Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 Oct 1972, p. 5

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WFIITBY FREE PRESS, TIIURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1972. PAGE 5 BIRD 'S EVE WIEW -J/M OUA IL NOSTALGIA If you've been hiere long enouigh you wouild hiave seen the changes even though mnost of themn weren't overniglit. Whien I came to Whitby one of the first things 1 noticed and iked about the town was ail the trees that forined an umbrella over Brock Street SOuI th. 1Ilhad been living ini Oshawa and ail the kids razzed nie about nîoving to the 'crazy town'. For years Whiitby hiad thiat reputation because of the Ontario Psychiiatrie Hospital but it sems a lot of people frorn both Oshawa and Toronto are miov- ing hiere no inatter whiat the reputation is or isn't. It seemis funny to drive along Hienry Street because 1 cati remiem ber whien thiere was no Henry Street'or a Henry Street Highi Schiool. T[le change iii that area was quite abrupt because 1 went to King Street Public School for îîîy grade eight but by the timie 1 was ready for high sehool thec Henry Street sehool was built and so was part offHenry Stree t. Ini those days Gus Brown Motors was known as Donalid's Motors andti tat's where 1 bonighit y first car- an Austin. Wlhen 1 needed parts 1I had to go to the wrecker's and if thiey didn't have the righit parts 1 went to Bell's Garage wlîich is niow A & T Motors across fromi the post office. 0f course iii those days the post office was thiat beautiful sandstone buiilding at the four cor- niers wich was torii down in the ninme of 4pirogress'. Fortuinately, for the citizelis. Whitby lias i- ways been a place where yoni didni't hiave to worry about getting robbied or miugged and the police ai- ways preferred to give voni a *waring' instead of a ticket. IF alwavs got a lot 0f wairings but 1 cani re- mnember getting a lot of tickets too! 1 deserved themi. In the early fifties the old arenia was jnist a pile of' rot tinig boards anti theni the good niews! .. .a new arena! That's the onc they are now tearinig clown. More progress. 1 can remiember sonie pretty sinfu'tl cances Lpstairs ini the Wbiitby Arena wbiere the 11Ii mnsc IvS Lndbuit not deafeniii. .Iii those dLays you sneaked a m ickev ini witlh von. now yoLi sneak in with pilîs or grass. The old town hall wh ich utsed to be across the street from iotir present office hiad creaky tloors and snel led mnusty ut thie police d epart- ment organized a i nior Police ('mb )anid a lot of* k ids hiad somle grea t timies tipstairs îin that old bil dinig. The old bLckle factory lias beeni replaced by a vacant lot and 1 cati remiember many t imes walking by and listeing to the miachinery of' the leather belts bcing made and watching the old cominlg onit the dloor ater a liard day's work. As for the hiospital being a crazy place there are a lot of local residents whio remiember spend- ing sonie romnantic tiniies parked on the edge of' the iîlI in front of the hospital ut iîgh t watching the moon relect off the water. Tliose wcre the clays whien yoLu could actually swin i the water withou t getting frost bite or polio f*rom tbe poIlutionl. 1leydlenshiore was still loaded with cottages and miost of theni were Ilinge. The beach was a hive of' activity anti we couild speiîd 1hoLrs there wîthonit gettinig bored or CANDIDATE ON THE HOTSEAT continued frorn page 4. to us ail is the mainten- ance of a sense of'comi- inîunity ini Whitby-a sense of comnnînity which lends rneaning to our everyday lives. AI- thougli integration fre- quently miakes good practical sense, there is no reason why ail inte- gration slîould take place in Oshawa. If Wlîitby is, to retain its own coin- intunity identity it inust have new and essentiai facilities of its own. Seconîd, I hope nîany of you will be fainiliar witlî ry efforts to pro- tect jobs at Dunlop. This pro bleni arose from the millions of taxpayers' dollars hianded the Micheclin Tire Company of France to construtic new tire-producig faci- lities ini Nova Scotia. This at a timie when the Canadian tire indus- try, including Dunlop, was îîot producing at capacity. Large new faci- lities ini Nova Scotia aimied at the Canadiani nmarket would have re- sLlted in aan even greater tire surplus and woid have resulted in lay-offs in tire firmns located ini Ontario. Fortunately, my pro tests have yielded positive resu its. The gov- errnment has given assur- ances that the Michelin tires wiiI be sent to the United States thus pro- tecting Wlîitby jobs. Third, as everyone knows, during the past year the Liberal govern- nment threatened ta abandon tlîejob-protect- ing "safeguards" in the Canada-U.S. Automative Agreement. With hun- dreds of otiier members froni the Oshawa-Wiîit- by area 1 worked for a reversai of govertnient intentions. I went uer- sonaliy to Washington ta present ta key U.S. senators. As a resuit of these efforts at least teîîîporariiy, the (.4safeguards" remain in- tact and the jobs remain ini Canada. Soon trade talks on inany matters wiII resume with the United States and a strong voice must be heard frorn aur area ta prevent any governiment fromn "trading the safe- guards" in sone package deal. In addition ta mat ters wlîicl affect Whitby al- most exclusively there are policy issues of con- cernl wlich have impact on aIl Catiadians. With your heip I intend ta continue fighting ta re- duce the inequalities of Canada's tax system-in- equalities which force 00BoB? BOB WHO?? It would seem that the P.C.'s are definitely not getting it ahl to- gether after Oshawa- Whitby Tory candidate Mike Starr's sta'temenit on Monday. Starr has corne out in favour of the propos- ed Pickering airport clainîing, "If there was- n't a need, thien Mr. Trudeau's goveruiment has perpetrated a huge fraud an the people of private citizens ta shaul- der an unfair tax burden while large corporations receive liandouts and tax breaks froni gavern- ments. That families should receive a mortgage at six per cent, that the aid age pensianers de- serve the kind af decent benefits the newîy-elect- ed NDP government af British Columnbia lias praposed (a basic pen- sion of $200 per mon tii) tlîat an aIl-out attack must be iaunched against Southern Ontario." The stateinent ini favour of the airport is the exact opposite stand taken by Progressive Conservative Leader, Bob Stanfield when hie suggested recently that the Conservative govern- ment would not approve the projeet, and would rather expand the ex- isting facilities at Tor- onto International Air- port. unemployînent-a prob- lem neither the Iast Lib- eral nor the hast Con- servative governmnent wouid salve, are ahl mat- ters on which I will con- tinue ta work. They are concerns which effect the bread-and-butter life of every Whitby voter. As a man wlîo has lived almost ail his life in this area, I hope you wiii give nie the opportunity of again figiiting for your interests tlîrouglî- out another term iin Ottawa. '-p--s il Why should you have to sprint to get a bot showero? An oil-fired heater can give you up to 30 gallons of hot shower water in 20 minutes. tt's morning shawer time in some homes, this is what happens. Dad gets on his mark. Sets. And there he goes. If the famity beats paor otd Dad ta the shower and uses up all the hot water, he may flot get a hot shower at att. Not untess his house has an oit-fired water he,. er. Oit can heat water 3 times as fast as gas; 6 times as fast as etectricity. Sa it makes a lot of sense that an ail heater is going to BAXTER FUELS give yaur famity more hot water faster for hot showers, and washing soited otothes. Not ta mention the pile of breakfast dishes. Oit reatly does heat faster. tt's a fact we can prove. If yau're flot heating waterwith oit now, sprint ta your phone and cati us an aur hot line. WIIITB"lY 668-32991 I <J A <I t; I i i <1 mmwmmý

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