Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Sep 1972, p. 15

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Cu nudiamn Tire OBA Play@f f 4 Pîayoff tiîne is a timie for tears, tears of joy foi those whio are the victors, and tears of disappoitt m nent for those whio are on fthe losiîîg end, and tbFs week thîe Wlitby Minor Basebaîýil Assoc. bas a miix- titre of tears as playoff action carrnes onl for Wbitby House Leagues and representatives iii provincial playdowiîs. The Canadian Tire Midgets are the lotie Whiitby club remnaining iin O.B.A. playoffs after a week wbiclî saw the K of C Tyke and flie Legion- aire Pee-Wee cluibs eliininated in liard fouigbt and close series whicbi went the fuilI fbree gaine limiit. St. Thomîas brougbt down the curtain for flhe K of C club iin a tense series while itwas Newrnarket wbio puit an end to the Legionaire's hopes for furtbier hioîours. Ini botb cases tlic ail important toss of the coin for tbe decidiîîg gaine was ini favour of the op- position and iin eacbi case borne groîînds played an inmportatf part iin tbe oLteorne. The Canadian Tire Midgets ousted Orillia to advaîuce f0 their second round against Strafford and it's to be lioped it's not an ilI omien but the Tirerneti also lost the toss of the coiun, so tlîat sbould a third gaine be necessary it wil be played ini Stratford. NIDGETS COME THROUGH Thec Canadian Tire Midgets camîe througlu withi an 8-5 wîn over Orillia at E.A. Fainian to advance itîto thîcir seconîd rouind of' O.B.A. finials. Tlie Tire- mcei lîad won easily 7-O ini the series openier, tlueîî lost the seconîd contesf 6-4 to force the tlîird anîd deciding gatîie. Tlie visitors got on flic board first w itli a sinugle ittuinii the top of the fliird. itt thec Wliitby cluib aîîswered witlu thîre nuiis iin tlueir hiallf of the iîuniîîg. oîly f0 have O rillia tic it Lup 3-3 Iii fli fouirtli and go iii front 5-3 ini thie top of thîe fiftlu. Thîe Canadiain Tire club narrowed the gap) to 5-4 iii tlue bottonu 0of thie fifthu andc tied i t Lup 5-5 ini fle bot toîi of thue seventhu. In thue bottoîîî of' the eiglutlu thue Wlitby cIlu b wetît iii fron t 8-5, thie finial score. The gaine vas a loosely played, error fiîled affair wîtlu a total of six teetun liSiîes. tIi irteeni of' tueii by Orillia. Keti Clark led the CIlii baf flue plate w itii a pair of' singles. Dave Sorieluetti and ('raig 3rouisluewski lîad titîîely douIbles. while Harold Moore, Armuanud Rolbifaille. Robbie ('raigen. iianuie Moore aud [)ave Parishu added sÎiugles f0 fe licne lit total yielded by Terry Buirfonth le lositug pitchier. Hlarold Moore was 0,, filue îuuoîîîud. and wonu lis secotîd gainue of*flue se- ries givinîg Lup sii ifs 1a11dlsfrikig mot teiglit. lîuifthe seconud rouind 0f'f lueir O.B.A. series flue(auuadianl Tire clu b muet St rat ford. anid fhiev lîatîded flue K roelu- lers a ibig 3-2 surprise. Stratford camiito flue gainue coitfideîut etuotîglu of- wilning tduat thîey didin't uise f leir ace pi tchuer. and id ow f*ace bazck to back gaies if' a tluirdi is iecessary fluis weekend iii Stratford. - ;hyilluuped itto an earlv lead xvith a t\v)ruti first mu îuuig anid were neyer bieliiiiud, alfluouIghi St rat- ford flureafeîued inth le iinfi wîueiu tlev gof flue fyi îug rt u to tIiird wluetu thie f*ital OutfCailue. Agai n. errors playeci a big pajrt ini thie garuiie as a total Of' sevetu i, splays were conuiffed. Joh huer.011t- eîuuutu fr\ ibycîu LEGIONAIRES 130W OUT Thue Whifby Legioniaires bowed out of thue '72 basebail pictître Mienu tley dropped a 3-2 decision f0 Newî-narket iii thie tlîird garne oftfle liard foIglît Se- ries between the two clubs. 'l'le Legioîuaires luad ticd the besf of flîrce sets, wMien thîey came itp with a 5-O victory at Peel Park in one of fhîcir best performances of tbe year. For thîis second gante the Wlitby club put on their best defensive display in soîne time, the kind of play which lîad earned for theni fli repu ta- tion as bcing one of flic best fielding clubs in the Pee-Wee ranks; they got an almost flawless pitcbing performance froin left-hander ('arn Murkar wbo who yieldcd only one lit and struck ouf nine, and they nianaged f0 unake their bits count, even though tlîey only had four saties. Tlue glaring weakness of the Legionaires lias beeîî flîcir inabilify f0 corne througb with clutch bits iii pressure situations, wben Midget s in r lIuts inean ru ns. Greg Tushingharn,, returning to action after s several weeks absence due to injury came up with a double which drove in two n.