Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 24 Aug 1972, p. 9

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WIIITI3Y VI'II RIISS, "IIURSL)AY, AUGUST 24, 1972, PAGE 9 ]Reviewilg Leadi[ng Business and Professions by I Bob Burns & Sons WHITBY CLEANERS Owe Great Success to Quality Methods and Custorner Satisfaction. 1 04 Coiborne St., East 668-2345 WHITBY CLEANERS lias been providing top quality dry cleaning service since the firm was esta- blished for many years, service that is now enjoyed by thiousands of satisfied customners throughiout the district. Some indication of the growth of WHITBY CLEANERS, is evidenced by the firm'"s strategically located cash and carry stores and agents. Many men and women, al l igLly skilled in the dry cleaning industry are employed by thiis firm, whichi is justifiably proLId of' its reputation l'or first quality dry eleaning, whiclh is tinished to the custo- mer's satisfactioni, ancd returned in polyetlhelene plas- tic wrapping. Their services include as well as dry cleaning. a complete shiirt laundering service, and drapery dlean - ing process wlhich guarantees thie length oUdraperies. a distinct f'eature of the services provided by this finit We are very pleased ta recommlend thie services of' WIIITBY CLEANERS lin WIIITI3Y, whichi is capa- bly operated by BILL 'TAYLOR whio lis alWays maintainied igh istanldards aI' qiality and service. AUDREY MOORE REALTOR Providing Personalized Service aind are Enjoying Great Popularity ini the Real Esta-îte Field 102 B Byroni St., South 668-40881 The l'aniliar signs of' Audrey Maare Reaitor are seen reguiarly in the area pertaining ta the buying and selling ai' praperty whichi is successfuliy hiandled by this firim, whao have been known as the Action Peaple of' the real estate business. The Business itselt' is under the capable direction ao' AUDREY MOORE, wha lias hiad severai years ai* real estate experience. The l'irm 1igured promninently ini transactions af' every nature pertaining ta the bLîy- ing and selling ai' real estate, placing experienced counsel ai' practical value at the public's comnmand, hiaving been claseiy a'f'iliated with values and their ' luxuation and naticing the trend fromr year ta year; thcy are in a position ta give an appraisal of proper- tics regardless ai' their type. This iirr ot'ibrs the area a complete real estate service, whichi includes residen- tial, commercial, industrial, farms, martgages, apprai- saIs and property management. People corne ta this office with conf idence because Audrey Moore Realtor lias a reputation for reliability and fast competent service. FOSKETT ROOFING A Most Experienced Firm Serving The Area 117 Hopkins St.,ý 668-5906 FOSKETT ROOFING is successfully directed by WILLIAM FOSKETT who Lias been in this business for years, and is regarded as an expert on aIl types of roofing and an authority on materials. A new roof, praperly appiied can transi'orm an aIder home or building intd anc of distinctive beauty and attractive- ness. Now is a goad time ta take inventory of the appearance of your home, building and determine what can be donc ta improve it. Remember, if your a building needs a roof, you won't save money by let- ting it go for still another year or so. But you will save money on your roofmng job by calling this company who are well experienced in ROOFS f'or HOMES. Here yau get a good Quality Roofing Material applicd by experts at a very reasonable price. This includes asphaît shingle mofs, whiclî is a specialty and roof repairs, ini act oof'iîîg oU' ail types, witlîria job taa smnali or tao large. Wc Ucel sure tht you wiIl nat liesi- tate ini calling upon their service wilîi we are pleased ta recomnnînd ta yau. STYLELITE SHOES Widely Recognized for Styles, Fashion and Proper Fittings 109 Brock St., South 668-4881 STYLELITE SHOES is a trustcd name associated witLi quality footwear. This business is enjaying great success througli care and attention in proper fittings in moderately priced, higLi style shoes for the entire famnily. They have assured customers of shoes manu- I'actured by tLie mast experienced craftsmcn in the shoe industry. STYLELITE SHOFS is a valuable contribution ta the retail business district of WHITBY, and ta the complete assurance and satisi'action of customers in regard ta anything ini Fashian Footwcar l'eaturing greatest brand namnes ini shoes. Tliey have aided the people of the area ta a better walk af" hUe, with lead- ing styles without exorbitant price tags. You cani buy with conl'idence better cîuality sLiaes in today's fashion at STYLELITE SHOLS and wc are pleased ta refer this excellent store ta ill aur reade rs. A Weil Respected Naine in thLi Business Victoria St., East 668-3328 This comlpanIly whlich is welI establishied and with î*ill kno\vledge ai' the Cas Business and its mnany ap- piianccs, \vhichi include ('lothes Dryers, Ranges, Fur- naces, Water I leaters, Space I leaters and Camping E-quipmnent. Their gas service is one ai' the sai'est and most effiicient methads iin modern heating, cooking, etc. This lirm's B ranch in K itchener is inanaged by P>AUL SANL)ERS and assistedl by an e'l'icient staf'f wlîa have madle many l'riends and are highly esteemied by aIl wha have hiad the pleasure af' deaîîng with themi. About the product they hiandle, Liqiit'iedi Pet- ralcum C(as lias revalu tionized l'amni and suburban home owners way ai' living and is of great benel'it ta businîess and industry. For