,Page 0, Trhursday, August 10e,1972e HT3 FE RS S>POPLS d. MOTORINO with Mike Burgess Former Po r t \Whitby resident Ron Keys was back in town Iast Sunday for the X.V"hitby Town Carnival Moto-cross organi1zed by DE r i t i s h E-mp ire Motor Club. Ron, a member of Oshawa Competi- tianMotorcycle Club, races profession- al1 y for the Yamaha Motocross Team and has been spending most of his time in the Quebec area where the majarity of the races are held. This year to date, Ron has chalked up an impressive list of 17 wins out of 22 starts. And if it wasnit for the fact that he is riding prototype bikes which are flot tried and proven, 1 arn sure that some of those breakdowns he has suffered would have been wins. There were no mechanical failures for Ran on Sunday, and he rode easily ta take first place in both of the 250cc. expert class races. Pan has no hard and fast plans for the future except to - Ikeep racing"l, and is considering tryin9 the U. S. ci rcui t. AIlso in the 1250 E--X pert' class were #82 Kari Nissinen se- cond and 1I ï7ý-onnie Matthews third. 1lalso talked to lR'obin Teeling of -Pick- ering, another0. C. M.C. member, who descr ibed the c ou r se as very rough, very tiring, and verv bone jarring!' The Off 1'-oad î-:acing Meet scheduled for Swiss Chalet Park last Sunday wvas WHITBY-ýHARRISON FUELS L1MITED "Your TEXAC Dealer" 211 Brock St. S. Phone:668-3610 Bnie's Fmna Station Genera*l Repairs Front End Alignment 1101IROCK Sf. E. 668 -5521 FOR TH E LOOK NEW HOME 0F... caiice 1l ed. The next race day wi1Il be thi s Sunday (Aug. 13) at Sunset Speedway on on highway #11 -1- 2rniles south of ,.3 a r r ie. The Soap 13ox Derby was supposed to have been run iast Monday, but be- cause of torrential shawers the or'gan- izers didn't appear, aI though myself and t.he competitors waited until about il a. m. 1 don't know what happened after that because i left! 1 nearly forgot to mention that 1 re- ceived a report from Mlosport stating "la certain Datsun proved last Sunday that t h e vval Is around the track are M,.OT crash proof"l; apparentiy this fellow managed to crash THFROUGH !... those Tiger Town è"aces can be wild! THIS Sunday at Mosport r-»ark along withtheregularly scheduledEi'uiova Se- ries Formula Ford and 2. 5 sedan races, will1 be a Trans-Arn type event. Organ- i ze d by Mo Carter and AIlfie ïRuys de P"erez (iast wveekts speaker at the Osh- awa Mator Sport Club meeting), the r-aýn and EveW,:hite Memoriali E',ace for Crip- pied Chu drenwil i feature approximatel y thi rty trans-arn 'pony' cars including such names as Mult Mionter, 1varren Agaor, Tony DeLarenzo, Mo Carter, AI f i e Ruys de Perez and other narne drivers frornthis yearst Trans-Arn cir- cuit. AIl profits after expenses wili be donated ta the Ontario Society for Crip- pIed C h i 1 d r e n by the drivers them- selves. Admission is five dollars for adultsandchildren under 12 fr'ee. This ticket is ail-inclusive, and will entitie you to go into the pi ts, paddock, grand- stand, etc. I Ive donated my help by sel ling pro- grams, again iriiaid of crippied children, 50 if you see me or someone else with an arm fuIlI of programs, buy one or two (I won't ge t a penny, but it's a 900d cause, worth helpîng ou t). 'TII next vveek, Happy Motoring! GIANT on AUl Suifs Do'fMisa u OTTENBRITE'Sà --J CARN IVAL continued from front page. the Savarian ten t. Needless to say, hundreds of cases of liquid refresh- ments were enjoyed. It tookMr. Whittick some eight mon- th s in preparation, and his wife, Pru designed the twenty Eavarian costumes worn b y the Lionettes in honour of the even t. The Rotarians served some 2000 at the always weili attended Sunday morning Pancake Breakfast, and Fire Chief Ed Crouch reports some $900 was taken in on t icke ts during dunk the celebrity festivi ties. Junior BHockey'sDunk theCelebrityi the Lions 3avarian Ten tand the Mal tese Pavalion at the Four Corners aithough new, aili drew impressive crowds. T he 4 0' b y 1401 tent, which had a se at i ng capaci ty o f 370, was packed ev e ry ni1gh t and on Saturday. And as Mr. Whittick pointed out, "1just about everybody seemed to be there." Naob o dy asked to participate in the ceIebrity dunk refused, and the some- t irme s 1o wer than 65-degree wea ther wasn' t always pleasant for the celebri ty. As Counci Ilar Gerry Cox said, "lit is onl1y in a tawn 1IikeWhi tby where you have this great carnmunity spirit that s ore thi ng like the celebrity dunking went aver so w 1.I AIl1 in al1, County Town Carnivai Number 7 wiil be recorded indeiibiy in the memor les of rnany Whitby residents and visitors to the County Town. Try You'II 209 DUNDAS ST. W. ht 0 a. Like it! ARLIE SALES WHITBY -668-9397 PLUMBINO DISCOUNT~ FIXTURES & SUPPLIES 701 Brock st. N. Whitby 20% DISCOUNT DIRECT TO YOU1 Hours: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mon-Fri Sat. 9 a.m. to 5 prm. WHITBY ýSPEED'FN CUSTOM WE SIlIL Hurst Crager Thrush Edelbroc< Zoom HoII1ey 112 Stock Sf. Worth' Wh t lfy, 0Oat. 668aS422 8 Roo buck St. NEW ad U SIED Lawn Mowers and BicyclesE. SOLD and REPAIRED / BASESALL and LACROSSE 1 EQUIPMENT SLawn Mowers Sharpened Glass Cutting 655-4361 VVHITIDY FREE- PRESS 668m6601