Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Jun 1972, p. 4

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Page 4, Thursday, Fri'day IVENf>ING 6: 00 (1) C4) (7) Li(0 NEWS, WEATHER. SPORTS (0) 0 RE-ACH FOR THE TOP() là GREEN ACRES (r.) ODICK VAN DYKE ~3PIERRE 1SEPITON-lntrwlavw(C >11) ANDY GRIFMF ic) à HODGEPODGE LODO!(C OZZIE AND HARRIET 6:30 S C)NSC NEWS (C) *MAKE MINE COUNTRY ) *WEEKDAY (C) L(M (1)ARC NEWU.-Howard K. SiniNi, HNyRoner CD *WORLD SEAT-Jo.M rsl WNEWS, WEATHER. SPORTS() >11CDS NEWS-Walter CronkN. (C <PARTY GAME ) (I)DATELINE (r,) WGUNSMOKE (MJ WFAMILY AFFAIR MI) d7JMAINO THINGS GROW <JONGLERIES MATHEMATIQUES 6:45 <AUTOUR DU IMONDE PAR LE CONTE SPATTY DUKE 7:00 1 IDREAN OF JEANNIE (C) *UNDER ATTACK CM ()COS NEWS-Walter Cronkite C L 7) (ID TO TELL THE TRUTH -Gain. C a)W STORY THIEATRE (.D WBRADY BUNCH (C) (1)DICK VAN DYKE' WPIERRE SERTON-4nlurviw > >VALL IN THE FAMILY (r,) 'àv GILUiGANS ISLAND Un71M. WNATNOT <COMMUNICATIONS AND 1DL4QATION 7-30 o PETICOAT JUNCTIO.%(C ()TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES(C O >1111 DICK VAN DYKE(C 71LErS MAAKE A DEAL(C CI)DRAGNET (C) ~)WNAT NKY LUNE?(C WADAM-2 (r,) (1)HOLLYWOOD SQUARES Un) >171 ELECTRIC COMPANY --CW&dr e C Q% FRENCH C£eF-CooMeln YiALFRED ITCHCOCK 6: 00 GD) (M)SANFORD AND SON *«Oa<( 1) (a CHARIOT OF TII! GODE? (T) (3D OIIARA. U.S. TPWAMM (11 ) S A"D JCN(Z) 13 E@ MOV E-Crma(C 'The mîgh Bright Sun.- (10 SV SS (r) CD DON t#£="R JUBILE! (C) (M )WASHIINGTON: WEEC IN RMVEW >(Z) (0 LOST PEACE-eorbY 20 1SPY M) f-:30 (Vi CE)MOVIE-Orama C June 1, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRE=SS 00R. SINON LOCKE() IDPSYCHIATRY 9:00 (4) (10 MOVIE-Ormm(C WUNDER ATrACk(C C3LORY THAT REMAINS 9:30 R) « fWl(1J) f<3TONeY 7)(1w) 000 COUPLE (çC> SME N IN CRISIS 10: 00 F ALL IN THE! FAN1LY() *MAIN CHANCE S(10) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE CC) « (11) q» FOI (C) WHAWAII 1FIVE.O I(0) WDAVID FROST (C) ES HAWAII FIV!.O0 (C) (M7)MARTIN AORONSKY: E>IENINe EDITION >C) 10:30 (2) TAKE A LOOK (C) SIN THE! MOOD-Mml«ec(C C?(DDON RICKLES (c) Ct) LAUREL AND HARDY CM7 WALL STREET WEEK(C 1 0(1) ) W(4) W1 M NW WEAT1IER, SPORTS §C OUMOVIE-Conwdy (C) 120 » M(M UWUNEWS, WEATHER. SPORTS CC) 0 VIEWPOINT-#4awg Anatyi>ms 11:-30 (M) JIOHNNY CARSON() DOC1K wm CCq *TORONTO TONICHT(C ()MOVIE-Supaiu. "Cape Fear" (1961) a10) OVIE-Drame (CD "Sole Survvor" (1 970),-, (D PIERRE BERTO-IntervI*w(C LU M OVIE-M.*iodraina ",The Thing Thot Couldn't Die." 11:40 (W NOVIE-Myot"r "Dance of Death ' (French; 1960)' ID MOVIE-Wa.l.rn (C) "The Giory Guys. (1965) 11:45 (CM)MOVIE-Drma "Diplomatic Courier"* 119521 11:55 R) NOVIE-Orwma)eC "The Nioll of the Oenerale." (1967) 12:00 <jMOVIE-To So Amiounc.d QMOVIE-Coe.dy "U the Cre'k." (Engliali; 1958> WMOVIE-Duma '*Pheedra" (1962> (a &MOVIE-Oçaana4 "Thre Country Girlý" (1954> 12:40 20 MO VIE-Drem e(C 'The Hufl." (Itaien) Matina Vlady. 1:00 ()MOVIE-To Se Anaiourocad (4) OVI-ThiHIar "Thre Alomnêc Ctty" (1952> 1:.25 MOVIE-N»usIal (C) "'Il'$ a Bikini World" (1967) 1:30 Q OVIE-Coan.dy "Special Delivery." (Getman. 19M5> NE "WS (C 1.45 1 CONCERN--aelIgoWl(C 2:15 WD MOVIE--Cornaff "*Whîskey and Soiea' (West Gerenan, 2:55R) NOVIE-Dramal 'Thre Golden Madonna'" (Engliasfr 1949) OSHiAWA MEAT PRODUCIS & DELICATESSEN Makers of European Brand Meat Specialties Pastries & Imported Delicacies STEVEN KRECHOWIÇZ 1818 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY, ONT 725-5821 MC 6 m a1 cg See Next Week's N ewspaper For An Important News Announcement .From. McDonalds BIRD 'S EYE VIEW J/M OUA/tl m..Do I RealIy Deserve Ail This? You'd have to be here some days ta bel i eve it! In fact sorne days 1 reaiiy don't bel îeve i ts happening myseif. Before i graduated 1 d i d aimost ail1 ofrny vwriting in the quiet and seclusion of my den