CLASSI: Auftmobuies lITIOIYIOlIT AI SALES SERVICE PARTS .FYîêz!~TxuMOTORS 'INVI MIE KING ST. E. OSHAWA OMIU USY 0f NAMONY RD.) 1962 Chev. 2 DHT 283. Just had tune up. Good tires. P.S. Rear window defrost. 668-3277. 1966 Buick Riviera, two door hardtop [Excel lent condition $1, 200 call1 668-9719 65 GMC step van in excellent condition. Sun roof, rebuilt en- gine. Asking $695.00. Phone 668-9775, SERVICES Wholesale! Beef sides o r q u arters, cul and wrapped f or freezer. Cail 655-3326, Authoriod SMITH-CORONA Dealer NEWANS OFFICE EQUIPMENT 117 Trentf St. W. 723-1176 SALE 0F LAND BY TENDER The Corporation 0f the Town of Whitby hereby invites off ers for thle purchase from it for the following land: Two parcels of land each measuring 60 x 100 and a third parcel measuring 66 x 100o more or less. Ail front on Reynolds Street between "Yil1ber t and Dunlop Streets. The property is zoned R2 (single family dwellings). Ail off ers to purchase shaîl be mailed or delivered to the un- dersigned in *a sealed envelope, clearly marked "Tenders for Land" and shaîl be accompanied bv a certified chequé payable to the Town Of Whitby, being 100of the off er. Tender forms and a map of the property may be obtained from the Clerk's Office. The closing date for Tenders is 2:.00 p.m., August 28th, 1972, at which time ail Tenders received will be opened in the Council Chambers. No Tender for less than $10,000.00 will be con- sidered. The highest Or any Tender not necessarily accepted. William H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., ACLERK 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario 15 -WORDS FOR $ IN ADVANCE SM NT I OR BRINO IT IN TO OUR OFFICE AT 301 gyiRON SI.S AND WE WULI RUN VOUR WANT-AD % UNTIL SOLD' or maximum cof 5 weeks. PUÉASE PftT no coomufiD/@*imrgW MAIL TO; WHITBY FREE PRESS BOX 206o WHITBY AdsrowOdpOmfts or rocel$8 ve eut Mnun Pt ~ll t. choque c omny ordorS. Cash Mt Obthoh ho masis et the adytiur s rs. NAME ............................... ADDRESS ............................ P.O..-............. ,.................. PHONE NO................. ........... - - ~'- - III. PIED A 0I C E li e@A E #-utquvuu ogaqw ý W Iwl- For Sale - Fleetwood 23" T.V. Combination Hoover Portable Va- cuum. 1971 Mini Bike - Bost Offer 668-8907 Welsh Ponies - Excellent with chul- dren - One Seven year more, two year old filly - $125.00 each - 665- 3395. Accordian and Case $80. Floor polisher $12. White twin bed- spread. $3. - 668-6143. For Sale - Newv and used va- cuum cleaners. Repairs to al makes. Free estimates. Pick up and delivery. Cal 723-5541. Shag - Broadloomn - Moss Green - Barrymore - 2 pieces - 12' X 21', 10' X 8', 2' X 8' - Fully Bound - Underpadding. Tel: 668-4829. One inside 200 Gal. Fuel Oul Stor- age tank. Good Condition. $25.00 Phone Anytime - 668-4593. 16-foot cabîn cruiser. 60 h.p. outboard with 4-wheel trailer and many extras. Ready Io go. Asking $1175. Phone 668-9775. HOUSES FOR SALE Bungalow aluminumn storms and screens. Cernent block garage 24 by 36. Paved drive, large lot. Floor covering, drapes and antenna includedi. For informat- ion phone 668-4829 af ter 8 p.m. For Sale - Building, 7W X 8W, New Painted Change House. Ski- Doo, Tools - Price: $275.00. Cal: 655-3754, 24 Baldwin St., Brooklîn. Help Wanted - Maie Or Female FulIl ime or part time. We're looking for energetic people 18 years and over vvith car to sell and service Our products. Our commissions are very liberal. For more information caîl 723- 5541. Vola of Canada. 