Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Sep 1972, p. 15

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1972, PAGE 15 CLASSIFIED Automobiles I T IOIYIOI T lAI SALES SERVICE PARTS IUXMVARLIMITED 723-1176 1962 Chev. 2 DHT 283. Just had 1971 1/2 Dodge Colt Hardtop-4 tuneup.Goo tirs. .S.Rea Speed, Radio, Undercoat Radi- tune ~. God ties. PS. R a as, Disc Brakes, Deluxe Interior, window defrost. 668-3277. 12,000 Mites. Ai -655-3266 AUCTION SALE 0F ONE RURAL SCHOOL DAT'E: Saturday, Sept. 23, 1972 Premnises inay be viewed immnediately prior to the Au ctio01. Coodwood Public Sehool: Goodwood, Ontario. Uxbridge Township - 10:00 a.rn. Size of lot - .63 acres -Part of* Lot 1 7, Concession 2 Township of Uxbridge School BLuilirtig approxiniately 42' X 33'- Two storey. Brick with concrete andi stone-d ivided baseinent. -Heatitîg -ou l ired lftirrace TIle looring - asplialt shitîgle root' TERNIS 0F SALE Cash or certitfied chequie in the nine of "'THE ONTARIO COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION" ili the 11ntoun1t of' SI.900.00 tor GOODWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOL. must be delivered to the agent of the Board uipon conipletion of the Auiction Sale. In adldition, PLirchaser imust sîiu ail Agreemuent to Puir- chase the school at the comp11letion Of the ALuctionl. The balance of the puirchase price will be payable in cash on closing. Forty-Five (45) days arc allowed from the date 0f sale lor closing. AUCTIONEERS: Reg. Johnson & Son, Sttnderland. Ontario. Phione (705) 357-3270 FlOUSES FOR SALE OPEN HOUSE-SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 17th 146 ELIZABETH CRESCENT $49,900-Over-sized rancher on loveiy 250' deep lot backing ente greenbelt. Three bedroomns, dining room with waikout to batcony, two bathroomns, 2 finished rec-roems with waikout & bar. Many extras include new broadioom threugheut, buitt-in steve and even, fireplace. Couldbe two famniiyhome. For more information caît coilect Mrs. Biermann or Mrs. Hilt, ROYAL TRUST - 751-1970. For Sale - Building, 71/2 X 8Y2', New Painted Change House, Ski- Doo, Tools - Price: $275.00. Cati: 655-3754, 24 Baldwin St., Brooklin. SUIH-CORGNA NEWANS OFFICE EQUIPmENT 117 T#e St. W; m...fm...mum..1111 I ARTiCLES FOR SALE -- -.. For Sale - Fleetwood 23" T.V. Combination Hoover Portable Va- cuum. 1971 Mini Bike - Best Offer 668-8907 1971 Concorde Mobile Home- 36' X 8', furnishedi, futty equip- ped, 668-5192, or lot 18, Sub- way Traiter Park. Bamboo Bar, Arborite Top. 2 Shelves at rear. Atmost new. $15.00. Cati 668-2515. For Sale - New and used va- cuum cleaners. Repairs to all makes. Free estimates. Pick up and detivery. Cali 723-5541. Shag - Broadloomn - Moss Green - Barrymore - 2 pieces - 12' X 21', 10' X 8', 2' X 8' - Fuliy Bound - Underpaddîng. Tet: 668-9829 New & Used Vacuum Cleaners, Repairs to ait makes. Free Pick- up, Delivery & Estimates. Phone 668-6672 - Evenings. 13 foot Cabin Traiter, Stove, Ice Box, Etectric Brakes, Front Awn- ing, Asking $1500. Phone: 668-6686 "SERViCEs Baby sitting in my home days. Mon. te Fri Phone: 668-8694. WHITBY - Pre-Schoot Children. Day care in my home. Meadows of Wvest Lvnde. 668-9885 Wilt give piano tessons to be- ginners in my home. Calit 655- 4703, Brooktin, in evening. ADVERTISING, MOtýr.'GAGEý. ANNOUNCING. LOW COSI MORTGAGE LOANS THAT CAN PAY- OFF AIL YOUR BILLS - AND CUT YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS IN HAIF OR LESS. In otlmer words yau can make ans re- duced payment a month instead of many. Here's What to Do ta Get A Low-Cost Mortgags Loan Caîl, Write or corne in. The service is fast, so make your New Start today. We've helped home-owners through- oui Ontario consolidate their debts this eas.y way and everything is con- fidential. For Sale 1971 Concorde Mobite Home. 36' X 8' - Furnished, fuity equipped - 668-5192 or Lot 18 Subway Trailer Park. Beautifut custom made drapes 250" X 95", Biuish green with gotd mixture - $365 new- asking $45.00. 