With Jo yc e Read Ca pri corn : Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 This should be an exciting seven-day period for you, Capr icorn. Your most significant day is Monday t he 26th. Finances and possessions are stressed during the latter part of the week. If household applîances need repair, it will pay to check warranties. Aq u ari un: Jan. 20to Feb. 18 After the 29th, some permanent changes ln part- ners could corne about. This could include attor- neys, doctors, professional people in business or marriage. Resist the urge to be stubborn at this time. Try to see the other personts point of view. FOI sceau: Feb. 19to March 20 The 29th and 3Oth are good days to finalize par t- n e r s h i ps, funds, backwages, mate 's earni ngs, i nsurance benef its, unearned increments and set- t 1 em en ts. Property settîements straighten out rather quickly after June 22. Get things in order for checking and be careful not to lose important documents. A r ies: March 2to Aprll19 Your most significant day during this seven-day period is Frîday the 29th. If you plan to'entertain t h i s could be a good day for festivities. Events brighten up during the latter part of the week. Taurus: AprfI2OtoMay2O Your most significant days are Tuesday the 27th a nd W edn esday the 28th. During this time you could be planning your vacation. You can reach your potential during this period. G emi ni1: May 21to June 20 Your tvo most significant days are Monday and Tuesday. This expressive seven-day period ern- phasi zes enter tairiment, romance and speculation. C m nece r:Jue21 to JuIy 22 This seven-day period is rich vith opportunity to forward y ou r aims by concentrating on projects involvingpersonal ideals. Those in authority will give cons ideration to your proposais at this time. During the first part of the wveek be careful about your digestion. Eatbalancedmeals and skip spicy foods. Le o: July23 to Au£. 22 Yourmost significant day is Sunday the 25th. An i n timate dinner with your mate or a friend would be excellent at this time. Watch your hcalth and die t mi d-week. Mate and partnership relations are stressed at the end of the wveek. V i r 9 o: Aug.23 toSept.22 Your trend for 1972 is on its ,,,ay Lup. You cari ac- complish more at this time by relaxing and lettiny go. Promisesmade at this time could be too rosy, or y ou could make promises that vou are unable to keep. L i b ra: Sept. 23 toOct. 22 ises mnade at this time may not be easy to keep. Buils run up may not be so easy to pay. Pare the budget and stick to essentials at this time. WHITE3Y FREFE PRESS, Thursday, dunie 22, 1972, page 5 GARDEMN 1 Balcony OGrdenS by Perhaps you are one of the apartment dwellers who feels that 1 have left you o ut ot th e gardening articles. WVell1, here is your chance to try your hand at gardening. If you have a balcony, you shoul1dl1ook over your 1lease to see what you can put out there. Windowv boxes fastened to the inside of the railing can be made to look very a t t r a c tive. Here are some steps you s ho ul1d foillow. First, make sure you h a ve s u fficient drainage holes in the bo tt om c f the planter box (if made of w oo d). If i t is made of plastic, you shoul d p ut in a layer of crushed stone or pebbles about two inches in depth. You should then obtain a good spotting soil made up of peat moss and loam, as well as some chemical or organic fert- ilizer (manure). Don't filI the planters right to the top as the water wil11 run off and not soak into the soul. The plants wculd dry out, be stunted or even die. Nextyou should consider the type of plant best for your window box. If you have a lot of sun and very little shade, you shoul d consider petunias and geran- i ums. I f however you do have afair amount of shade, you should consîder impatiens, begonias, or lobel- l a, as these pl ants w iî11 boom and thr ive in ashaded location. Tooadd the finish- ing touch to any window box, incorporate IPLUMBING DISCOUNT ~ FIXTURES & SUPPLIES 701 Brock st. N. Whitby 20% DISCOUNT DIRECT TO YOU Hours: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mon-Fri Sat. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 668-6601 CHINESE. FOOD CAIL THE1$(JLtGftT ~ 668-7021 "And Lot Your '~P/% ~Tasto BSThe Juigo"f 10% OFF on FREI Home Delive ry Pick Up orders Fast Take Out Service SUNLIGHT RESTAURANT 116 DUNOAS ST. W. JAMPLE PARKING AT REAR PIZZAZZIP 668-6495 C.., And Visit Us At 106 Byron st. S. WHITBY OPEN HOURS Sunday thru. Thurs 4.00 p.m. to 1.00 a.m. Friday end Saturay,,,.0pm o30am Sil Morris some vines that will1 faî11 over the edge of the box and give il an exotic look. Once you have planted the window box, make sure you give it a thorough watering. Make certain that ait the soil i s moist, not just the top inch, Check each day, to ensure the soil1 re- tains its moisture. You should fertilize thewindow box every other week with a water soluable fertilizer to keep the pl ants fl1owering and growing luxur- i ou sIy. If you don't want to go to aIl1 the troub- I e of fitting a window box to your bal- cony, try some patio pots of planters. FilI1 the pots the same way as you woul d the window boxes. Make sure you have a deq ua te drainage as plants standing in water die or rot off. Since this type of container is either square or round it will require a plant for the centre to act as a focal point in the pl anter. You wil11 have to sel ect the other plants for the container that are s u i table for the exposure in wNhich the planter will live. To make the planting light and airy youmightwant to incorporate Asgargus Sprengeri "fern". This plant will sur- vive in either sun or shade. G.SDe HEEL BAR REPAIR, 3 Minute Service Downstairs WHUTIY MALI For the "best" quality OTTENBRITE'S MEN'FS WEAR i 103 DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY__ 728-2762 WHITBY MALL Mr. Roc Room Get To Know Sale 41 by 8'1 Fine Quality PaintsPLWOPRN IPara Para Para Latex Semi* Wood From $4. 85 Gloss Tone per sheet Stain _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Name Brancis LGHT FIXTURES WALLPAPER 5ORIGINAL One Day Service OIL PAINTINGS "EVERYTHING FOR THE WELL DRESSED MAN" 668-3261 Stý