325 Simcoe South, Oshawa. Help Wanted - to work noon hours, Whitby Dairy Queen, Call - 668-5342. PORT WHITBY. Hi Girls! Look- ing for me? Phonie Carole - 668- 4593 for Avorn Monthly Special's Brochures. Baby sitting in my home days. Mon. to Fri Phone: 668-8694. WHITBY - Pre-School Chldren. Will babysit in your home day or evening. Downtown area. Cali 668-4252 anytimne. WFHITBY FRHI.A PRESS, TFIURSDAY, AUGUST 24,1972, PAGE 15 ADVERTISING -M %V. « W -- - - -- - -Mnemom- -GE--S ANNOUNCING LOW COSI MORTGAGE LOANS THAT CAN PAY OFF ALL YOUR ILLS - AND CUT YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS IN HALF OR LESS. In other words, duced payment ai you can malce one re- month instead of rnany. Here's What to Do to Got A Low-Cost Mortgage Loan Cali, Write or corne in. The service is fast, so make your New Start today. We've helped home-owners through- out Ontario consolidate their debts this easy way and everything is con- fidontial. I REAL ESTATE W. SCHATZMAN N r!FAl. roR 2l5Nindn,', SiE., Whithy 668-3338 WHITBY BUNGALOW j hedinom i ime with nittch- erf garagr, irrthwe%*t locatin. Spotless home, nicely land- scapcd yard. Osily $29,900. OSHAWA - 4 BEDROOMS Located in northwest area. 'Livinig room with fireplocc, fomily size kitchen, 2 full bathroc'ms, finished rec room, double garage. Asking onily $34,900. God terms avoilahie, Coll onytimne 668-3338 LTD. GET IN ON SOMIETHING BIG! Full or part-lime, business is goodl We have to expand to meet the demand! We need honest, sincere salesmen to join us now and stay a long lime. Don't worry about experience as I wiII train you to be successful and receive rapid pro- motion. You wiIl earn while you learn and receive substantial com- missions weekîy, plus cash bonuses for extra participation. This is pleasant, dignified work ... con- tact: Norman Yakely, 208 St. Peter Street, Whitby, Phone: 668-5259. 15 WORDS FOR $1 IN ADVANCE 2nd, MORTOAGE MONEY ".5 YEAR TERM OPEN MORTGAGES " NOBONUSES " NO (;REDIT CHECKS " NO INQUIRY 0F NEIGHBOURS " CON FI DENTIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE IN YOUR OWN HOME *BOR ROW AS LITTLE AS $1 ,600 *FAST SERVICE CALI Mr. Wilks 942-2611 or 699-1121 Toronto APARTMENTS FOR RENT. Business Opportunity - 3 Bedroom For Rent- Downstairs furnished Home and Grocery on Highway apt. - suitable for sr. citizens (Res- at Myrtle Station. Only $33,500. ponsible> persons-rent reasonable Phone: 668-4478. Phone 668-2769. J?o8slyiin Arins Apts. *OSHAWA'S MOS17 GRACIOUS LIVING * ELECTRICALLY HEATED This is ic supcrioýr building, well hîîlt ani-i excellently main- toined-ond caters to those people requiring a better woy of living. NO LASr MONTH'S RENT REQUIRED 745 STEVENSON RD. N., OSHAWA 723-1009 If No Answer .579-1413 -M' NOW RINTINO oxford towers in Ajax 2 - 3 Bedrooms from $18 0. Featuring *Outdoor Swimming Pool *Sauna Rooms *A recreotion Room *Party Rooni *En Suite Storago *En Suite Heat ControI *A 20' x 5/6/ Baîcony Close ta: *Shopping Centre * Public, seporate, High& vocational Schoals *The community Centre *Modern Ajax Hospitol * Public Transportution *Go-Train Foilities end the 40t liighway 942-1861 or 964t-3974 POS OMA s OXFORD OFFICE TOWEPS oU SALE. %4 I - OFFICE - - I =i ALLL HARWOOO AVE. SOUTH i ORONTODJ id'JAMAL GERGU L L V A N R EALT OR Box 301. 218 Dundas Street East Whitby. Ontario Houses Wanted We Urgently Require Houses lin the WHfITB3Y AREA. If You Want to Seli Yours, PLEASE CALL US. 668-8826 HELP WANTED lý L'ASSIFfr-D m m MORTGAGES