WHITI3Y'FRIi PRESS, TFURSDAY, AUGUST 24,1972, PAGE 5 Red*nts A petition is 'circulate the town appealing to Bell Telephone for reassignnient of an agency, or agencies where Whitby telephone accounts cait be paid locally without charge. "From a local Bell office, to agencies, ta none; that has been Bell Telephone's treatment for our town over the years," said Henry Perry, a Whitby resident instrumnental in the circulation of the petitions. In order to pay telephone accounts, Whitby CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIP A petition is beîng circulated in the town in an effort to have a local paying place reassigned the town by Bell Canada. PETITION On behaîf of ail Bell Telephone subscribers in the Towr, of Whitby, 1, (we) the undersigned, petition Bell Canada ta re-estabîish arrangements whereby telephone accounts may be paid without additional charge ta the subscribers at somne lac- agent or agencies, such as any local bank located in the town. WHITBY FREE P~RESS, B~OX 206, WHITBY, ONT. CLPCLP - IPCI TO RUN or TO For the municipal candidate not RUN followers pon- dering the intentions of Gord Hanna in running the upcoming mayorality race, the usually ret- icent Mr. Hanna says he doesn't know "exactly" whether or not he will consider the mayorality this December. "I'm not going to mun as a counicillor and I'm not saying 1 will mun," says Mr. Hanna. "What 1 arn saying is that if and when 1 do run, it will be for one of the upper positions in the municipality."" Hanna, who ran in the last municipal elec- tion in 1969, was defeated by Mayor Des Newman by 2,000 -otes. Newman, of course has made it clear he will be back in the running when Whitby goes to the poils again this December. Although there are rumours regard ing other candidates for the mayo)rality, no one has yet declared his intentions formally. Petiti.ning residents must now mail a cheque or money order, or drive to Oshawa to pay direct - at their own ex pense. When Mr. Perry complained of the incon- venience this was posing for Whitby residents, he was told by a Bell Canada representative there was no reason l'or complaint as "afterall there is an envelope supplied to you." Organizers of* the petition to Bell ask ail coîicernied Whitby residents to [Ii out the Whitby Free Prtessi Petit ion below. Upon rcceipt of the petition, the newspap- er will return thern to the petition organiizer. Bell They will then be forwarded to a local MP, who in turn will direct them to the attention of the Bell Telephone Chairman in Toronto. "It's unfair," said Mr. Perry who 'is con- cerned with the decline mé general services in the town. "They (Bell) make their money locally and should collect it Iocally."' letr to heB ffBg i b-x, 0 O. sb FIRE DE PT. 1Ilhe Whiltby Fire [)epartnment vwas cifled to the 401 on Saturday to cxtinguish a [' ie whichi was the result of' a car-t ruck collision. The collision catis- ed tlie gas tank on the 1970 auto ta explode and catch [tire corn- pletely destroying the car which was owncd hy an Amierican coup- le. Later the saine day tie [ire department was called again ta the 401 when another col- lision resulted in spil- led gas on the highway. Ont Monday a fur- nace installation at 1600 Brock Street South caused a f ire which re- sulted in $500 damages to the building and the new furnace. Arlie Sales Ltd. 808 S tation Wagon ZO9Dundas St. W. Whitby 668-9397 THESE ARE JUST A FEW 0F THE MANY EXTRA-LOW PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL SATURDAY, SEPT. 2. COME IN ... CHECK ALL 0F THEM .. . AND SAVE. CLAIROL ""NUICE 'N EASY" HAIR COLOR SUGG. LIST 2.75 V05 HAIR SPRAY 13 oz. ALL TYPES SUGG. LIST 2.98 1979 I.D.A.HUDNUT BATHROOM TISSUE SHAMPOOS 2 -PLY or CREME RINSES WHITIE - PINKA ROLLS f 8 oz. - ANY TrYPE A YELLOW - BLU.6 FORi8 SUGG.' LIST 99c 66C BAYER DRI4STAN. ASPIRIN TABLETS 100'Fs 24's SUGG. LIST 1.12 61 SUGG. LIST 1.45 94c Ne NtuelScntCURAD RIGHT GUARD "OUCHLESS" BANDAGES DEODORANT VALUE PACK - 100's 6 oz. SPRAY-SUGG. LIST 1.79 SUGG. LIST 1.59 a COLGATE 100 MOUTHWASH REGULAR or COOL BLUE 12 oz. 99C SUGG. LIST 1.49 DOVE LIQUID DETERGENT 24 oz. SUGG. LIST 89c 059C COMM ENTS NAME ADDRESS AND MAIL TO ýCLIP COUPON 1 -8 )j le39