Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 Oct 1972, p. 13

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r stOelbelted radial Allersley Tire Service 6835 CLEA RANCE THE BEST PRICE EVER' ON ALL 1972 COLOUR T.V.'S Many Models to Choose From rhe quality goes in before the nome gees ont' FALCON T.V. 426 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 723-0011 YIHITBY LADIES CANDY BOWL LEAGUE SECTION PINFALL: Allsorts 2,'964; Gumndrops 3,05 1; Humbugs 2,863; Jelly Beans 2,974, Life Savers 3,097, Maple Buds 2,487;, Peppermints 3,073 and Smarties 3,136. FIIGH TRIPLES: E. Avison 685; L. Walker 625; J. Lauridry 613; M. Lintnler 613; B. Childs 584; A..Powell 583,- D. Stanniett 564; F. Lott 556; Marion Sturgess 553; J. Pickard 55 1; A. Labaniovidli 532; D.., Moore 5216; K. Loyst 525; M. Farquhar .52 1; M. Read 505, and G. Sandford 301. HIGH SINGLES: F. Lott 273; B. Childs 262; L. Walker 246, 2 17; J. Laundry 245, 2 16; D. Stannett 245-, E. Avison 241,ý 240, 207; A. Powell 230; M. Snoddy 228; J. Pickard 227; M. Lintner 222, 216; A. Labanovidli 218; Marg Sturgess 216; M. Brooks .205; K. Loyst 202 and G. Sandford 202. WHITBY MENS' LEAGUE (WEDNESDAY) HIGH TRIPLE A. Pizzolato D. Duncan D. Va 1la lt R. Childs J. Tawnson HIGH SINGLE 818, 690, 678, 667, 655. 284 243 264 275 17,5 A. Hamniers 2184 B. Pizzolato 270 B. uew is 255 L. Reed 25 0 L. Haley 24-3 TLIAM STANDING Pickering G. S. 4 [)uf's To)vinlg 4 Service A & T Motors 3 Don's Spur 3 Service Whitby Free Press 1 Whiitby i)odý Chirysier Mifflini's Bar Shiop D. Allen M. JanIiveitux R. Brown P. Frank L. Bathierson R. MeAllister ge ber B. Vesters 7 G. Cliulds 6 L. Pizzolato 6 E. Phiillips 6 O. Moore 6. G. Denver 21 K. Walthuanî 2, G. Purdly 2 R. -Vallant 2 W. Ven try 2 Hooker's Mitton Electrie ('onsolidated B athu rst Teani No. 6 Tony's Men's Hairstyling B & R Transport i.B. MeMillani Real Estate THURSDAY MENS LEAGUE 776-(333) G. ZeelîiL 816-(300) J. Tushinghian 668-(273) K. MacDoniald 771-(300) D. Doak 71 l-(2159) D. Bryant r699-(279) W. Allen 724, >80, r74, >63. >48i 270 248 279 248 236 272~ 256 48 38 4 4 3 0 0 7 1 9-C 807-C' 670-C 6 85-(. 783-C 660-(1 SEE THEM AT I DISNEY MOTORS LTD. More tan thirly newy improvemnts.___ This year the '73 Plymouths are even more beautîful. But many of our important engineering improvemnents dont show. They help make the '73 Plymouths safer, quteter, smoother-riding and longer lasting than ever before. The'73 Plymouths' For peaceand quiet, we've packed sound absorbing materials into crucial areas in the cars body. And on aur Satellite uine, we've isotated the suspension systems with rubber, to give them the same Chryster Quiet ride aur big cars have. For fewer tune-ups and tess maintenance, Etectronic tgnition is now standard equip- ment on att North American buitt engines. Front disc bral standard on most '73 Ptyr 7 Pymouth Fr too. For cleaner air, we*ve engi- neered in a numrber of new amis- sion contrat devices. And for protection, weve given Plymouth hlgh impact bumpers, front and rear. These are just a few of the many engineering improvements made to the '73 Plymouth modets. Vour Plymouth dealer will be happy to explain att thirty. kkes are Extra, cars tn engineering mnouths. It makes the difference À ,C H RYSE R- vÀýl CNADA LTD. Does your ca- measure up 257) 301) 229) 232) 295 ) 238) WIIITBY FREE PREZSS, TFIURSDAY, OCTOIWR 5, 1972. PA TH E h 13 OUT DOO RSM AN' WITH PAUL. WICKER We hiad put in a liard day of hunting and were more than ready to quit when "Rieger". my springer spaniel pup, put up lier ninth pheasanit of the day. The old boy couldn't have picked a better tirne to do lis get away act. Aithougli a bit un- nerved, we did manage to see the bird corne down in tlie next field. Off tlie four of uis went, Ted, Dave, "Rieger", and yours truly, in slow, semni- exliausted pursuit. Ted and Dave took up positions next to the buckwheat while 1 attemnpted to persuade the dog that the ring neck liad gone into the bushy caver surrounding tliis area. "Rieger" ignored lier "be- loved miaster" and cliarged off into the wheat. After ail wlio liac put up and retrieved the other eighit birds? Five minutes later, if that long, out came aur cock, flying low with tlie dag nipping the air behind himn. The bird displayed every in- tention of' guillatining Uncle Dave's head from his body and the poor fellow was forced ta shoot in self defence. 1 was sure that a shot that close wouild reduce the cock ta a pile of rubble. Since I was a gaod distance fromn the action, Dave endeavaured ta direct my little bitcli to the downed bird, but slie would liave none of his ini- experienced interference, ini lier job. 1 was con- vinced, at tliis point, tliat shie lad become a bit unistrunrg, as she was gaing fulil tilt, 905/, fromi where the bird came down. The next few seconds paid off', in fultl, for ail thc timie and effort I had spent training "Rieger". The "pile of rubble" hiad only lost a few of its flighit feathers. ta Dave's pattern, and hiad hit the graund ruinning. Tlie dog scented thîs and ran tlie bird down before it could reacli lieavy cover, wvhere it was supposed ta be in tlie tirst place, and was now trying to liold on to a very angry pheas- ant. Ted was on tlie site shortly ta lend a hand and tlie wiser "beloved master" soon arrived ta lavishi the praise. The above story is true in every detail and essentially displays how absolutely inept wc hum ans are in trying ta hunt "long spurs" without a canine to do the job of finding, tracking, flush- ing and retrieving. Add to this list also the fact tliat we are not always the best of killing shots and you have ail tlie reason you need, flot to go hunting witliout a trained bird dog. Almost any type of bird hunting, except possibly for crows, is better accomplished with the aid of a dog. Since there are few of us who get enough timne ta hiunt as long as we would like, and since game isn't over abundant, I would' suggest that if you intend ta stalk upland gamne that you get a trained liuinting dog before the opening of next year's season. If you don't have a dog naw it's mnudl toa late ta try ta get one traiiied for this year. HUNTER SAFETY TRAINING It seenms every year at this timie until thc very op)ening of deer hunting: alot of new hunters are running around trying to get into a training class and get tlieir licence so tliey can.get out to cesses iii Muskies as welI as miost othier fisli and this will keep tliemn liungry unltil the lakes turn over. Wliy niot take advanitage of these coniditianls and a lovely timne of year? After ail, you canniot hiunt on Suinday, except an a gaine tarm. NO. 2 FIIGFIWAY & CHURCH ST., PICKERING 942-5540

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