Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Sep 1972, p. 3

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Editor, WIIITBY FREE PRESS, 212 Broek St. S., Whitby, Onth. HOW ABOUT BICYC LE TRAILS INSTEAD'? In rcply to thec stahe- îîîeîts of (Coiillor EîiiniI appeaing ini the Tiiîs of' AuIgust 30, 11)7 2, ve. ini the ai-eu of' Garden Street, Robmiar Street and Higliway No. I 2, the sigiiers of' the two petitiouîs opposig thue proposed r i range ut the -onier B rooki in dnIpIII are vcry relievedi Mieni lie states the pro- Jeci \vill be ualndoned w\e trust we caîi rely oni tlîis decisioui). Ve WOLIIld appjreCiaIte the ninues of' thec people \Vith li oni Couiucillor nnis claîiis to hiave shakeii hands and Iii \Vliat location,ý as aIl thîe meetinigs 0f'\vhiciliwe are aware xvere lîeld ci- tlier witli private indi- \'idLIZIlS Or th lue Ietc- ing a t thîe Groveside ('enîetery anîd ah no tînle didi unyone agre withi tlie proposed nife range or shiake the liand of' ('ouncillor Eni ni. 'Tliere îever lias been a niect- înit at tie coulucil cham- bers so thle re cou Id be no0 lîanlidsha,,ke in that loca- tion. We would hIope to have Countcillor Enuîîîi's reply to thie above via the news miedila. In the nieaîtiiîe our delegation will be ut the ('oLîncil Meetinîg of' Sep- tonmber 1 I tlîw ith rep- resen tatives lfamiilial- witli the sif'ety, noise ýaud en- vironniental aspects of' this proposecl rifle range. If' Cou îîcillor Eminî is s0 coîicerned a bou t t' ge ttiîîg unx'ýtlîiîîg done ini this town',', wc would su ggest a recycliuîg de- plot, bicycle tuails Or- any of' the mniy otlier con- struictive projeets l'or the bet'ift of' aIl the people anîd the Coniservationî of our environnient. Y ours trLy. (C. Kellîiig, Robiia ir St., 13rook liii. The E-ditor. \VIIIT-BY ELEPRLSS. \Vhlit by, ()Ontario. Dear si-: Re: Iroposed Towniof* Wliitby Police Practîce Firiîig Ranîge. TRY AN INDOOR FIRING RANGE.~ Ini regards to thue con- trovers whîlc h is ragiiig ýerswrîte, ini the Brooklîn area over the i)roposed Police Practice Firing Range. 1n1 iiy Opinion the concernl of' the adjacent resiclents is certainly jus- tificd. Ini recadîng varions articles land listening ho opiniions of' tiiose af- fected it would appear that the local councillor wlîo lias been speýarhead- iîîg huis projcct lias once agaîin rcud thîe pulse ot of' thîe citizenis inicorrect- Iy. Many thiîigs dumîb- f'O LIînd ti s counci lor, espceciiali.y opîiions. 4 th Sal WIIITIY F'RITI PRIiSS, 'I'IIURSI)AY, SI Pli'FMB! -'R 7, 1972, PAGEI Iý Second Anniversary On exanîining the is- sue w logical solution would bc ho itîcorporate such a practice firiîig range indoors ini the ncw police complex whicli ks penîîdng. The Advantages of thris type of' lacility are too numnerous to list at this tinie. Respect'ully yours, Dofialci i. Lovelock, Box 34, Myrtle Station, RR No. 1, Aslibnrn, On tario. Wlîitby Arts Incorpor- ated is plannîing a gala seconîd anniversary party for 8 p.i-m, September 22. Tlîe patrty is not re- striched to menîbers of' tlie art's station, but thiose planining to attend .wituî guests (are asked te make thieir own cos- tunies. A prize for the most original costumne will be awarded. Ladies are asked to prepare a refrcshrinent box l'or two. Publicity CliimîîiDoreen Mur- Featuring speciai values and speciai sovings 1 AN OPE[*'N LE-'TTE-R lTO OSFli\WA ý\WilITBY ml>1.1) BROADMENT A fier read i ngthe article Ini last \veek'sW h i tby Free Press, enititled "Skyrocketiing Food ('osts Miust Stop", I f'eel I1nmust niake a reply. [Laving been bori and brough t n du rinig he last %vOrld wur, one realizes the importanice of' food. Food and a roof' over the hecad are still thie prime priorities of' otiier coun itries, \vhiuc in Canada, food lias takeni a t'ar less prominent place on thîe average Cuna ianii priority list tlîan it onice hiad. Troday i11 fî-ct. food probably takes a lesser place dlown the priority list with cars, bouts, cottages, trips, etc. takinigthie large share of after tax dollars. 1Ilier- sonally know ot' many inistances whiere the interest t'or these on tax alone costs the sainie, if* not more. than the mon thly food b ill. Onîe 1niuSt conisider tliat food1 in this counîtry, ut least, is pleiitÎîful dlUring season. So a good way to cit clown on the loodi bill if'omie is really serious is to preserve as IIIchI as lie can. 1 also realize tliat this takes extra effort diiring the îiice, wiarni, sunIny days wheni one would mIîIchi ratiier relax arountd the pool or at the cottage tlîuî labor ini a hiot kitcheii. BuIt wlien the cost yoLI pay to cunning plants to do tlîis t'or yoLi is coîîsidered, your labor ini the long rtîn is rewarded. Another factor WOuLd be l'or hoiieowners to have their own gardei, lowever sniall. One last conmmient, Mr. Broadbenlt regarinig your comments on the cost, speciî'ically of' eggs. SLirely thîe MP's know of' the crisis ini the cgg industry staged over the past few monthis, anîd whicli at long Iast saw the Federal Governnient and thîe producer combine to establishi an Egg Marketinig Board IIcLIC the sainie as niilk, pork miarket boards etc. whiclî have been sLiccessf»iîl ini raising prices to the producer. For an example, the price of eggs (Grade A, Unwaslîed and Ungraded) to the prodUcer rose from 28 cents per dozen in iiîne to 45 cents per dozen in ALiguist. Mr. Broadbcnit shIould inote tlut thie egg prodiîcer is now gettiîg lus l'air shuare 'or lus seven day week. Now S&SION In Fui ln The friendly store in, the Oshawa Centre.1 Si nce rel y, (;erry Lîîîîî, Aslîbun, Ont. S SIMPSONS Sears BRirtbdalcY See our 20 page circular of hand picked Birthday Sale Specials. This is really the biggest event we have ever mounted since our store opening in 1968. Shop Wed., Thur-s., Fr1., nighfs tii 9 p.m. and Sal. tii 5:30 p.m. There's pIenfy of free parking phiy suggests thiese boxes cou Id con taiîî two pieces of chicken, pickles, car- rot suices, two buttered rolis and two cupcakes. 1 ne persoîi witli the most attractively decor- ated of' these boxes will aiso receive a prize. The boxes will thien be put up for àactioîi, and thie men in flic par- ty wiI bid for themn. The owîîers of flhc boxes be- ing anonymoLis, no one knows whio wili cat withi w I li.1

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