Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Jul 1972, p. 6

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Page 6, Thursday, July 6, 19729 WHITE3Y FREE PRESS BIRD'S EVE VIEW -MqMwh J/M NuII OH!...*WHAT A HEAD! WVhen 1 got up this morning 1 had an a wful1 time moving the huge rock that was pressing dowvn on my head. 1 was in agony and it's ail Lucien's fault. You see 1 went to the grand op- en ing of the Lucien Motel on Friday night and it was quite a bash. 1 missed the Mayor cutting the rib- bon and 1 got there about 9:30 just as the party was gathering momentum. Lucien had the guests in the office part of the motel and there wvere tables and chairs set u p. At one end of the room was a c oî1d buffet a ndc another tabl e had the Irefreshments'.. . Itwas intriguing to see the place al redecoratedwi th nevv furniture and new carpets and repainted because the last t i m e 1 saw the house i nsi de was when i t was occupied by the principal of the high school.1 Lucien met me atthe door and before long a driînk was pressed into my hand, and 1 was meeting the guests. Some of Lucien's friends were there and there were a few business people. It seemed to me that Beaver Lumber had the best turnout because 1 can remember three or four people telling me they wvorked there. Everybody appeared to be having a good time wvhen along about Il p.m. a station wagon vvith American plates roi led Up to the office. lit Iooked like Lucien was about to have his first guests.* Itwas a couple from Rochester Nevv York, M r. and Mrs. Leonard Herman and they were on their way to the Kings- ton area to visit relatives. I don 1't think the poor people knew what hi tthem. AIl1 of a sudden they were the centre of attention, and next thing t h ey knew they wvere inside the house and had drinks in their hands. dr pa!sufl 1600. uf) r rurnber;Gne import car k;rid Ç)f thal s miid tS LjCanada moi-t sticccýsýfut rï'IIY c8rý il yzu'(c planning ý Io buy itri t to 31, mjl(ýÉ' ýQ lhý; gallon With eCororny car, buy the orie that ýbter1 icàsted 'under the worO po:; sible conditjgnp agairt!it the, bebt ppssible compelibon. '$aDatsu m 1600. ;V& the leader. ri 4ae Inimy poor condition, after partaking of refreshments, I took it upon myself to explain to the Hermans that Lucien w as h av ing a grand opening and they were the first guests. Because it wvas suc h an historic occasion we decided it would be be s tif wetook a pcture of the first guests signing the regis- ter. Now 1 h ad a camera but no fl1ash so thatposed a problem. Either everybody hadto stay perfectly stili for two and a half minutes orwe had to dig up a flash. Mr. Herman suggested we use his pol- aroid flash camera. This struck me as r a th er i ro n ic because Mr. Herman works at Kodak in Rochester. Lucien and his guests took up their positions by the registration desk and 1 paced of f the number of feet so as to have a good picture. 1 h ad a heck of a time pacing a straight line but every- t h i n g l ooked good and 1 took the pic- ture. The flash w ent off and everybody crowded around to see what the picture would look like when it came out. It didn't. When M r. Herman w/ent to pull the f ilm he di scovered there was no f il1m in t he camera. Drat! Vi/e had to start a 1 1 over again, and my condition v',as worseling. The second attempt wvas a success an d the pic ture came o u t pretty good cons idering the handicap 1 was working under. Lucien's son, Raymond announ- c ed t ha t he was prepared to man the sw..,itchboard i n case t h e 1Iucky coupl1e wanted to cal 1 the Whi te House or some- th i n g. .Ail inaIl lI think it was a great open- i n f o r the Motel1. The onl y sour not e was the almost total Iack of attendance by representatives of the town. The way I see it the Ioss was theirs. They mis- sed out on meeting a