WIII'FIj3y IR 1K!'; JRI:ýSS,,TIILJRSj)Ay, SI.1>'F[';M BFR 7, 1972. '1"a, i1I1 M Best of Luck frorn 1BROWN ELECTRIC COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL Established Since 1954 INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE ELECTRlC HEA TfING - AL TERA TIONS REP,4IRS - NEW WIRING FREE ESTIMATES ALSO: EMERGENCY SERVICE AERIAL-LADDER TRUCK SERVICE 218 LEE**@*. **...........668-42111 I Oshawa Transit a transportation with a new look system Free ride for you on Septem ber 9. To help you get acquainted with our new routes and sohedules, wo invite you to enjoy a free ride on Saturday, September 9th. Board our buses at regular stops and be cormfortably chauffeured anywhere in Oshawa servlced by our system. Try lit, You'II Like It. Oshawa Transit 1972 Amtotq .En. harir otji#.vPublic Co~.s, Roy J Flerniiniq, \lCt Chnrmflldl G, 3 fidl Datiefty.MD, Commissione Oivd & Biridfy, Commiwneir Mijvor Fvwjrd G MNely, O.C., Cortin.stionr Skoot LTD. CAR WASH on your OPENINO f rom 4- Telephones: 453-6850 453-6961 AQUA-JET CAR AND TRUCK( WASH SYSTEMS 2101 Oxford St. E. London, Ont. Wa Sh 1