Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Aug 1972, p. 5

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WHIT3Y FREE PRESS, Thunsday, August 109 1972,, page 5 BIRD 'S EYE VIEW -414f OUA/fi DRAT!f Wouldn't you know it, just as it was coming upmy turn, and i t had been ramn- ing al day, the sun came out as bright as a diamond and the rain stopped. It stanted when 1 was infonmed that the Brookl in and Whi tby Junior B Hockey club were going ta have a boath at the CauntyTown Carnival called, Dunk the Celebri ty. i t h oug-qht it seemed 1like a pnret ty good idea at f irst. And then i found aut. Somebody, whose name shai I remain unspoken but thaught of a great deai, had subniitted my name as one of thase pon unfontunates wha was ta be seated an a chair above a pool of water. Now jus t because i occasionally induige a 1littie insani tycaliled shoating the napids daoe s n1t mean 1Ilm crazy in love with. water. It has its place and i have mine and if i didn't immense myself in waten fan a couple of days it wouldn't neaiîy bother me. Cesides, 1 anr g u e d, the booth was cal led Dunk the Ceiebni1ty and 1 was flot a celebrity. If it wasnit for the beard mast people in tawn wouIdn't even know me even if they tripped aven my body in front of the hotel. i was then informed they were running out of celebnities and would settle for an ordinary clutz. WNell1 While shooting the rapids again on Sunday I was hoping ai l day that maybe i wouid break something and 1 wouldnit have ta face a sadis tic mob on Manday who were bent an seeing me dunked. No- suchluck. When i want bad luck i can't beg, borrow or steai it. 1 came through THANKS FOR A GREAT the rapid shooting unscathed and parti- cularlyhealthy but definitely nat ready for the Monday dunking. Along came Monday and so did the nain. 1 was delighted. They wouid have ta cancel the whole event and if they didn't people wouldn't corne aut anyway -because af the ram . . . 1 haped. Around about 1 p. m. the sun carne out i ike it was going out of style. i kidcm sl n iur di o lntls but haîf an hour later it was stili as strangaseveranci ail those lavely pud-' dlies were farm ing steam and dry ing up. Drat! Just what i didn 't want. 1 was beat. i had ta show up for 2 p.rn. or neyer show my face again. 1 arr ived at the fateful spot just afterC~il 1, thepublisher, had taken his first dunk- ing. i can tell you it was ail very un- savory looking. Now why wouid people want ta dunk a couple of nice guys like Bill and myseif? i couid understand people wanting ta get acrack at the police chief or the by- 1law enfarcement off icen and even some of the council11or s for one reason or an- other, but why me'? Suddenl1y the anriauncen yel11led i t w as my tunn and he s tar ted to ga the r a c rowd. 1 was sitting up there nice and dry and thoroughî y uncornfortab le and canspicu- aus. The crowd pressed in d 1oser ta see the dummy in the chair. Nobody carne forward ta take that f irst fatefui throw and i was beginning ta think the crowd understood haw heipiess i fel t up there and they coul d understand. And then it happened! Sanie smart aleck kid pushed through CARNIVAL!f On behaîf of the afficens, ainectons and committee chairmen of the Whitby County Town Carnival, 1 wish ta sincerely thank ail those wha con tnibuted ta the success af the biggest cannivai hel d ta date. Our event isdefiniteiyaone of canipiete invalvernent, as every Whitby club, ongani- zation, departmentof the town, as weil as a great many individuais, do- nategenenously of thein valuable holiday tume in orden ta make aur tawn knawn fan its carnivai. 0f course 1littie success would be achieved withaut the participation of the great citizens of Whi tby wha support the events so enthusiastically. My thanks ta you a l. JACK WOODWARD, Generai Chairman, Whîtby Caunty Town Carnival. thecrowd arnd said, "l'il1 put the dummy in the water!'IlDarn kid. i neyer did get his name ... but 1 knaw youtre out there and l'I get you! The first bailI flew thraugh the air l ike abul let, the crowd yel led and sud-' denly the water was coming up to meet me. Drat! 1 staggered up to a vertical position and waded back to the ladder. i was soaked to, the yau know what. The worst of it was the kid stili had three shots ta go. The next three were bum- mers. 1 guess the first was just a lucky shot. 3y the time my stint was aven I felt 1ike a German LI boat at the end of the war. lnstead af changing my clothes, in the tent 1 had ta waik back two blacks- ta the car because 1 didn't knaw there would be a tent available for changing. 1 carnied my shoes in my hand and be ca u s e Iwas saaked and 1ooked so w re tc he d i just sloshed through the puddles in my sock feet rather than avoiding them. i got a lot of funny looks from people who didnrt realîize i had just corne framthelDunk the Ceiebnity booth. Anidbesides, Dunk the Ceiebnity in- deed! Ils that any way to treat a cele- bnity?7 They don't even do that on the John ny Carson show. Unfartunateiy 1 wanft be available next yean because I'im going ta a chicken plucking seminan in WVaIla VaIla, Washington. And by the way i had a buddy with a telephoto lens taking pic tures of ail1 you acepitchersthatscared. Now if i could an i y figure out what happened ta the film... Drat! NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING SEL ECTCOMMITTEE ON LAND DRAINAGE BY resolution af the Legisiature of Ontario a select committee was appointed on June 30, 1972 ta examine, study and inquire into the fallowing matters regarding land drainage in Ontario: (1) The objectives ai land drainage as an agricultural practice and the benefifs ta be derived tram such practice. (2) The assoclaîed prablems of competing land use In the urban fringe and In wetlands, as infiuenced by land drainage prajects. <3) The prablem aif public lnterest in land use over the drainage oi private lands by individuais. (4) The prior evaluation oi the benefits and costs oi a drainage pro ject. (5) An evaluaflo#i ai the petition pracedure fcr initlafing a drainage praject. (6) A review oiflthe construction improvemnent and maintenance pracedures under "The Drainage Ac' in achieving the objectives. <7) A review ai the appeai pracedures under "The Drainage Acf'. <8) A review ai the tinancial pracedures and assistance under "The drainage Act" and ather drainage pragrams. <9) A study oif thec csts ai land drainage and whaf influences such costs and how they may be reduced, L.e. engineering casts, etc. <10) An evaluation oi construction practices in gerieral and erosion and weed contrai of drainage ditches In detail. (11) A review oi the administrative practîces and methads in carrylng out responsibillty under "The Drainage Act". Af fer due study and considerafian ta recommend such changes in the laws, procedures and processes as In the opinion oi the Committe. may be necessary and desirabie. The Committee has the Intention oi vislting ail areas In the Province and to hold public hearlngs on the questions associated with the above terms ai reference. Thtis therefore. , f.t invite ail interest.d parties,- individual or otherwlse, t. indicate t. tiie Communte. by <AUGUST 15. 11972) fhir intention t. submit wrltten briefs or their desire t. attend the. hearlngs and make oral representations. The respanse ta this invitation wili determine the times and places ai hearings. A written notice setting out the time and place of the public hearings will be given as soon as passible toaail persans' who have filied notice ai intention ta make writfen or oral sub. missions. - Lamne Henderson. M.P.P. Chairman. Select Committee on Land Drainage Box 201 Parliament Buildings Toronto. Ontario ONTARIO

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