Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Sep 1972, p. 2

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PA(; 2, TIU RSIAY, SEPTI;MBER 7, 1972, WIIIT13Y IURlEi: PRI.SS Ed o , mrri WHERE Where w-as Industrial Developer Wes Winters when LUCKY ONE POP MART was servedi the second 'Cease and Desist' order issued fron the office of Bylaw Enforcemient Officer A. Craigie at town hall last Friday? The Pop Mart, being in contravention of a municipal bylaw in operating fromn the formier Hillcrest Dairy on Byron Street South mnust move hieadquarterselsewhere-perh'aps even out of town in light of conflicting bylaws on alternate proper- ties. The yards of commercial floor space ah the former dairy can, according ho the bylaw in ques- tion, be uised for a business or professional office., a motel, a dairy and ice cream nianu factu ring plant, a colti storage planit, a liquid food pro- cessing and packaging plant, a bottling works, a printing shop or a whiolesale use accessory to any of those aforegoing uises. I t may not however clespite die fact none of tihese lias applieti in the lasIthtlree years-be uised to seil pop, andi since the issuie of thie first desist notice, Ron Fleetwood and Mike Godin of' Lucky One hiave hiad to seli pop fromi a cash regi- WERE THEY? ster on a parked truck on the lot adjoiing the building. Averaging about 300, cases of pop per week without advertising, thiey have shown even in rather extenuating circumstances, their service is one that is desired by the general public of Whitby. Neither Mike Godin nor Ron Fleehwood knew the building was not available for their type of service when they signeti tenancy withi local realtors. Thaitlhe spacious commercial building can- not be used by honest businessmen because of an argument waged between town hall and Hilîcresi Dairy five years ago is outdateti ah best, and a gross poor sense of business on tlUe part of the town, at worsh. Operators of the Pop Mart have contactedtihe nlayor, die industrial developer and variouis towni officiaIs lfor advice ini their a.wkwairci andi fruistrat- ing situation. The mayor's lias beeni a 'iantis-lieti' attitude, the industrial developer lias blamneti the operators l'or nlot first con tac tinig a iawyer Uc fore moving iii. Tlie realtors wlîo leaseti them the property hiave been dealing with tthe town itseif* l'or some mionths. No town officiai in fact, lias offered any ad- vice to the Pop Mart people and the officiais con- tacted appear quite Llnconcerned that hhey may, hiave to move their operation out of town entirely. If Lucky One is in contravention of an out- dated bylaw at Hillcrest Dairy, would Whitby officiaIs be looking the other way for the first time? Whcere was the industrial developer when Lucky One conhemplaied leaving town? If thie inidustrial developer can'h be everywhere, where were tlie mayor, tlie town planning director or certain memibers of the council? Whiere itîdeeti was anyoîie ai town hall iii a position 10 lielp or ativise? Wlîere, al iliose peo- pie wlîo are striviîîg 50 desp)erately to brinig ai( keep business ini Wliithy? Witli Ilie igh I)riceti administration ai howîî liall, lîow maîiy otliers we wontier, hiave met flic saine plighit as Lucky Onec Popi Mari'? Big Spender? "Big rnoney doesn't necessarily buy victory," the August edition of READER'S DIGEST informs us. And the August edition of the publicationi, which is read dorninion-wide had sonie news of local inter- est too. IBeIow follows an excerpt from an article entitled 'Let's Put Election Spending on the Level": '0f the 224 constituencies in which more than one candidate reported expenses in 1968, 89 were won by candidates who spenit less - and somne- limes much less - than a rival. Conisider Oshawa- Whitby, which the NDP won in 1968 with the Tories second: Ed Broadbent (NDP) S9,87 5 Michael Starr (PC) SIO,610 Desmond Newman (LIB) $3 1,379." Congratulations a- gain Free Press! With your introduction of the 'Supermayor' strip and its creators 'fan tas- tic' (described in Web- ster's as iînaginary or - unreal???) ideas; you have re-ppened many moments of humour-X ous reading for the TM-E NEYT DAY TÀ people of Whitby. PAR<-FyMC Somnehow it seemsRE51C9 ' A.a to hit home; very en- _k7j ightening and thought OC provoking! UMOO- Hea'AVO ,4 Three cheers for -fe- z3A M s---F> :>L E the "aduit comic strip" NION0'OL Z .T1r4 and OUR Whitby Free Press. ANew If' a Byron Street Nortli Whiithy resitient hiat lier way, everyhotiy iii the county town this year woLlld gel ani extra ('lîrîstanis preseuit andt not [romi Kris Kringle - but froni thîe always impersonal Ma Bell! The author of the idea 'thaýt Bell cithier es- tablisli an agency ini Whitby or senti a cheque for S$2.40 at Christauîîs lime for oiîr inconveniice". is jusi one frustrateti resideni whîo lias subserîbeti t0 Bell Teleplione l'or nîany years anti 10w lias thîe inconvenieuice of' hîavîng 10 pay ex tra hecause of' a lack of a local collection office ini Wïi thy. Letters niailedti othie Whitby Free Press on the current Bell (Canada petitioui10W Iîownunber one hiuntired andi twenty, wlîile signatures on petitions being circulaheti arounid îown represent hutiretis more. AIl of' the lehiers ah Ithe Free Press iîtiicate inîdignation f'roni reside;îts now represen tative of' every sîreet ini the town. Residenhs of' the town hiave hiad ho pas' extra charges at the bank or througli mailing since thie teleplione comipaîîy cancelleti out ils Whitby agent. /5 DAZ IGNORINC, fl4 FRiGf.TENING V5SUES THAT PLAQgLJL flE ~î OF H15 f4OIV, T-,OWtWt4tWTBY <??ii?L Il* you would like-to help apipeal Bell Canada 10 hiave a local collection office re-assigned. sec tuie p)et iion coupon on p)age 1). 1HE WUIIBY FREE PRESS 1 (Voice ot the County Town) Homnetown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashiburni. Published every Thiursday in and for tlie people of' Whitby. Offiîce 212 Brock St. South. Miail box 206, Whitby. Phone 668-6 111,668-611l2. Publisiier W. -Bill- Durkec. Fditor Judy Durkee. Fditorial Staff Jirn Quai!. Advertising Ron Winstanlcy. l'roiiiotiotnN Bot) ButrilsiJr. Graphic Art Consultant Ken W. Down. iNCRED412,LE SUPPORTA3Ar-s-r THE GJClotPEx. AND AE' CRI1519. ,PLU: -rl4E PROTF-ST I1N BRO)kLit\N TI4Ee~OalF?ANC:,E-!.... 1zIH'ro H00&INC, TO e»4,- FIECiLX HI'F4Ut 6UffR0e A MUT 80tr5 Sincerely, Carol Wicher, 225 Warden-Wilson Ave., Whitby. NOTICE 0F CORRECTION In WHO'S WHO in Whitby, the Manager of Superior Propane, Whitby was incorrectly named. The manager of the Whitby B ranch of Superior' Propane is Paul Sanford. Idea For Santa Claus -1 M -- -mmwomm

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