at home. Neii1 let me teli you that's ai l changed. Sehool is over and soi1 now have ta put in my tirne and vvnit- ing hours down here at the Free Press. That means working withJudy, the edit- or and Jo, the secretary. Last week the pubi isher and 1 went out an d got a desk s o i woui d have sorne- where ta park my typewriter. The next marning after we brought back the desk,, 1 cam e i n ta work and the editor had taken aver my desk! 1I was dumbfounded. My firstwveek at waork and already i had been iost in the shuffie. But that's nothing. L et me toit you about t he great mouse caper. My first day a t ork i was sitting at the type- wv r i t er, minding my own business and ai i of a sud den i heard this terrible, bi ood c u rd ing shr iek. Before 1 caui d even jump for safety, 1I was bowled over b y t h e s e twc stampeding warnen, and beliieveme it was a stampede. Jo wvas up on the coach and Judy wvas huddi ing be- side her and i was picking rny back- side up off the floor. BONDED PAVINO LII>. Drivoways Parking Lots 3-YEAR GUARANTEE FREE ESTIMÂTES TERMS Fer Information Coli 723-5492 Open 24 Hou,, BOHDED PAVINO LII>. CHINESÀE FOOD - My first thoughts were that we had been invaded b y creatures from Mars, or m ay be K i ng Kong had returned ta scale the towers at the Free Press but no. -.- 1 couldn't see anything even haîf their size. F i n ail y Jo blurted it out, fighting dawn the panic. "A mouse, i saw a mno u se, andi1think he winked atrne!"i 1 t seemed an awf ul l ot of fuss for an or- d i n a r y mouse and I I aoked towvard the suspiciaus corner but saw nothing. Jo said, "He ran under the doar!" i looked at t he door a nd the space underneath was iess than an inch which meant ta me the mouse had ta be less than one inch, if indeed there ever was a mause. The strange part i s that Jo w/as the ont y one to see the mouse, but when she st a r ted scream ing, Judy f igured she rnight as well join in ta, be sociable and 50 the stampede was well underway. i have s ince moved mysei f tao a si de away from the main area of the stamp- e de in case the winking mouse reapp- ears. If I wvere that mcuse I think i waould take off for F'lorida because if he stays around h e re he runs the risk of goaing de af from ail the high pitched shriekîng thatwill surelyfoilow any ap- pearance he may make. i m us t adm it the wvhol e epi sode has made m e a teensy bit nervous. 1 found out f r a rn rny insurance agent that I arn not covered if i amn trampled ta death by an y stampeding female humans. I also fear for rny typewriter. i don't think it can take any more of these josti es after appearances by 'the winker'. I think I wvi11 coll1ar the publiîsher and se e if I c an get some deal going wvith him whereby 1 return ta my nice, quiet de n at home a nd continue my writing t h e re, undisturbed, and especiai ly - untrampled. ltmaynot be as interesting there but itwvoul dsure be a lot safer and after ail i have ta consider that i have a cat ta support. Why Not Drop In For Suifs From OTTENBRITE'S 103 DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY__ BEAUTY CLINIC PRESENTS THE TOTAL LOOK IN GROOMING SERVICE With you our friends and patrons in mind we have added to our regular services: A BODY MOU LDING DEPARTMVENT WHICH WILL INCLUDE: Sauna and Steamn Cabinets Shape up Machines Body Massaging Hair Removai 5kin Layering Facials Manicures Special evenings for men with a Separate Hair Groomning Shop available at ail times. Styling by Tom for the mnod set. Blow Cuts - Shags - Lioness TOTAL LO0K GROOMING SALON 668-3061 668-9386 103 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY "EVERYTHING FOR THE WELL DRESSED MAN" 668-3261 SUNLIGHT RESTAURANT 116 DUNOAS ST. -W AMPLE PARKING --l

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