Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 Oct 1972, p. 1

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LIGHTS .A recent interest by a local cable TV com- 1)anity led the Whitby Free to ponder what would happeni ' the Town Cotin- cil sessions were televised. Whio knows...it iighit prompt council to take a completely different at- titude towards the runnling of the town. With the cameras focussed on eachi and every council mcmn- ber it's likely the dress would change. The mayor would be dressed in the CAMERA, finest robes of office, ýand eachi of the councillors would be dressed in ai least a fornial suit - if not coat land tails. Can't you visuialize the mayor sitting iii his chambers telling the mnake- up man that bIt is chceks need a little more rouge and in walks deputy reeve Goodwin 10 ask the niayor if his tic is str-aighit. Off to one side coun- cillor Musselmani has cor- nered a cameraman and is giving imii strict or- ACTION'q ders to show only biis righit side becaiuse 'tba,,t's my 1best side.' An hiour before the coLincil session, ail the corincillors would have to meet to get thieir scripts straighit and to imake sure it was mnutu-ali agreeable as to who woullose which argunment and who woulcl eet to stand up and say, 1I second the motion your bonourable worship." Thie script girl runs in wnd warns everybody witlb a 'five minutes' and TAKE bef'ore you kniow it tlie session is about to start. One of' the local coin- edians, which coulcl be onie of the couincillors - to save mioncy, would be out ini the studio audience before hand warrning uip the aud- ience with such witticisms as, "Des and John went uip the hilI to build the town a hall ... John felI down and broke his crown and Des said.. "Sorry about that Johni!" "And] now here they are, those stars of stage, screen and east Toronto ..the Whitbyý Town Couin- cil!" Loud applause and 'Cheers frorn the audience and as the cheers slowly die, the council take their rcvcrred seats with such comments from councillor Hieron as*, "Here, let me hielp you reeve Edwards." Camera one cornes on and Mayor Newman stands up and says, "Hello ail you council fans out there in TV land and welcome 10 continues on Page 10, 100 THURSDAY October Sth, 1972 The CaIIed 300 High Linda La Londe grieves f'or bier purl)le velvet bedspread. It xvas a rcgal bedsp)rcad. even people on Fairvicw l)rive whio bave fiLcli better I viniz accommnoda tion could a1ppreciatte Linda's bedspread. Thec bed- spread cost lher husband. Garnef. S80. It was a wcdding gift'tfor biis 22- ycar-old bride two ycurs ugo. Ratlber a lavisbi pricc for sonicone living at 300 Higbi Street you nîighit suy. But consid- cring flic circunistances in wbicbi it xvus given. it was at lcust un Linder- standable miec. Now Lindu's bcd- sprcad ties in a wct and hceavy hcuap on the La Loiide's bcdroom I loor. If rcprescnfsonly a snmall port ion of'fthc ru n lcft f'or t he couplle aifter last Friday utfternioonis 300 High St. fire. The pull ouf coucli and bcd arc ruined. and the T V won t work. StilI. Linda gricvcs lber bedspread. It nîcant somnetbing special to bier. The La Londe's you sec. aren 't nîuch different thian othier young coup- les starting out, and it nîay bc years before tbey can afford 10 spend S80 on such a relatively sec- ondary family item. The La Londe'sdon't look like tbc sort of People YOuI'd expect to tind ut 300 1-ligli Street. The dark-cycd Linda Îs arficulate and lier bius- band works af a con- struction conîpany. 