Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 31 Aug 1972, p. 8

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l'AGI 8, l'itIIRSI)AY, AUGUSI .11, 1972, WIlIllîY klPRISS (C".ONrI NU lJý1) 1ROM lFRtONT I*)A('li;d R efe ui ng (o Illwe en t rlim it er as 'aciass îc case of ti ck-1)assiiîg be tw\eeii thele) ice d epa ut tuen t, \ ho lie says \vould Lx'eabhie to \vash t hleir hla nds iii the evenit of' accidlent. aîîd the rifle ranige, lie sa id t he cotilci - lors (i leron and Lîn iwo were iii attendance i the earl jeu mieetingt possi hiy i ve in ýa less popuîla ted a rea. "TIey woiî id not t olera te th is îi fie range ini tlheir 0WnI localtion huit seeun iiosýt anfx ionis to locate it in our s",' lie said. -lhle f'ate of' the ril fie range, ai t houîgh skept îcism is 110w heing show\vn[IV the Sponsors OC thle proposais therniseives, rests \vithi the Septenîiber 1 I meeting of' toWn couincil. Perhiaps Mr. Gus Klinger who lives iii closest proxiiiiity to the proposed site \Vorded it unosI aptly l'u ail taxpayers whien lie said, '»'We don't want to inake trouble lfor anybody. Ail we want is to defeiîd our righits and oiîr chiicirenl's safe(-,ty because aller ýall we're the ones wio lhave to live here." Evenings- Tuesday and Thursday I vA S (Ladies) HAIRSTTLING 14W0 DUNDAS ST. F- - WHITSV "If you want to look your best" Whikby (416»668-4321 scarboroue (416) 439-0241 IPLUMBING. DISCOUNT I~ FIXTURES & SUPPLIES 701 Broilc st. N. Whitby 20% DISCOUNT. DIRECT TO YOU Hors 9a,.to 9 çpr. Mon-Fr, 6-60 Sat.9 am. o 5p.m. 6860 s T ARDY DILIVERY A caîl to Wlîitby resi- dents for piroof'ol' delays ii in a il ser-vice lias esta- blishied tlîat discrepani- cles ini the service dIo exisi silice the change- over of \Vhî thýy mail sort- ing to O)shawa lasi eh ruary. "We have received (luite a lew comiî)aints, inany or tiieni fro ni Vi ithytierclîa lts, Cieuk Williami Wallace told the Free Press on Monday. ~!Arrest After Bud Heard planted this tomato plant he thought it 'might be a beanstalk inistead. The plant was over fine feet high at the time this picture was taken and by fa il. .. who knows? 20%3r Off on ail mens trousers OTTENBRITE'S MEN'fS WEAR 668-3261 103 DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY MA IL As exam-lpiesin pos- session lie cited thiat oneC ietteî' nîailed froni Lind- say. which appears to have heen postnîarked AugLîst 5thi, arrived at its Whiitby destinatîin 0o1 August I 6th. An- othier letter nîailed by a resident of the towil to a resident of the town was niailed ALugList 11 tih and arriveci ALgust i 5 ti lic explained. Tiiese results wili be forwaîrded to the Post Master Generai, Jean Cote. "I shouldn't be a bit surprised the situation wiii improve now that the question of discrep- ancies lias been r-aisedl,"' said Wallace. Tlhe post office ex- plains that miany of the deiays arc being ca used in the case of par-cels be- ing sent third or fourth ciass mail but is mysti- ficd as anyoîî elcsc where tardy letters are concerned. in Dr.. klin DUring ýa Lacrosse gýaîîe at the Brookliîî Arena Stuuday nighit police noticed a group Of YOuî t IîS ciLstered aroLInd the rear of a car ini the parking lot. l)eunis E. Cronin, I18, of 309 Palmîerstonî Ave. ili Whiîby WdS CauiLghlt by police as -lie was ini the act of' cutting up -)a pieuc01of hash islî on1 thle trLink of' a car. Cronin waIs sLibSe(lLCllItly charged. Kin Lottery tickets may be purchased fromn the following authorized sales outiets. Champlain Printers Ltd. Gus Brown Ltd. Broughton Moto, McTeague Electric Ltd. Scott Peters Typesetting Ltd. Bell Drafting & Ri Whitby Cleaners Ltd. Victoria & Grey Ltd. CAILL 724-0051 1972o DATSUN" NOW ON DISPLAY 1 0 S-A..S.. m

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