Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Aug 1972, p. 10

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Page 10, T'hursdlay, August 10, 19729 WHITBY FREE PRESS Wl," Ca pri corn : Joyce Rend Dec. 22 to jan. 19 Signifîcant days for you, Caprlcorn, durlng this seven-day period are Thursday the 23rd and Fri- -'day the 25th. T4e latter part of the weekla 1 aus- piclous for a short journey or a visit with brothers and sisters. Aquanrlus: jm.ut*.yé.i The tide ls turned lni your favour durlng this seven dayperiod. This is a valuable time for changes ln appolntments, unforseen die I a y s and minor set- backs. Use this timne to become better organizeci. Feb.a UteNrck3a You have reachedone of your high points, Pisces. Enjoyl11fe and enjoy the summer, but don'1t be 1lull1ed into a false sense of securlty. You must maintain strict self-dlsclpline to reach apeak by mld April, Àb- 1974. Ailes:.MarckltoAprilh This is one of the best times of the year, Arles, and may be the most productive period since your birthday month. Beginnlng now, and In the weeks ahead, you have an opportunlty to realize long- held hopes. Tauirus: Aprl2toMay2S Thurs. , Aug. 24th is your mast significant day. It ývauldbe wvell to get correspondence, reports and data finisheci and in the mail by Friday the 25th. Yaur publicl1lfe and standing in the communl ty as- sume importance over the 27th. Gienini : mav2ltoJuneze This should prove ta be a stimulating seven-day period for you, Gemini. Significant days of the wveek are Sunday the 27th andi Manday the 28th, when intuition is high. C a ne e : June 21to JulvY22 You could feel a letdawn after the heady effects of the last four weeks, yet your daily duties do -iot cease. Tuesday the 29th is yaur most signifi- cant day. Finances regardlng the home appear at a standstill. Le o: JulvM3to Aug.22 Your most significant day is Wed. the 23rd. This wauld be a good time ta travel. If a vacation is schedulednow, you should enjoy many worthwhile experiences. Out of the ordinary - places of in- trigue. V ir go: Aug. 23 toSept.22 '(aur most significant period is an or arounci the 24th. Home conditions geta baost at this time. '(ou cauld use this period up ta the 25th of August to try and salve problems of long standing. '(au are on the verge of a newv start. Good luck Virgo! LibÈ>r a: Sept. 23to oct. 22 Lastwveek's invigorating pace spilîIs over into this seven-dayperiod. '(ourmostsignificant day of the week is Saturday the 17th. When the Full Moon occurs ln that position of your char t given over ta amusements, children, teaching. Take steps ta- wards relaxation at week's end. Scorio: Oct. 23 to Nov. 22 .q- This is a rewarding timie for you, Scorpia. Use this period up ta August 17th for repl annlng, pay- ingold buils, andi bringing tax matters up ta date. Do nat make new beginnings, other than for short t erm. Sa g I 1 tar i US: Nov. 23 ton«c. 21 Wait until August 1 7th before beginning anythlng new. On the 24th, ani important'persan wil11 be very friendly & favourable towards you. You may har- vest rewards for past performances. HEARD'S TAXI 668-3732 Radio Equipped & Direct LUne at Arnold's Market, 115 Brock St. N. For Your Convenience 150 -Perry Street Whltby 0 e. - 11 .-TE 81 . Cont. from Pg. 2- 1 arn genuinely puzzl ed by the con- ciuding and pre- sumably "punch" hune 1h- the editor- !ai: "Perhaps some people manning Ontario Human e Societies across the2rovince of Ontario have been around caged ani- malis too long.."I Fr anki1ye to My way of feel ing, ANY tlm e 1is too long, and these "1poverty'- strick- en" workers in their I"chosen roi es" must surely have been moti- vatedby incredible masochism in de- voting themselves to the care of the, stray and aban- doned. lt would be so much easier o n the nerves to turn onels back - as most of us do - to t ak e on some other 1 ne of work which give greater promise of per- sonal a ch ie ve - ment. How it is possible for Shel- ter staffs to keep their faith in hu- manit\/ - and they do - seems a mir- ac le to m e . 'e- cause for every pleasant encouviter wi th understanding people, there are probably twice as many dishearten- lng episodes with those l"humans"' w ho demonstra'te t h e 1 r possession of a "isoul "l by leavinga boxful of kittens in a creek or at the side of a road 1insub-zero weather, or wh o conclude a hunting spree by, tying their faithfui hounds to a tree in the forest and hightaiiing it back to townwi!th a gory carcass on the bumper. And so on ad infinitum, an-d very ad nauseam. To cite acom- monplac e examp le: On Sunday s the Shefiter Staff leaves about three o'clock. V o1u ;- teers coming in to feed the animals at f ive -*thirty 1la st Sunday we re drawn I at once t o the w.oods behind the building ih an- swer to terrified cry ing in the u nde r brush. At the expense of much time, effort an-d persuasion, they rounded up twiocats and three k i ttens wh ich s ome sensitive soul had Until the human soul matures suf- ficienti y to recog- nize the plight of "'pet" animais and * .1972 DÂTSUN NOW ON DISPLAY ZOLTAN Md' NICK'3 160 Simc.e . S. CALL 728003S1 L obviously, wanted to "get'-rid of" in an ecoriomicai way. And someone' had stuck a smal spaniel type in the dog run w i t ho u t food or water on a sizzling day. Had the vol unteers not discovered them, these animais would have stood a good chance of beingkilied on the highway. And some 1"hLmans"' woulId have thought it a good thi1ng9. There are mill1ions of animais for whom there is no place - of course they should neyer have been born. (Unfo r t u n a t e i y this alsoappl ies to some humans, FOR: PADLOCKS, AUTOS, HOMES APARTMENTS, OFFICES BROOKLIN HARDWARE 58 BALDWIN ST. BROOKLIN 655-3831 Steve Hanson SUys: Money Management is a Job for Experts The first thing the average widow needs is an incarne ta replace her husbands weekly pay cheque. Let me show you how ta take advantage ofthe "Incarne Options" in your present Life Insurance policy to make sure that your'wifc will receive what she actually needs -a regular guaranteed income- antd be sparcd invcstment prub- Immt. For Life Insurance service, just contact:, S. K.'(Steve) Hanson T:Suite 501 , Bell Tower, * Oshawa Centre Oshawa, Ontario ManuiILfe to take the neces- sary steisy, eve n if it costs a littie, t he Humane 80- cieties w 1l1i stili have to do an ag- onizing amount of kiiiing, and there wiii have tobeani- mais in cages and people to look af- ter them, and al1 honour tothose who, in spite of' cons tant carping criticism, con- cern themselves to do so. Sincerely yours,_ M. 1-1. Sissons, President, Ontario County :Dranch, On tar 1o H umane, 'h i tb Y. Pî sems CLEARANCE THE BEST PRICE EVER ON ALL 1972 COLOUR T.V.'S Many Models to Choose From The quolity goes mn before the nosme goes on' FALCON T.V. 426 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 723-0011 Catch up w eth the ea r. un 1600 IA to ýC r àn a d a's ',nu'int)cr;one impofi car hefej. pat5un 1600 9b horses, up ec. ýý.bI e co c&rý Il y to 35 mileb to Ihu qallon With th.- k kirl 35 b', iý les Po% !ýýt>te Da tSUrl irld Pt petiorminre that s mud i il C Pg l Ceada s most succusfui raity càrý Il you*re plamrignq Io buy ari economy car, buy the Onc that been lested 'under the worsi pos- sible conditignp againsi the. best POIJS'bte Datsun 1600. li's the leader. kom JM it 1 ý

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