Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 8 Jun 1972, p. 5

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WHITE3Y FREE' LASCO Introduce Prô'fit Sharing Lake Ontario Steel Company Ltd. , (ASCO) of Whitby, Ontario has'a'n- nounced the immediate inauguration of anew profit sharing plan that will en- abl1e aI1 1 employees incl uding hourI>, paldtoparticipate dîrectly in the pro- fits and growth of the company. In the first place LASCO is the first unionized steel plant, certainîy in Canada, and probabl y in North America to extend such a plan to hour- 1lypaid workers. The plan is effective from January 1, 1972. For 1972, it is estimated that hourîy paid workers of LASC0 w ill1 receive profit sharing amounting to ab o ut 7% of their total wages. LASCO presentl y h a s a pen- sion plan for ail employees which will not be aff ec ted by the new prof it shar-e ing plan. The plan gives LASCO workers the choice of either deferring their share intheplanortaking ail or part of their share in cash. This decision each em- plo y e e can makeat the end of each year. The plan is so designed, how- 728m2762 WH ITBY M Grand Opening Mr. Rec Room PARA PAINTS Get To Know You Sale 25% OFF Friday Saturday LIGHT FIXTURES From $6.95 ORIGINAL OIL PAl NTI NGS UL 4' x 8' PLYWOOD SHEETS F rom 4.50 per sheet Namne Brands WALLPAPER 20 BOOK S One Day Service Whi*tby Mali 7282762 (ladies> HAIRS<rrLIG 1400 DINDAS ST. E. - WHITS "If you want to look your best" Whitby Scarbotough 416)>6664321 (416) 439-0241 AI< L ABOUT ever, that LASCO wiII cç-n.tribt.Jte an aciditional 20% to profit sharlng If the empl1oyee elects to defer. The amount of money t h a t i s pl aced ln the deferred profi t sharing f u nd wil11 be invested in LASCO common stock and other marketable securities. Willi1 1am Winspear, President of LASCO said, Il The p I an was set up this way because LASCO management felI t that everyone who contr ibutes ta theè company'1s grow th shoul1d be abl1e to benefi1t in the rewards of the grow th f or many years to corne. This i s why wedecided to include ail employees in the plan, not just our salaried work- ers. S.nd A ChiId To Day Camp The 75 acre IlH eber Down Con ser- vat ion Area Il located on the 5th Con- cession off Highway 12, is i d eal1 for Summer Day Camp for children. The Whitby YMCA wants to send more un- derpr iv ileged children ( 60 if funds available) to their Day Camp this sum- mer where they can receive counsell- ing and guidance in a programme that includes swimming instruction, sports, hiking, crafts, nature lore, overnight camps and cook outs as well1 as indoor programmes for rainy days. For twenty dollars ($20. 00) another ch ild (at 1Ieast 7 years of age), can be regi stered for th is program. I f you are ab 1le to contribute f inancial support, pl ease filI1 in bel ow and return at your e a r 1 i e s t conven ience. You have the means within your grasp to make an- other child's summer holidays cheery and br igh t. Please Detach here and return: As an (individual) or (organization) or (We) sponsor the Wihitby "Y" Day Camp in the amount of $______ Cheque Payabl e to the Y. M. C. A. Whi tby Signed: Individual. organi zation_________ OUSE f SPETACL PRESSý, Thursdlay, June, 1972, page 5 Permit lst MHouse Later 0nedoesn 1t normal11y expec t to ap- pl1y a nd w in approval at the Oshawa Heal th Department for a septic tank and tile field, have a culvert put ini by the Town of Whitby and then have the town deny a permît for construction of a house inthatorder. 'But this is just what hap- p e ned t oMrs. 1.T. Woodward, RRI1 Brookl in when she applied to havea. second house built on her ten-acre lot for her son. T he Woodwards w ho bought the ir property 1l years ago, intended to builId the second house for their son when the time came. Because of the wider front- age at their property, a premium price waspaid forthe lot, which they feit was justîfied because of their plans. M r s. Woodwardw ho was present when 'Dr. Michael and Solicitor Wil- liam Irwin appeared before the 0MB to have the lîmit of one house per building: lot approved, was one of two vocal ob-' jectors. Receiving the impression from the- OntarioMunicipal Board representative that there was a way she could build a home on her 10 acre lot, Mrs. Wood- ward applied for a permît to build and af ter paying the Oshawa Heal th Depart- ment who approved the septic tank and tile field, she was brought to a stale- mate. lqs there a possibil ity of having your byl aw amended so we can buil1d as or!îg- inalIy planned?tt, she asked in a letter to conunril on Mondav ninht. Heard's 'Taxi 668-3732 FRadio Equipped & Direct. Une at Arnokis Market 115 Brook St. N. Fer Yw Cswate 150 FER RY ST, WHITBY '*e te s t t e gitr* i .e THE TOTAL LOOK Did you know ?, oe~g Special fnr mn we have amTFmg MENS DIEPARTMENT Specializiflg in Treatments For Balding .-Dry & Oily Conditions .Failing Hair - The Newest Styled cuts Excercîsiig-Equipmfeflt and A Sauna in our Heal th Spa 668-3061 668-9386 103 DUNDAS ST. WV. WHITBY

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