Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Jul 1972, p. 1

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And The County Town Was Heard From !!! From four thous- and, eight hundred and seventy-five s o n g-wri ting en- ries, aWhitbyman was chosen one of twohundred final- ists in the domin- ion wîde "Hear Can ada Singing' contest sponsored jointly by the Can- adian Conference of the Ar ts and M ols on's Canad- 1 an. Gord Grills, a well1-known 1lo cal entertainer (of Gord Grills and the Road Rangers) w as at hi sjob at *Consol idated Bathurst Packag- ing Ltd. when the W hi t by Free Press contacted h im to make ar-' rangements f or a photo. Unaware he h ad b een chosen a final ist in the w e Il - p ubl ici zed c on te st, he was elated on hearing the news. 111had no idea but 1Ifeel qu ite pnivileged to have corne th i sfar,"I he said recording hisreaction to the happy news. Entries to the con tes t were cl os- ed on Jul1y 25, withjudging of the final ists to take pl1a ce before the end of the year. H is s ong, a 4- verse ballad cal- led "Canada This Land", is one of two entries which won h im finalisi honours. Inac- cordance wi th con test ru les, both lyricsand mus ic of the song were sel f-compos- ed., co NTiNiUiE s PBAGE 12 Q. iDai~ ~ Vol 2 No 30 THURSDAV JULV 27,1972 FREE HOME DELIVERV At a special, closed meeting of the Council of the Town of Whitby Tuesday night, a decision was made to close the Wh i t by Arena. The decision to close is effect-ive immediately and tenders for the arena's demolition will be issued. Council had received an Engineer- ing Report at the spécial meeting which indicated that because of the structural capacity of the timber frame of the a r e n a , there is no al ternative- but to cl1ose i t until1 su itabl e repai rs or al1tera- t ions have been made. The report est- i m ate s that the cost for the requi red r epa ir s andc renovations to be $ 161, 500. 00 or $29,000.00 if the roof is removed for operation bf the arena as an open-air rink. The report took into co n s i deration the 1legal requi rements now imposed by a new prôvincial statute proclaimed in June this year. ln con- sidering the report council1 decided that neither of these alternatives were jus- tified. With the decision to close and dem- ol1 i sh the Arena, Council1 appointed a special committee to report on ail as- p e cts pertaining to the provisi on of a new arena facility in the town, and to determine the s a 1 va geabl e i tems from the existing arena. Wh il1e discussing the condition oi the arena, it was also decided by coun- cil1 to commission areport on the Brook- Si n Memor i ai Arena. This action was. STORY CONTINUES PAGE il I'T By. FREE PRESS

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