Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 Aug 1972, p. 3

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, August 3, 1972, page A -Lot of Peopie Just Happen t. Like the Carnîval Whatmakes a carnival happen? Is it apark, apancakear a parade? Na, it's people. People are needed to use that park, or ta eat that pancake. People make a carnivai what it is. Whitbyites and those from out of tawn, whoalsoparticipateiln the festivi- ties, have been responsibl efor the car- nivai's survivai and grawth. Yes, ailot ofpeople do just happen ta 1like th is carni!val weekend, and they are prepared ta tell you why. Councilior Dr. K. Hobbsfelt that the carnival was "the grea test t h i n g that everhappened ta this town"l because "lit gets the people together."Il"The Soap Bax Derby, Pancake Breakfast, the Ro- vers, and the parade are al1 tops,"I he sai d. J ack Woodward, chairman for the Caunty Carnivai, daesn'1t 1like ta have ta' naàr r ow hi s choice o f events down ta one or'two he says, "lhecause there are at least ten very good anes."I However u n d è ,ý doser questioning, Mr. Wood- w a rd descri1bed the three happen ings that he considered ta be except i ana 1i. "The pancake breakfast with close ta 2,500 people attending is goad and the soap box derby is, too,"I he said. "The parade is probably the biggest feature," he said, "lsince it graws each year, as do the crowds. I Mr. Pi lkington, WIVh 1tb y 1s Chief of Pal ice, said, I generai ly enjay the pea- piejusthavinga gaod time watching and participating in the var lous events."i Personallyhe thought that the soap box derby was one of the best events as a gaad many other people do. Fire Chief Crauch b el i ev ed, "the parade îs the most autstanding evewt be- cause of the colour and excitement It adds ta the whole atmosphere of the weekend. il The carnivai as a whale he added, "brings together different ser- v i ce cl ubs and the people ta, make a smas'hing event. il Some of taday's teenagers, it seems, have became toa sophisticated for town carnival s. KenRied, a 17-year-old A. C.V.i1. student, said that he 1likes the carnival best "when it's over."I Susan Keyes, a Henry Street High student, feels almost the same way. She said, l'the carnival is a big farce,'why look at the small fair wetve gat in the park. "" IThat Miss County Town Carni- val thing, is a joke, too,"I she added, aimost as an after-thought. On the whoie hawever, kids 1like the c h a n g e of pace the carnivai provides from the usual routine af Vhitby Il Îfe. Jackie Dewsbury, Ilpage...turneril for the County Town Singers, feels that the carnivai "Igives the people a chance ta, get aut and do something. I She missed much of lastyear's festivities but Jackie "Idef ini tely"Ilpi a ns ta attend as many events as she can this year. DebbieStafford, who infects every- bodywithher bubbiy personaiity, plans ta, attend almost everything that provides excitement. Sesides liking the beauty con test, the motorcycle scrambies, Go- Kart racing, the car raily, the street dance, and E3 ingo, she 1 ikes the parade. Her one stipulation about the parade, however, is that 111 shouid be in it."I Mrs. Shriev, 933 Crocus Cr., said, 111 think îismarveious ta have something like this in W.fhitby especially when we donit have too much, otherwise. IlMrs. Shriev doesn't like any one particular thing; she likes everything. As far as the carnivai as a whoie is concerned, Mr. H o I m e s , of Hi 11lcrest Dr. , thinks 'lit is good for the town be- cause i t gets the pe op 1le out and to- gether. "l"The pancake breakfast is ex- cel lent, Il he said. 'lit is a first-class job and' done for a good cause. 1 enjoy it very much. Il Mrs. Paul Newton, a residen t of Whitby for 14 years, said, "the carni- val is a nice thing to have each year."I "11 arn iooking farward ta itand 1 plan to do something different th'is year; 1 plan ta see ai l those exotic foods."I " IThemer chants, whosponsorthe "flbats" for the parade and the people who participate are ta be commended," Mrs. Newton added. Mrs. Mcintyre, a former Home Economics teacher at Henry High, said, "lthe best thing about the carnivai is the participation and enthusiasm of familles." The carnival,"1 she added, Ilgives us a chance ta be proud of our town. Il Her one favourite event? The parade, of course. 1Carnival time brings with it a vari- ation of interests which appeal ta al1 types of people. But perhaps more im- portant than any one or two events, as has been suggested and is the feeling of many, is "the a wa re ne s s of the warrn friendliness this town is capable of; a friendlinesswhich should - and couid- remain ai i year-round. THE FREN.DUY FLEA MARKET- *Wb buy am msil anytirinl 123 PRINCEST 725-9783 OSMWA THE OLDE CURIOSITY SHOPPE Congratulations TOWN 0F WHITBY on your COUNTY TOWN C ARNIVAL 131 BROCK ST. SOUTH WHITBY FULL SIZE PONTIAC SALE Laurentians, Catalinas, Parisiennes 4 Door Sedans, 2 Door and 4 Door Hard Tops YOUR TRADE-mIN US WORTH BIG MONEY NOW!a et GUS BROWN MOTORS LIMITED Pontiac Buick - G M C Trucks Dun das Street E a st W H 1 T B Y- Telephone 668-5846 ONTARtO NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING SELECT COMMITTEE ON LAND DRAINAGE By resolut ion of the Legisiafure of Ontario a select committee was appoînted on June 30, 1972 ta examine, study and inquire into the fllowing matters regarding land drainage in Ontario: (1) The objectives of land drainage as an agricultural praclîce and the benefits to be derived f rom such practice, (2> The assoclated problemns of competlng land use In the urban fringe and In wetlands, as influenced by land drainage pro jects. (3> The problem of public lnterest In land use over the drainage of private lands by individuais. (4> The prior evaluat ion of the beneft is and costs of a drainage proiect. (5) An evaluaf ion of the petit ion procedure for initiating a drainage project. (6) A review of fthe construction improvement and maintenance procedures under "The Drainage Act" in achieving the objectives. (7) A review of the appeal procedures under "The Drainage Act". (8) A rev iew of the f inanc lai procedures and assistance under "The Drainage Act" and other drainage programs. (9) A sfudy of the costs of land drainage and whaf influences sudi cosfs and how they may be reduced, iLe. engineering costs, etc. (10) An evaluafion of construction practîces In general and erosion and weed contrai of drainage ditches In detail. (11) A review of the administrative practîces and mefhods in carrying ouf responslbillty under "The Drainage Acf". Af fer due study and consideraf ion to recommend such changes n the iaws, procedures and processes as in the opinion of the Committee may be necessary and desirable. The Commitfee has fthe intention o! vlsiting ail areas in the Province and to hold public hearlngs on the questions associated with fthe above terms of reference. This therefore, is to invite &Il inseresed parties.- individual or otherwise, to indicate to the Committee, by (AUGUSTr 15, 1972> their intention to subrnit written briefs or their desire ta attend the hearîngs and make oral representations. The response to this Invitation will defermine the times and places of hearings. A written notice setfing ouf fhe flime and place of the public hearings willi be given as soon as possible fa ail persons who have fled notice of intention to make wrifen or oral sub- missions. Lorne Henderson. M.P.P. Chairmnan, Select Committee on Land Drainage Box 201 Parliament Buildings Toronto, Ontario

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