EDITOR'S NOTE:" 'AIl About the Kinsmen' is the first of a series of articles by Jim Quail ta appear in the WHITBY FREE PRESS. The articles are in pro- motion of the many service clubs and organizations inl tOWfl, and will as well as give a brief history of the various clubs, internationally, include the current works being undertaken by them. About 52 years ago a young manCam11e back ta Canada tramn figt'it ing ini thie First World War and lie decided it was timie lie did even mare lor is fcellow nianIl--built this limie back home. Fle ga- thered tagether somieoa' bis f'riends and f'rom thiat t'îrst meeting came the Counding of' the only ail Cýanad ian yau ng min's srieclub that is na- tnon widce. l'ie tirst club was started in Haîniilton unli- der the guidance and wislbes of Hal Rogers whio is founcler of' the Kinsmnen Cilub and sinice that timie the K in hias grxn bv leaps and boundus ta aver -400 clubs andi 13,000 mcmn- bers. The Kinsmen wvere es- tablishied ta look afler the welfare of' the coin- munIlity as well as foster- ing equality between ail nations and ail peoples. The Kinsnmen Club of* Whitby was chartered in 1942 by Harry C'urtis and the club lias per- faormled valuiable service work in Whiitby thiat ni ighit not othierwise bave been done. Ini 1947 the Kinsmien puLrclbased whiat 15 110w thîe Kinsnîien Park ini the north end of* town and thcy donated part of' the Land totahie own ot' whiîby ta allow the town ita buwild aljpool on that site. Silice tlhat t ine the Kinsnîien lhave conated over Sù00() t(warcls the uplkeep andci niintenance of* the pool and tbey bacVe also CeqLlil)j)ed the Peel Street Park. Ili 1950 the Kinisienl gain hlpeclmiouIllie pIe and teacli thien the proper miethods oflhand- ling and teaching retar- ded childrcn. This pro- ject was SUpported by The aIl the Kinsmnen clubs acrass Canadfa and was a resaun(ling success. As \Vell las elping aut witlh coniniunity service work the Kmn bas twa main auxiliary bodhes \Vhicli are thie Kinettes and the K-40. The Kmn- ettes are tile wives ai' K insmen n members andc the K-40 auxiliary is nmadle up ai' past mcmn- bersof ainm lubs. The K insmlen Club bas dividecl (anala up mbt eighit districts witbi the smnallest being dis- trict nuni ber aone which is arouind the south end of' the great lakes and the largest district being district numbher f'our, wvbicli takes in AI- berta and the North- West Territories. Thle new president of' the Kinsinen Club in Whitby 's Ted Bell who is also president ai' Bell Draf*tinig Reproductionis Lini ted. Ted lias been a mcem- ber for four years and YMCA 0 lavWbiltbv YM('A pragrainîs vill resum11e iM Septen ber along \Vi tb new cou rses being of)I- t'e md. Tlic lirst course start- ing Scptemîber I 4tl is looks forward ta many more years with the club. As l'or getting started, Ted repliecl, "~Claire Hewson wlio was the District Governor, asked mie ta a meeting anc evenîng and 1 en- joyed the event sa mrucli 1 fuît 1 wanted ta jain thîe Km ta help theni praniate Kinsmcnship in the Town of Whitby." Ted will be pre.sident Iffers until Next June the first and bias sanie clialleng- ing projects for hiis term af' office. He saîd, "I would like ta be put in touch1 with mare of the young men in town be- tween the ages of 2 1 and 40 who miglit be inter- ested injaining the Kins- me n." In Whitby the Kins- men divide thieir service work by blelpilng ta sup- New Courses muaraie taugbt by NMrs. (Ila irn ilt. NI ac rani e Is a c rait \v11ic Il reqli re s 11111e equipînent. Stvrol'oainî, cord or twinc anfd plins a rcaîlib tat is nccded. Thiere is no end ta whiat cati be made tbrough this craft. Purses, belts. rooaîn dividers are a few exaiîpIes. THE ONTARIO COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION ADULT EVENING P ROG RAM Pick up a new 1972-73 night school brochure-available at ail hýigh schools Choose from atm ast 100 courses beîng offered ACADEMIC- COMMERCIAL-TECHNICAL and GENERAL INTEREST LEISURE TIME COURSES REGISTRATION SEPTEMBER 25 -26 WHITBY FRL E PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTLM BER 7, 1972, PAGE 7 1<1 nsmebn in tercsted in joining and hclping - PIlOTa BY J. QUAIL. part mninar sparts and the J.O. Ruddy Hospital, and on a district level they raise funds for the Hong Kong Housing Seherne. Ted explained, "Last year we donated a new projector ta the library board. We also help welfare recipients at Christmas time and periodically we entertain the senior citizens. As for Cystie Fibrosis CLEARANCE THE BEST PR ICI 'VER ON ALL 1972 COLOUR T.V.'yS Many Models to Choose From rhe qualifr goes in before the nom. goes on@~ FALCON T.V. 426 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 723-0011 Ail ÀAbouqt P)resideiit 'l'd Bell of the WhÃtby Kinsmnen Cluib is looking for young men out wirilîlocal work.. m a Ted stated,, "When we started donat'ing ta Cys- tic Fibrosis the averagc age of' a child afflicted was seven and it's now Up to i15 years of age." He added, "I would like to see a telethoni organ- ized across districts eight and anc with top Cana- dian stars and talent to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis." The loss of the arena to the town was a blow but Ted had hiopes for a new one and said, "Our major projeet wilI be a skateathon ta put up rnoney towards a new community center!" 0f course to do ail this service work means every member must work hard and Ted would like ta get some new memnbers who are willing ta, pitch in and lielp get things going. He explained, "I would like ta sec the rnembership go up ta 40 or 50 this year. If yau would like ta help your fellow man with some worthwhile projeets corne out and attend a meeting of the Kinsmen. The meetings are held at St. John's Hall at Palace and John St.. every second and fourth Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Ted will be Iooking for yau.