Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Sep 1972, p. 8

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i>AGE 8, ITiiURSI)AY, S >hBi 7,,1972, WI111-BY iR PRESS Whiatby Today And Yes terday EDITOR'S NOTE: Perhaps the miost intfijate glance of' Whitby afforded to those.outs ide the bouindaries of' the town, is in tUe kind of brochure promioted by oui' Chamnber of Commerce and lIndustrial Devefoper who senti ont literature to tourists and potentil newcomiers to the town. These brocluires couild )er- hiaps also serve as an objective description of'fthe town for those who live within townl linîits. To demionstrate Whitby as it luis grown, anrd to observe changes which have taken place over tlhe decades, the WHITBY FREE PRESS this week comn- pares the brochure of Mayor A. Jackson's day in 1937 with the brochure being sent out today t'romn the office of the Industri(al Developer. One can easily deteet the pride of the people f'or their town in the year 1937 by perusing the following excerpts from "Brochure 1937". The eaî'ly brochure now is faded green; a neat, square booklet about 5 by 7 which couild be easily carried in a vest pocket or ladies' purse in comparison to the slimi, eiongated 7 by 9 brochure of today. In the charmiîng expressive language of that day "Brochure 1937" reads ini part: "The beautiful town of Whitby is situated 18 miles east of the Quceen City of Toronto and enjoys tUe reputation of being patronized by many distinguiishied visitors. The miost interesting thotîght of* mankind is home. The most beautifuil anîd interesting home sec- tion of Ontario is Whitby." "This farnous old couinty town is sitiiated on a large and fineiy sheltered bay on the north shore of Lake Ontario. At the water front is Heydenshore Park with its inviting cottages and spacious camping grounds." "Here aiso is located the Children's Freshi Air Homne, where undreds of little onies enjoy the cool lake breezes dtiring the warni summner days. For the accommodation of picnic parties, the Park Commit- tee hias provided a band stand and lunch couinter. also tables and seating accommodation. of tering an enjoyable oLîting to parties from tUe cîtv on a Satur- day afternoon when the steamier (which makes three trips a week froin Whitby to Toronto) runs a special trip from Toronto to Whitby, leaving at 2 p.m. and returning in the evening." "As a r-esidential town. Whitby is unsurpassed. Not only is it picturesque but it is bealthful. It is ac- cessible to the city by train and boat. The beaujîtil shaded streets-no town in the Dominion lias been more favoured by nature than Whitby. The shade trees are maples. The people are cultured and refined. Handsome churches-Anglican, Methodist. Catholic, Baptist and Presbyterian. A public library with a ,large stock of volumes. The people enjoy pitre air. The streets are paved and equipped with electric iighting. We offer educational advantages second to none. Good phone service and waterworks. The residents invite ail good people to miake their home here and partake of the many advantages and comn- forts offered by beautiful Whitby." "The busy city man may reside here with his family, direct the education of sons and daughters, go to the city by suburban train service each morn- ing at a nominal rate, returning at eventide. Edu- cationai advantages-Here many leading men of the day have buit the foundation of success under its able and indefatigable principal. Henry is where tUe training commenced. Whitby Model School, the On- IBASELINE ROADAT' WHITYPCKERING TOWNL/NE- WH1TfBY Submarine Sandwàiches havethndelivre 217 DunasSL m 68*66 "Auto-car tourists miake Whitby a favourite resort for an ideal afternoon ou ting f'rom the city. With good roadway and picturesquei landscape, the business mani wou Id f*ind i t a pleasanlt ru n to and t'romi office or warehouse." *'The Arm-oitries. headquartcrs of' the 34th Ba- tallion, with adjoining band stand, is near the busi- ness of' the centre of' the town. The band f'urniishces, ope-n-air concerts th roughiout tUe siim mier." "Ontario is justly celebrated f'or its apples. Of' tUe fifty or sixty Million b1Iîshcls prodiiccd ini the Province diîring tUe ycar. none are more cclcbrated t'or flavour and keeping quLality than tthose grown iii the Wlitby district. anîd are cxiiorted to Great i3rit- ai in iilarge clianitities.