great guy 1like Luc- ien and the food was del icious. The re- freshments wiere also.. . ..... good. VVhat 1 remember seemed I ike a lot of f un. 1 don't remember too much of thel1ast of i t. 1Ilm sure not in any shape to attend another grand opening for at least a week. Lucien. . . you throw a mean party! Open Evenings - Tuesday and Thursdy Frlday EVENINO 6:00 CD)(7) 0) J>)W NEWS, WIATHen, SPOitRTSEC EREACH FOR THE TOP C GREEN ACRES (c) SEAT TU1E CLOCK (CZ) UPIERRE SERTON-Intwerîw(C SANoy GRIFFITH (C') HODCEPODO! LODGE ) RÊ ALFRED HITCHCOCK< 8:30 Q[) NEC NEWS (ff) MAKE MINE COUNTRY(C WEEKDAY Ç(C) 1 a ABC NV--owad K. SmIIh, Harry Reamoner (C') SWOOLD SEAT-J4og Morn, NEWS, WEATHER, SPORTS(C Ci39 NEWS-Walter Cronitet C <>PARTY GAME(C SDATELINE (C) GUNSMOKE (r') <jFAMILY AFFAlA ( (1)MAKINO THINOS GROW(C <>L'HOMMES ET SON MILIEU 1 I PY CC 6:45 G AUTOUR DU MONDE PAR LE CONTE SPA1TY DUKE 7:00 MOTHERS-IN-LAW(C g>UNDER ATTACK (C,) ()CDS NEWS.-WaIt.r Cronkla (C& (2)) TO TELL THE TRUTH * SORY THEATRE ) <r>ALFRED HITCHCOCK (j)TRUTR OR CONSEOIJENCES(C SPIERRE BERTON-4ntervîuw(C (VALL IN1HE !FAMILY() (M )GILLIGANS ISLAND(C (1)MR. WHATNOT WCOMMUNICATIONS AND EDUCATION 7:30 M )PETTICOAT JUNCTION C ()TRUTH OR CONSEOUENCES() g>(fi) <(a OICK VAN DYKE(C ( LET'S MAKE A DEAL(C (ID FELONY SOUAD eC (0 PARTNERS-Cooi.dy (ci (>WHAT'8 MY LINE? C) <>McMILLAN à WIFE(C (f)HOLLYWOOD SOUARES ) (1)ELECTRIC COMPANY G>FRENCH CHEP-Cooldng *LEAVE IT TO BEAVER S: 00) ((]) SANFORD ANC SON U) g> 0 (M )(aj ROWAN AND MARTINS8 LAUOH-IN (C) (1 lIMO'IIARA, U.8. TREASURY -OrfadnOre a(c) fa 0 >MOVE-W.sI.n(C "*A Man CaIIed Gannan, 8:30 (2) (]D) MOVE-Adventur.(C "Maîchîesa."(ilalian; 19661 (M )MOVE-Orm« 9:00 ID<3«WMI) jTOMMY HIJNTER M) ~1972. DATSUN NOW ON DISPLAY ZOLTAN CMLL 728-OOSI Corne toke o look at our 30 fully recon- ditioned guaronteed used V.W's From 66 to 71. Ail reasonabîy priced. Safety checked reody to go. EXAM PLE '70 VW Faut baclk Radio, Low Mileage, Excellent Condition Lic. No. 714-44P $1695 '7 0 VW S tn.wva gon 1600 Engine, Ideal Second Car Lic. No. 46-132 $1995. 70VW No teh ba c k One Owner, Radial Tires, AM-FM Radio Superb Condition Lic. No. 74-79P21 9 1966e VW Ideal Second Car A-1 Shape Lic. No. 511-901 $895 DROP BY SOON WE'LL BE HAPPY TO TALK UT OVER C[THE 668-7021 4m And Lot Your Tasto -Bc The iudgerf 10% OFF on FREE Home Delivery Pick Up orders Fast Take Out Service SUNLIGHT RESTAURANT 116 DUNDAS ST. W. AMPLE PARKING AT REAR catch UP with the 0 leader. il . u DATSUR 1600 PATTY CUKE 9: 30 (M> ODD COUPLE (c) 9M MIN lm calis *MOVIE-MnusicaDramneCC .00 LON TUE FAMILY C tu RD G> in l(ri) CD HAWAII rIVE-O C) 0 DAVID FROUT lr(C) <Pj HAWAII FIVE-O (Z) 10: 30 (> ROWLN' ON TUE RIER M IN T1HE MOOD-miel (C) am )GOVERNOR AND .J. SLAUREL AND HARDY MARTIN AGRONSKY: EVENING R» z W 2 , (MNEWS, WEATHEN, SPORTS (C)n 1VIEWPOINT--N.waAnalyste (C) 11: 25 NES(, 11: 30 C)(j[) .IOHNNY CARSON (C) ()DOCKC CAVETT (C) *TORONTO TONIONT(C oeMOVIE-Drama Rp MOVE-Advntre G>PIERRE SERTÃ"N-In#mrv.w () (1)MOVIE--Drams 11:40 g> ANADIAN OPEN HIGHLIGHTS (Z) (0 MOVIE-Drama(C "Nine Hours 10 Rama."1 (1963) (a MOVIE-Myst.,y Çr,) "The Chamoacne Murders.".(French: 11:45 (07 MOVIE-Drama "No Fload Bacli." (Engllah; 1957) il1:55 É) MOVIE-Drama (e "The Sound and the Fury' <1959), 12:00 0> MOVIE-Dramia "'Keeoer of the Flame." OMEDICAL CENTER C WMOVIE-NUuatlal ography Cj-ý "The Jolson Stary." ffl MOVIE--Drama "MAr. Smith Goes 10 Washington." 1:00 GD MOVIE-D-rama "Shadow in the Sky."- (3D OOVIE-Orma "Bride of Vengeance." R7) MOVIE-D-raua "Murder Party." <German; 1961) a MOVIE--Conedy "Anythlng Can Happen." 1:20 N OVIE-Con.dy 1:30 C)NEW (C) in NMOVIE--Melodm'ame 2:05 «) MOVIE-Musicale(C "Meet Me Aller the Show." (1951> 2:10 <jCONCERN-RMIIoo (C) 2:30 <Pj OVIE-Musîical Slogtaphy )

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