the uncommon machine a . ultra-low profile.. . *unique trîrn treatment . . . bold new John Deere "Blitz-Black" colour. . .built by a company with a solid rep- utation and experience in developing machines renowned for their rugged durability. Ask about John D eere Finaricin g Parts - Service - Snowmobile Clothinig UTICA FARM EOUJPMENT Utica - Lef t a t Manchiester, Couiity Road 1 A & FIwy. 1 2 c- CANADIAN TIRE WHITBY Snowmobile H.adq uarters for clothing helmets gogg les oiEs boUts parts 3.11 B rock St. Ne a& tools 6 68a5 82 8 Pickering Native Takes Top Honours *1 ~1~~