the onîe wlîa is îîot l'amiliar with PROPANE-' GJAS, its' many uses, it can be said that it ol'iers el'l'î- ciency and ecanony l'or house heating, water heating or cookiîîg. Aside l'romi home use, it is bcing widcly uised by l'armers also as it lias proven ta be a great ad- vantage in tlîerrnostatically controlled heat, it pro- vides better grain andco crn drying. It is also used for other commercial purposes includ ing carburetian con- verna l'or li't trucks. Because Propane gas Lias greatly reduced air pollution, it is widely used in business and industry. It is simple ta operate and handle. If you are intcrcsted in chccking with others who now use this service, contact the management as they can refer you ta many satisfied customers throughout the area. SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD., with over 85 bulk plants and serving fromn coast ta caast, is a firmn wor- thy ai' higli recommendation. FOWLER'S HARDWOOD FLOORING A Well Respected Name in The Business 20 Churchill St., 668-6019 This business Lias been established since 1966 and is under thc capable guidance of GUY FOWLER withi a background of 16 years experience. FOWLERS are very weil known throughout the area for their widc and varied sciection of floor caverings, as weIl as their design abiîity in tlîis field ta create a beautiful initeriar plus installation by the inost expericnccd men in the business. It is ta, your advantage ta purchase liere; froni a varied selection of floaring aiso rei'inishing ta a glass- like finish an aid Lardwood ilooî's and installations. Their design ability will spread decorati"e beauty tirauighout your home or business. They have years ai' experience in the business and ail work is donc in a very professional minner. We knaw that in doing business with GUY you wiil be thoroughiy satisl'ied ta become anotiier ai' niany compietely satisi'ied custamiers that they have throughou-iit WIIITBY and SuL rrotunding, conmnunfities. This business has been recognized as an esta- blished meat market since 1967 in the area and has been successfully operated by MR. KOOPNANS & MR. HARINGA, both associated with the Meat Busi- ness and Delicatessen for many years who operate the business by the highest standards, individually operated butcher shops and meat markets such as this, who supply choice quality meats which are es- pecially selected and the fact that meats are their main business, not a sideline, assures the consumer of quality meats properly eut and wrapped and equally important, freshest meats possible. The large patron- age enjoyed by EAST END'S attests to the fact that their meats are always choice quality, the finest in delicatessen products. Serving a very important need in the commiunity and of great convenience ta the housewivcs of the area, this business is worthy of the patronage of' the area. EAST END QUALITY MEATS & DELICATESSEN Enjoying Large Patroiage through Choice Quality Produets 104 Lupin Drive 668-4782 IVAN'S LADIES HAIR STYLING Oine of the Area's Leading Hair Fashion Designers 1400 Dundas St. East 668-4327 Bleig originators aof Advanced Hairstyling is the IKEY ta the great success of 1VAN'S LADIES HAIR- STIY LIN G. They have initroduced to this area, one of the greatest and miost beneficial professianal services in creating styles for women's hair to suit each persan- ality. This includes hair-styling, shaping and cutting. Wornen of' this area, who wish to add a distinc- tive touch to good groom ing should visit IVAN'S LA- DIES HAI RSTYLING which lias been decorated very tastefully witl'i that Woman Appeal. Since this exclu- sive service first becarne intraduced to the area, wo- meni of the district started rnaking regular visits to this shop. Then the t rend began to catch on and soon every persan whvlio ad heard of IVAN'S LADIES HAIR- STYLING was interested in havinigLier hair restyled. Capably owned by Charlotte Smith, well known hairstylist, the Hairstyling Lounge is certainly worthy of patronage of ail the smart women of the district. Through tLieir weIl chosen treatr-nents they are able to bring out those important qualities of youth, dignity, and good grooming. We take great pleasure in this review referring IVAN'S LADIES HAIRSTYLING for the ultimate in Hairstyling. LE CHALET DINING ROOM & TAVERN Onie of the Area's Finer Dining Places 106 Dundas St., West 668-4377 Thousands of people have discovered the charm and Lospitality of the LE CHALET which is success- fully owned and operated by NICK ANGELOPIOS who is well known in the district. Upon entering their lounge you automnatically take note of the cleverly decorated interior which re- flects the warmth and goodness*of the food and the hospitality.1 The LE CHALET is the home of the finest cui- sine prepared by MASTER CHEFS and cooked ta your liking. Their kitchen sets them apart fromn the ordinary eating establishments and they have become a favourite with many area families, as wel as cele- brities and other people from around the country. Since opening they are a favourite dining place of the businessman as welI as the entire famnily. TLiey are well recognized for their Famnous STEAKS and CHOPS. TLicir lounge Lias decor which exudes a warm, inviting atmosphiere, more informaI, which adds ta the camfartable surroundigs. Find out why we recommend the LE CHALET DININC ROOM & TAVERN sa highly, by stopping i;nesaal l'o-r the exelenein diningcasr"

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