îns, while Ian Gillis, i John Heffer, and Camn Murkar added singles. OnIy 1 once during the gaine did Newrnarkef threaten se- riously, but Darreni Vine caine up withi a double play 1 at second on a line drive and removed the threat. *For the final gainie iii Newmnarket, the Legionaires 1 camne up withi too little and too late as they camne froin behind a 3-0 deficit to make it 3-2 and hiad the tving mrn on third when the last out carne in a thrilling finish whicli had the park in an uproar. *Newinarket picked up two important unearned nîns, the resuit of errors, and built up a 3-O lead iby the fifth. The Legionaires broke the ice in the sixth, and added another in the seventh, but didn't quite make it. Cain Murkar on the mound for the Legionaires was looking for his 2 1 st win of the season but had to settle for his third loss as lie gave up four hits, and struick out nline. Whitby managed four hits off Scott Rettie of' Newrnarket with Creg Tushinghiam again getting adouble, with Fred Petryshyn, Mark Mac- Donald and Doug Shearer adding singles. Iii spite of their elininiation front the O.B.A. pfaydowns this lias to go down as a great year for the Legionaires. They wciit throughi the regular schiedule with a highly ilinressive I18-? record to enid un as leaeue leaders. and thien defcated Lindsay and Cobourg iin semi-finial andd tinal playofi' rounids to wini the E.O.B.A. Pee- Wee Ciaipionshîpl. A lîighi poinit of thieir season was the Greater Niagara Falls Basebaîl Assoc. Tournia- ment whiere againist sonie of'flic best in Ontario thiey enierged the victors aifter five straiglît wins. K OF C'S TIAKE OPENER K of' C 1 ykes \wvot11me opening gaine of thieir sertes witli St. Thiomas 4-3 ait Peel Park, but dropýec tie seconid gaine 4-2 i11 St. Thom as. Tlîe K of' C's started off on tlhe righit foot wi th a 2-O lead in their f'irst tiite Lat lbat, biut St. Thiomas made the Whitby lead short lived ais they tied it 2-2 iii the second and \vent out iii f'ron t 4-2 iii the fifthi. M ike Welling was on tlie nioind for thie K of' C club anid flc younig sou thplaw gave upl only' three lîits. but lus mates also picked Lup onily tliree sinigles iand were Ltinable to score afte r the f'irst in iinig. Bu tclî Gailey, Pauil Heffer anid Jolitn Wall wvere tlie \Vli iby hiitters. ecdi witli a single. Tiue K of' C club lias been plagued tor a good part of tie season by' the absence of' tlree or f*our good power hiitters capable of driviîîg iii runis. 'lie K of 's bowed ouit for '72 on1Sunday whien tlîey lhad to retu rn to St. Tihomias for the tliird atid decidînig colntest alid lost aI close 4-3 decision wliich tilev could hiave wonî iii the finial iiniig wlien tdie leadotff batUer Bu tclî GalIey doîtbled. to die tlîere wVlie n nio onie coulIci niove h mii a roiud w itlî thie tyiing ru îî. Larry ('hiizen vas oni tlueinoioundlfor tlie K of 'Ç's atîcl caîîîe up withi oiie of' bis best perforniîîaces of' tdle season aLs lie st ruIck ou t n me aiid gave ip tfive h its, anid walked two. Bu tclu i alley liad a sinigle anid aJoi bILIIc and Pau Il eff'er. K en J inînuio. aiid M ike Wellitig added siiîgles. For tlie K of 'Ç's this lias to lieinîarked Lctp as a lîiglîly successftl seaisoii. even tlioîîgh tlîey were elituu inated froin tlie layýofft*t rail. A t tie outset of' tie seasoiu flîis was regairded ais a rebuild ing vear f'or tuie club whiicli lost severail ntetîibers to le-e witb action getting underway at 10 a.rn., a second round at 1:00 p.ii., and the final charnpionship pa -t t 4:00 n-.n HEARD'S TAXI 688-1293 Radio Equtpped D irect LUne at Arnold's Market, 115 Brock St. N. For Your Convenience 150 Perry Stre*t Whltby WIIITJ3Y FRET; PRE SS, IIIURSDAY, SLPTiMBIR 7, 1972, I>AGI-'is1 Basebali WHITBY MINOR BASIEBALL ASSOC IATION TYKE HO USE LEAGUE PLAYOFFS Second Round Brown's Foodmaster Brown's Foodm aster Hooker Cbev-Olds Hooker Chev-Olds (Brown's Foodmaster Wiîîs Series) Rae Jones & Son Consumers Gas Consumers Cas Rae Joncs & Son Third Round (Winner of Rae Jones & Son- Con surners Cas Series will play Rotary) Pee-Wee House League Playoffs First Round Results Band R Transport defeated Lions Kiwanis defeated Red Win Orchards Brooklin Legion defeated Dodd and Souter Dale Plastering defeated Seaway Motors Second Round Brooklin Legion Vs. B & R Transport Kiwani5; Vs. Dale Plasterning (Best of Three Camnes Tues., Wed., and Friday if necessary) Tee-Bal Series A Thiree Tcamn Round Robin Uncle George's Boys Vs. Pete The Plurn ber Vs. Palmerston Uncle George's Boys Won Series Series B-Tlhree Teamn Round Robin MeNanara Marine Vs. Gus Brown Vs. Dupont McNarnara Marine Won Series ARTMWAYS (O.LT Ozhaw 723-7171 BowniwilIo 623-3811 NAME G A PIS SHOTS PERC PM Stan Cockerton 23 2S 48 78 30.2 28 Larry Shrigley 20 26 46 69 29.9 49 Doug Bannon 23 20 43 68 34.1 74 Larry Lloyd 22 18 40 79 28.4 a Murry Cawker 15 24 39 56 27.0 16 AIlDrew 10 16 26 39 26.5 27 jeff Rorabeck 11 13 24 37 30.1 Il joe Greentree 12 11 23 58 21.2 29 Pat Fallon Io 1l 21 4« 25.0 12 JimmBrowne 13 7 20 43 30.3 15 Terry Rowând 7 il 18 34 21.1 27 W. me proud t. ho tho O&h Gron Gd Carre

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