Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Sep 1972, p. 2

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PAGE 2, TIIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS REST The Catholic Cemetery Association, it would seem, is ini big business. Not for them the littie things like consoling a widow whose husband's grave has been exposed in the process of digging another. So if a grave collapses when another is being dug close by as happened in Whitby Saturday rnorning, and an unhiappy widow arrives 'ôn the scene to find it that way... well, those are the breaks aren't they. It is interesting to note that because the Catholie Cemetery Association doesn't have to eall people in the event of collapsed graves, it won't and what's rnore-didn'It. Afterall they're a very busy operation! Mrs. John Moînar therefore was subjected to a second shock in the brief 1rnonth period since the sudden death of her husband in April. The callousness of big business in our sorne- what plastic North Ainerican way of life today can UN PEACE? be expected. When it is flagrantly displayed by a body sucfl as the Catholic Cernetery Association, it leaves a decidedly distasteful ring. Does the Catholic Churchi condone this sort of treatment to one of its fold? One can hardly blarne the entire body on one or two (no matter lîow highly placed) poor arn- bassadors who choose to place business above feeling or sentiment. But one car hiardly blamne Mrs. Moînar her grief or lier friend Mrs. Serke the dernoralizing feeling there isjust no resting in peace. Mrs. Serke, a Catholie, is so soLlred by tlhe in- cident she says crernation appears more attractive to lier tlîan interment. Ironically enoughi, a cathiolic, says the liead of the Cathioliec Cmetery Associationî, can be cre- rnated. If that is, lie lias permission from the arclîbislîop! P rice, of Construction Goes Up * A bylaw was passed Monday night authoriz- *jniz the. execution of an agreement dated Septem- ber i11, 1 972 between thie Corporation of the Town of Wlîitby and Lynview Construction Ltd. for the construction of the new Rossland Road police building. Lynview- is the original contractor and ru- iours af'oot tliat thîe construction price lias gone up are fèounded in the liglît of delay in commenc- ing work brirîging Mr. Sorichetti into wintcr work- ing conditions, plus ail increase in materials and a recent increase in labour. SHis. price lias gone $290,461.25---a diffé~rence cipaiity of $20,3 26.25. [romn ,270,135.00 to ili cost to the ilunli- - Re*aders~5A' /wil (1 Dear Sirs: "My Mind's Made Up, Don't Confuse Me With The Facts." 1 once iaughed at this slogan, but after attend- ing the Study Group Meeting at the Centen- niai Building Monday night, 1 realize it is "tai- lor made" for our pres- ent town councilmen'. The Study Group is comn- genuinly concerned ose of ocnainsd "feasible" solutions to the municipal office re- quirements to which councillors have been in- différent. At present, the group has a two-stage de- veiopment programn which i s a logicai, welI- founided solution to the problemns facing the town and wlîiciî will not ensue the trernendous capital expenditure tlhc present cou neil wislîcs to inflict on us by way of the devious steppîng stoncs they arc laying. It is painstakingly ob- vious tlîat our council- meni and mayor (with few exceptions) feel highly qualified to sit their pedestals as they did last week and ignore the concern and disap- proval of the people of this town! It is unfor- tunate there is no safety valve that can be applied on council at a time of unwarranted expendi- turc of money such as we will be confronted with in the ail too near future. "Hoodwinked?" Defi- nîtely. We are also being &"walked over" by thosc very men "we" e lected to council. Fali is alrnost here. Let's sec our new councilmnen and mnayor arc responsible citizenis; not anxious to sperîd our money to satisfy thieir own ambitions but ra- tlier to meet tie hum- bie needs of our town. Pat Aslîley, 207 Bowman Ave., Whitby, Ontario. P.S. To The Editor: -Kindiy excuse this informai paper as 1 am saving my money to pay the town taxes in the future if we don't stop our present council's de- vious plans. Dear Editor, 1 oppose the letter wlîich appeared in your paper [rom Mr. Gerry Emnu of Ashburn. Mr. Emim quite correctiy points out because of of recent legislature cf- fccting the mîarketing of eggs, the farnuer iin terms of tlîis conmîodity is now gettiing lus share. On tlîis point t1iere- fore, the genceral casc i was arguing about tlîe inadequate slîare of tlhe food dollar received by the farmer stands cor- rected. However, Mr. Emn wiil agrec tlîat as 1I sug- gested for tlîc vast ria- jority of f'ood itemus it is the mîajor food chains and not thie farincr wlîo reap the great profits. Yours sînicerely, Edward Broadbeîît, Oshawa-Wliitby MP. THE WNIT FREE PRESS (Voice ot the County Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie an 'd Ashburn. Published every Thursday in and for the people of Whitby. Office Mail Phonei 212 Brock St. South. box 206, Whitby. 668-6111,668-6112. Publislier W. "'Bill" Durkee. Editor Judy Durkee. Editorial Staff Jim Quail. Advertisirig Ron Winstanley. PrOmolions Bob Bu'trns Jr. Graphic Art Consultant Ken W. Down. Dear Editor: i really thoLlght it was a good idea, wlîat yoLI hiad ini the paper about tlîat extra Christmas prescrit. 1 arn really fed uip withî tlîinîgs around Whit- by. First the nmail, which takes 16 days to corne frorn Quebec; you could do it aimost walking, and now the phone bill. The bis go up and up and. to top it off you have to pay the bill in Oshawa or pay 20 cents extra. 1 sure hope you can do sornething about it. Keep Lip tlîe good work. W. Hendriks, 305 Clîcstnuit St. E, Wlîitby, Onîtario. E t o C. ofn- i i e

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