'Hurvey Graizie iýe'ven more ot" a surprise. He stood quicfly iin the fore- gromuld iiî1oiig the dozenl or more cliatfering ten- ants in the apartniient of M rs. 1Lileen Parks the cia y al*tcr the lfire. A cdean icLi. quiet mlan., lie sfood back and lbad f0 be invited iinto the Park's Ilrti acnf. rtiei across thelIciaIl whîcbi was f is own, Iliso inlestic belongîngs stood. a soddcn nmixture of'ur- nlifure. clotlîing uand chil- drcni's toys. Fle cyed is siticd. sad cycs. -llie (riinzic partincnt, nuin- be r I(). stood theUc mosf diaewlîciifirenien liad to inak c t Uir waiy through ifs ceilinig for waf crliose. Wbilc somc of'flic tenants wcrc mucl imore vocal about lcsscr prob- lcmns, Granzie unswercd questions of' bhc Fre Press reporters politely, aliiiosf as if lie lid to. Resigniedly lic told us lie is thîe fatiier of* fwo smiall sons. No, lie said, bie lias 11o inISuranice to cover the fu nituLire wliich totals abou t $ I 000. The fortyishi Graiizie works for a travel liner. Tlîey lîad corne back 10 300 Higbi Street aftcr spcnding the niglîf witb relatives or ut flic nurses rcsideiîcc at Wbitby Psy- cliiatric Centre,. b de- cide uIpoii fliir respec- tive futures. Now flîey sat or sfood Luckily there vvere no injuries sustained by the tenants of 300 HIgh Street as a resuit of last Friday afternoon's f ire ... not physical anyway. in a paftlieftic circle aroLic Mrs. Iark's kit- clien tablc. Solcilin eycd clildren w~itli an obvi- ously f00 young and un- dcrnourisbied look ing niofler. descrted lîouISe- w ives ini ladcd (dlresses. Tliere was a display ol' ignorance on thie part of' somie and flic (1iet hope- lessiîess of' Harvey Grani- zie, wiflî flicdoiîîesfic scene bcîng miade even niore puinful ini the knowiiîg eycs of Mr. Granzie anid tbc youîîg La Loîîdcs. 300 Higb Street is over 70 years old. lit servecl flictown ini days gotie past as thîe Couîîty Flouse of' Refuge. But even thie Prorninence of ils date docsn't justify ifs existence. Ifs lhalls are daiik, ifs roonîs long, druuiglfy and poorly lit, andl tenants conmplain of bats and cockroaclics, And for tlîis Toronîto lundîord Pecr McGuvin pa id S I 09,5 00. Oddly enlougl sonie apartnments in the build- ing are dlean anîd of flic f wo dozen fuiies living flîcre Social Director George Tlîwaitcs reports fliat flîcre arc only tbiree wclfurc cases. Sonie of flhc rcnîainng tamiîs a rc fbere by clîoicc. ofliers by circunîstance. "~This bui Idîing bias a way of squcczing y0LI once you're ini licre," said M rs. La' Londe. "The land lord refuses 10 do anytlîing but collect flic rent. Once you're lîcre, you paper, paint and dlean jusb 10 niake flic place a littIe more livable. Then at the endl of thîe mon tIi you've just got a little money left over after you pay flic ren t." Landlord McGavin's lack of' concern for flic interior of thîe 23-apart- nien t building carnies outside f0 the grounds. Thîis was proveti last year Mien flic 4 - year - old diaLiglite r of Mrs. Gri ffi n afe bernîes t'roiii a md nligbit ashi tree while she was outside playing. She xvas consequenbly poi- soned and hiad f0 be rusbied t0 the hospital to hiave lier stoniacbi Iini ped. Wlien tbcey called the landlord f0 sec about Ilîuvinlg son1eile out 10 reniove thie free, Mc- Gavini told Mrs. Griffin, "Tliaf's youir problem., lady." Tlie îown building in- spector bias deemied cer- tain aparinienfs iii the building uninhabitable following the Friday afternoon fire. Somne of tie aparîmients, due 10 bleavy water dam age, will be closed off bempor- arily unitil repairs have been iiade by McGavin. Others due 10 fire dam- age will be shut off per- nianently. But if McGav- in does as lic lias donc iin fliepast making only miinimîal ,repairs, 300 High Street wiIl certainly cOlitiliLe its Llgly exiS- tence. Soie resideiîts at 300 High Street iîever did have mutcli. Sonie per-, haps spend unwisely, some perhaps are lazy. BuIt in thic cases of Har- vey Granzie and ftle La Londes the point lias neyer been 50o prime for taking uip. there has nev- er been such a need as there is in Whitby today -for low cost housing... FIFTY-NINE Vni M &I Gloom st Isiîde- n TEY CON VINCED US, Is too crowded ai town hall. See page 6. CANDIDATE C-ÀON NOLL,Y: "'No Token Candidate' ... page 7. qw m q&P Ae %0 I@MW m-

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