Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 Oct 1972, p. 6

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1PA(;lý 6, 1'fIURSDAY, OCTOIWRS5, 1972, WHITBY FRET PRESS THEY CONVUNCED US!........ IHa Irb STL ioo#ov~ Even hearing poses a dîffîculty for office help at town hall with workers from various departments sharing available space variating temporary seating day by day. Having toured the mnu- ilicipal building objec- tiveîy, anyone wbo cou Id say there is no space problernfor the thbirty- six unionized workers there, wouîld have to be a hypocrite. Secretaries and office clerks in the clerk's de- partmient sit ini frustrat- ingly close proximity witlî telephones and typewriters only inches apart. Onie secretary sits only a few feet awaly from the builcling's busy switchboarcl and the sit- uiation is somnetimes in- tolerable for both secre- nary and switchiboard operator. The typist un- lerstandably finds diffi- LuIty ini concen trating; the switchboard opera- tor miust niake do witlî the consistant elatter of .i nearby typewriter. Feniale help in the mod est space used by the tax processing de- partmient hiave been sent hlomle iii aa ,lrCsLt fr0111 a cuibile Ihousiiîg a reguI- Iarly used zerox machine. Priceless bUilding re- cords caîled uponl from timie to time by town taxpayers are slhelved in miakeshift fashion in a tiny corner off' the clerk's office. There is no rooni for storage vaults for their sat'e- keeping, and as M rs. Swain, a town hiall office worker pointed out, "are dangerously vuinerable in the event of fire. Ã"ne secretary miust work at a table wbich is covered wîi files. Thiere is no roo i in lber parti- cular corner l'or a desk and nio room ceithier for current files. A worker froni the Planning of'fice worked over a mal) olsoîîîe sort against the wall ili a hiall- wav hctween the recrea- tion dejîrî nîen t and thle clerk 's office. Thiere îs nio roomi l'or lier in thie ovcrcrovded pIamîiîtig off ice. An engineering tech- nician is constantly be- bind in his paperwork as there is no desk table, nook or cranny f'or hirn - period. "And it's getting worse,"1 said Joyce La Prairie wbo lias worked at tbe municipal build- ing since May, 1972. "We're gctting a greater volume of work anid no place to put files."" Slie hiad no hiesitation ini aniswerinig, "I sure am," 1bwhienreporter Jimi Quil asked if' sbe was l'or a new tow n hall. Managenetit, how- ever, bchind desks iii their ownl private offices appear more comi- l'o n ale. (CUITlias reccntly appea red beflo re cou neil asking to haiVe Ille Situi- aIt ion ofthe inlside uion \vorkers aîîcviated a s so00l as possible. Perbaps it's time for council to take an action more positive than sirn- ply stating its intentions to selI the town hall to the lib- rary board silice town staff is suffering due to. political shahls. One clear answer at this point in time would appear to be the Study Group's tower proposai. Tbe Study Group would agree wholeheart-' cdly alonig witbl the thousanid somnie ocl d kniowni Whitby taxpay- ers who l'ollow their liine of thinking. Inside work- ers ah town hall have shown pret'erenice ilîi- tlier l'or a towni hall at the Rossland Road site ifor t'or more spac ecx- panded 011 the present facilities. Tlcrcf'ore there should be 110 nmore stalîs iii alîeviatinig their îîniderstand(ably t'rustrat- ing workiing coinditionis. Particularly crucial îs the situation in the tax processing dep artment where on occasion female workers have taken ill as a resuit of fumes from a zerox machine. 3 SPECIALS from WHITBY DODGE 1970 BARRACUDA V8 Automatic, Radio, Power Steering, Power Brakes, Consol, Bucket Seats, White Wall wheeî covers, Amber Green, Lic. 30021. $2888 1970 DODGE POLARA V8 Power Steering, Power Brakes, WaIIs. Very Clean, Colour-Tan. Automatic, Radio, 4 Dr. Sedan, White Lic. 749306. $18881 1968 CHRYSLER V8 Automatic, Radio, Power Steering, Power Brakes, 4 Dr. Hard Top, White Wall ~wheel covers, Blue, with black vinyl roof. Lic. 14358A$18 ITHE FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET "We buy and seu. arythlng" j 23 PIC ST 725-9783 OSHAWI 1"O0W N 0FIl'WI l lBY P>ROCLAMIAT'ION WORLt) LIONS SERVICE WEEK TAKE NOTICE that by a resolution of the ('ounicil of' the Town o'Witby. the week ofOctober 8ti, 1972 lias been proclaimied as "World Lions Ser- vice Wcek" in and for the Town of*Whitby. Dated at Whitby, this 4th day of October, 11972. IXsmiondi G. Newman, M AYO0R TOWN OF WHITBY P> R O C L A M A T I O N FlltE PREVENiTION WEEK TAKE NOTICE that by Resolution of the Countcil,- the period of October 8th to October l4tb, 1972 lias been proclairred as FIRE PREVENTION WLEK in aid lfor tibe Town of Whitby. Dated tbis 4thi day of October, 1972. 1). G. Newman, MAYOR, TOWN 0F WIIITBY -wý#ý ~ JIN Desks are in some instances barely inches apart. as are telephones and typewvriters. AUCTION SALE Fine Furniture Rug Stock liROM I XN FRfI PT STOCK Ail N;iuîie 1rimad Up Io Dale Goods at 2:2 CIRCST. SOUrTH (rear) PICKERING' ONT. SUNI)AY OCTO«EII Bh I.0Opm QUANTITY 0F LIVING ROOM SUITES IN MANY STYLES AND COVERINGS -- VINYL SOFAS IN MANY COLORS - BED Cl-HESTE RFIELD SUITES - DîNETTE & KITCHEN SUITES - LAMPS - MI RRORS- CONTINENTAL BEDS - QUANTITY 0F FINE RUGS - BRC XýDLOOM REMNANTS -1 SOME PART ROLLS - GENUINE INDIAN AU- BUSSON RUGS - FIGURINE\IS, ETC. ETC. ON VIEW ALL lDA Y SATURD)AY T[ERNIS - CASUI - CHIEQUES ACCEPTED FU'RNITURE" WARE NOUS E 22 Church St.South, Pi ckerin g

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