SALE 0F TOWN HALL MAIN OBJECTION WHTBY F PRE SS, TIIURSDAY, SEPTIiMIER 14, 1972, PAGE 5 APPEAL TO PROVINCE GROUP A promise imacle by the Whiitby Citizenis Croup at ani open meeting lield in town Monday night luis generated the enthiusiasm iof' the core of Whitby citizen.s whio are strenuously opposing town cotincil's move to seil the town hiall to the library board. "We promise yoL1 an election this year suchi as this town lias nieyer seen before," vowed group chair- man Jim Gartslhore ta a chieering crowd in the Whiit- by Centennial Buildiing's Sir John A. Macdonald Theatre. Presenit at the meeting were the director of mianufacturing at GM, well known disenchianted municipal and federal New'n an camipaignl supporters, a shiowinig of aid and young people and Whiitby businiessmien. Berating council l'or its people-be- danitncd, Ihigh hlanded cattitude", lie charged fthattium- ber 10 iin cotincil's repart of' a wcek ago ('that the existing mulnicipal building be sald to thec library board was a hioux anid was even ternied by Couincillor Bob Attersley by thuat very descriptioni. Durig the ' meetîig which included a _2-hiour qulestion p)eriod t'romn the iloor. alternate plans oni 4thie package deal' (Ilincpl police zind library f7acilities) vere prescnit ed. The twa stagye developmient plani presenited by group miiem ber R alpfli Strat ford wvas cxplainied as a possibily Ieasible alterniative with the l'irst stage de- velopimen t involviîng nminim al capfitaI expnmd i ture prior ta thîe advenit ai' Regionial Governmiient withi tawni resources beig kinown. It would work along the lines otf the follawing priiiciples Mr. Stratt'ard exp)lainied: By October 3 1, '7 2, portable classroomis coLld be erected ta the rear af' the present Whitby Munfi- cipal Building ta accommiiodiate Planning and Works Departmients whicli council now say iust- niove ta tie .Brooklini Adiniistrative Buiildig. Six portables wvauld give an 18W iniecase ini work area. By Novemi- bier 30, '72, the library could be transferred ta the space niow vacaited hy the Planiniig ati Works De- partmien ts and this iniitial step- would provide a 28;' space increase. By December 31, '72. the main po- lice hieadquarters could bie establishied ini the Brook- 'i Muircipazl Building ai a central Whitby oT'tice could b)e set up in thie bilding vacated by the hi- brary. The conîbhined increase hiere wauld be _26)5%. By J aniary 3 1,. '72 the I ibrarv couId lie ex tended ta occupiy the space vacated by the police departmienit. Th is inove wvould provide a 1 04"/'(inicrease iii space over thiat naow occupiied by the library. Thiese 'our inaoves canl be qiîickly and yet tarin aý sound basis laor lonig-termi developmienit onice regionial governi- mîen t is estubl islied. lie su iid. He based lîks second stage developmnent "to proceed whien the nieeds .ind resources arisinig out of* the set-up ai'regioîîaî gavernmiient is establishied." A MULTI-FLOOR TOWER Thien lie said the town cou Id build a nîulti-floor tower adjacent toa id directly south of' the presenlt council chianîber with a new council chamber incor- porated. This tawer, togethier witli upper floor af' presenit building ta the west ai' thîe entranice hall, couîd be used ta iouse ail administrattive o'T'ices re- (Iuired ta bec ctitered ini Whitby. Step -1 ai' the seconid stage developmient would add the piresenit council chamber ta ithe library brining te total space taA40stur 1.Lirr "Whiat am intrîie. Wlat scîenuiîîg nîust have gonie inta tiiis proposai rather tlîan have flhc On- taria Municipal Board 1llcaring that was appraved at tlhe recqucSt or wishies af* the taxpayers, said vice cliairman ai'*ithe Study Croup. HarryhInkpen. "Wlio's ai'raid ai' ithe votars vaicing their opin- ion on îîîatters tlîat are lcgiti,îîatcly tlîeir concerî?", li se.MUNICIPAL BOARD l-EARING "I have ta wonder if' thc visit ta the Ontaria Muinicipal Board was autharized by the council. Il' sa, wha made thec motion anîd wîîo votcd for it?" PREDICT EXCITINO Why was the treasurer anc ai' tlier. WIîy did no otiier cauncillors make the visit, and wha is running tiîis miunicipality, when council was elected ta laak after tlîe interests of tlîe taxpayer?" The wislîes of sometlîing like 500 known tax- payers of the Townî of Whitby have been ignored said Mr. Inkpen. How is it that a bylaw was passed ta trike water across the Bradley Farmn property ta serve nobody wlîen the lonîg standing gaod citizens on the western boundarv cannot get Gods' Gift ta mankîîd witlîout paying a very lîigh price?" Wlîy also are the present municipal offices nat large enaugli? You know thie answer," lie ventured. Parkinsan's iaw, empire building-calI it what you ike-we cannat afford and do not need tiîis kind of admîinistration in the Town of Wlîitby and we have been bluntly told by cauncil to take it wlîether we like it or not. Many of those wio attended the Monday night meeting 'ndicated their concern for the municipality and a lack of confidence in the present administration. ELECTION In cîosing Mr. Inkpen offered a challenge ta the nîayar and counicil of the Town of Whitby-"Da no- tlîing witlî 3, 7, 9 and 10O of your repart until after the municipal electian." PETITION At the end of the meeting petitions were cir- culated among the crowd and an estimated 95% of those in attendance signed them. The petition which reads "We the undersigned taxpayers of Whitby, strongly advocate that ail capital expenditure for new permanent police and administration buildings be avoided at this time. Until the shortly-to-be-esta- blished Regional Government cornes about, and our long-termn needs and resources are known, priarity slîouid be directed ta cultural and recreational facilities. We believe that some sucli plan as the Whitby Study Group's Two Stage Development Plan, wil provide wholeiy adequate short term needs, whiie ensuring a freer choice when the form of aur future administrative structure is known. We further give notice that in the farthcoming, municipal election we shail encourage and assist those contestants, wlîetlîer seeking election or re- election, wlîo demonstrate agreement with tiîis line of rcasoning." ENTHUSIASM HIGI- Copies of the petitian are being circuiated around the town and copies may be picked up or signed at the offices of the Whitby Free Press, 21i2 Brock Street South (across from the Brock Street fi rehl ). Entliusiasm on stapping council action is high and sitîce tlîe Monday niglit meeting, a delegate ta the labour counicil informed the group that the la- bour council representative of thousands of union- ized factory workers supports the petition, and one Whitby man had managed ta get 75 signatures in a three hour periad Tuesday nîght. The Study Group wili appeal ta the province ta interceed, and a meeting with the Deputy Minister is ta be scheduled in the near future. STUDY