668-2515. For Sate - Kingsize bedspread- White Chenitte $1 5.00. 30" bed with mattress $10.00. Cati after 4 p.m. - 655-4264. Upright piano. Good Condition. Cail728-0642. Accordian and Case $80. -668-6143. HELP WANTED Make extra Christmas Money. Help Wanted - Mate or Femate Fashion 220 Beauty Consuttants Full time or part timne. We're are needed for this area. Phone tooking for energetic people 18 for appointment between 2 - 4, years and over with car te seti 668-5294and service our preducts. Our FIGLIT THE FALLACY commissions are eylba. OF AFIXD INOME For more information catt 723- 0F AFIXD INOME 5541. Volta of Canada. 325 i can show you how to earn up Simcoe South, Oshawa. to $2,000.00 this year in your ________________ spare time. Pteasant work en- MLYETWND rotting members for Ontario's EPLMETATD Foremost Motorist's Association. Senior Bookkeeper. Ait phases Contact: Harry Gri xti, 711 Burns of office work inctuding finan- Street, West, Whitby. Phone- ciat statements. Phone 579-2098 6683495 PLEASANT SPARETIME ACTIVITY FOR RETtRED FARMERS Acquaint your friends and neighbours with our newest varieties of forage seeds and corn hybrids. No hard seit, no investment. Good addîtionat income. Write WHITBY FREE PRESS, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario. Notice THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT NOTICE 0F APPLICATION Licensing District No. 7. TAKE NOTICE tlhat Theodorus A.G. Bardoul"of the Town of Whitby in tthe Couinty of Ontario wilI make application at a Special Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be hield at the ROYAL CANA- DIAN LEGION 'AUDITORIUM ',217 Murray Street, in the City of Peterborough ini the ('ounty of Peter- borough on Tuesday the third day of October, 1972, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock D.S.T. in the afternoon for the issuance of a DINING LOUNGE LICENCE, FOR THE SALE AND CONSUMPTION 0F LIQUOR WHERE FOOD IS AVAILABLE for the foîlowing prçmises: WHITBY MALL RESTAURANT located at .1625 Thickson Road, South, Whitby, being a restaurant presentîy located in Whitby Mail Plaza and carrying on business conveying meals and food to the public. Any person who is resident in the licensing dis- trict may object to the application, and the grounds of objection in writing shall be filed with Mr."H.J. Browne, the acting deputy registrar of the licensing district, whose address is 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East, Toronto 2, Ontario, at least ten days before the meeting at which the application is to be heard. DATED at Whitby this 29th day of August, 1972. Theodorus A.G. Bardoul, 1625 Thickson Road, South, Whitby, Ontario. I 2nd. MORT6AbE. MONEY *.5 VEAR TERM OPEN MORIGAGES * NO BONUSES 9 NO GR EDI T CH-tECKS 6 NO INQUIRY 0F NEIGHBOU RÉ e CON FiDENTI AL AR RANGEM ENTS MADE IN YOUft OWN HOME * BORROW AS Li TTLE AS $1,600 *FAST SERVICE CALI Mr. Wilks 942-2611 or 699-1 121 Toronto APARTMENTS FOR RENT Home and Grocery on Highway, apt. - suitable for sr. citizens (Ros- at Myrtie Station. Only $33,500. ponsibie) persons - rent reasonabie Josslynn Arins Apts. *OSHAWA'S MOST GRACIOUS LIVING, ELECTRICALLY'HEATED Trhis Il a suipericr. building, weit luuilt ond exccclenityi toined-ond caters te t hose people recquirinq a better woy of1 NO LASr MONTH'S RENT REQUIRID 745 STEVENSON RD. N., OSHAWA 723-1009 If NOAnswor 579-1413 KING ST. E. OSHAWA il MIt& EASI Of NARMONY RD.) main- living. In AMARAMA el- &.... i i , 0001,1P . . . - , - M. t.N. e 1. k M. ..ý.W- W W Il WIffl M P, W--1 WIWIMW -w- _,W , m, , 10 GLU 1 mmý 0

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