*' In Whitby, the faded brochure savs. voni shotilc sec athletic grounds, AlI Saints' ('hurclh, the C (ounty House of RefUge. Court HIouse and Counîly Build- ings. ('ollegiate bistitute andi Henry Street Scliool, Domiînion Bank, Hleydenshore Pavilhion, tUe MUSiC Hall, Metiîodist Tabernacle. Ontario Ladies' ('ollege. St. Jolin's Romian ('a',tlîliÎc 'Uurcbi. St. Andrew's ('hurclh and tUe Skating Rink. In the more inîodern. liard seIl words of' today on vivid brochures rcading, 'Whitby'. the 1Town of» Progrcss Welcomies You' and 'YoLir Best Location iii the Toronto-Centered Region- Wlitbv' ia il reci- pients ouitside tlhe town miay read: "With al] of' todav's "Gotta-hiavc-an-anigie-or- we-won ' t-sell-ouir-site sales pitches, it's biard to clîoose an industrial site taiîored to your necds. Whitby's many industnial locations stand out amnong the very few iii Sou tbern Ontario providing zoning l'or every type of industry, loads of' available manpower and ideal shipping facilities and costs." "Probably because you've neyer heard ofWhit- by you think that it coldn't hiave 11uLCh to off'er. right? WRONG! Southiern Onîtario is Caniada's richi- est marketplace. Nearly eighit million people live smack in the centre of this fabulous area." "Free of urban pollution and congestion, Whit- by has ecotiomical sites fully serviced riglit now to meet ail the needs of light, mediumî and heavy ini- dustry. A customis airport is located four miles away and Toronto's International is only one hiaif hour west along the 40 I. There's rail service by both CN anid ('P access to Tloronto's new GO ÇommuII.ter Train Service,. unlimited raw waiter for indUstrial LiSe, a harbour that accommodates oceanii-goinig shlips plUS pickuip and delivery service by ail large truick- ing f'irniis." "Whitby sits on the crossroadls of* two main ar- teries: the 401 providing a highi speed east-west ex- pressway f'rom Detroit to Mon treal. and Highiway 1 2 ' a nmain roLIte rUIIn iing north throuIgh On tario's beaul- tti VuIvacation zareas.- -TIhe -toonto-ce n t rcd reigion i s hoth the maJor- econom ic and fÏIInanCial U1.t)h of tie ('anad iani econiom y and f'or that reason, the Provincial Governmnent has dlesigned a plan to assure carefuil IVutLiire clevelopnîient of* tIiis indUst rial heartland of' North Amnerica. \VUitby is a prime location in this region. % "As well as of'fering an excellent choice of' economically priced sites and services. Whitby also luis a work f*orce 0f' 50.000 men and voiluen avaîlable wit iii a 10 mile rad iiis. I ts people live i n a com f'ort- able comnmu nity tha t hoasts new houLsinlg. eduIcationaý shopping and recreat lonal developmenits every year. Here is a growing area with lots of' room. richi in the ingred ients needeci to mnake sure tlIat youir inidustry expandis and prospers ini the years to coine." "'A pertinent landnîark clescrihied by tUe Liter pamphlet. is Ontario ('ounlty'S CourthouIse of' yester- year restored as Whitby's ('entennial project. 110w the home of* the Whithy Hiîstorical Society, tUe YMCA, a Senior C'itizenis drop-iin centre. ani with its "littie"' theatre andl Regal Ballroom. tUe Centennial Build- îing is playing a nliajor role in the ('ommu nLliity lif'e Of our town. Another landmnark mentionied ini the bro- chutre is St. John's Anglican Church erected in 1846. The brochure also shows photos of' the Kinsmen swimnîing pool and the downtowni looking north f'rom the souIthwest block of' the core section. The population given iin ýA. .Iackson's day. the day of* the f*irstý brochuire was estimated at abouIt 3,000. The latest population figure ini the more re- cent brochure show a figure of' 23,677 with an ini- crease over the last t'ive years of 900 or 3.9%. I THE FRIENDLY. FLEA MARKET i '1We b.uy. and seLJanythlngil 23 PIC 'ST 725-9783 OSHAW GAIL BEARDMORE D)ANCE SCIIOOL 15 NOW IN WHITBY ANI) BROOKLIN I)ANCES AVAILABLE: TAP, BAI1LErF.ý & JAZZ/ Also Ladies" Exereizes CLASSES START: SEPT. 11, 1972 TEL: 655-4184 18 FERGUSON, BROOK LIN SITEnoy onDI Prmium uly Fuel Gil

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