Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 May 1972, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, May 25, 1972, Page 7 't Couldn..'t 1 have recently vlsited several movie houses here in the Motor City of Detroi t. ln the last, a predominently negro film called "Cool Breeze"l, I sat as the only white person present in a black audience.' Like Marie Mason'1s comments (Wh 1tby Free Press May 4th) I a s o fel t lintegrated and 1 i b e r a t e dl" in that 1 encountered no s t a t ic ai though racial tensions have runhigh in the past in this particular part of the city. Progress! This may serve as a pointer as'to w h a t we have in store for us on the wide s c r e e n". Movie makers tend to run in phases with what they feel current trends dictate for g o od box office receipts. We are j u s t getting over the sex nude phases and Ilm afraid w e might be heading for a new race/hate phase. Most ofus are aware thatmanyblacksdon't love their white brothers (and many have a good reason not to), but i t seem s that several new movies 1like "Georgia, Georgia"l and the one ment ioned above are hel 1-bent on exp loi ting the black-hate-white attitude to the best of their box office a dv a n t ag e.1don' tsuggest movie makers on I y make fairy stories with nothlng but brotherly love, but ques- tion whether they are being very re- s p onsi1bi1 e citilzens in del lberately neutral lzing other efforts being made to cool tensions, just so they can make an ,almighty buck. How long before some nut decides be can make i t by film ing what our long suffering Indians think of the rest of the inhab- Happen He re itantsof thlscontlnent? And of course If they ad d some violent solutions to thelr piight, lt could produce ail1 sorts of doll1ars in areas cl1ose to reserv- ations- and als o give local law en- forcement agencies plenty of excite- ment as a bonus. For Detroit the movie "Cool Bre- e z e"I was ratedý as GP which appar- entl1 y m eans'that m inors can be ad- mitted but iparentali guidance is sugg- ested. There were several semi.-nude and bedroom scenes - not stag movie st u ff b ut enough to _question the, GP A SUGGâ. LIST 1.49 -Or Could, it? Torroico a. N.> SIms l abel. Should minors see these scenes ? Although through years of moral or- ientation m os t parents wvould say an automatic "no, 1wonder If it [s worse th an the warped junk that many of us have al lowed our kids to watch since movies and later T.V., began. We have glamourized war with super stars like the late Alan L add and Errol Flynn to a point where the en e my be ca m.e Idiots that stood in. cl1u st er s wai ting to beshot. If you Continues on back page. COME UN! ENTER THE BIRTHDAY CONTEST!I Kid7K RIn Bonsfor te (No purchom e lCeSOVy) Ladies - Comibe To M. ay WIN $1000. 1fo temnJ or one of 50 POLAROUD COLOUR CAMERAS Hon aore just a few of the mrnny Extra-Low prices in effect. Corne i Check the. otheus too and save. POWERLITE RAID B ATTE RIlES 9e HOUSE & GARDEN oz.2 "ýCý" or "D SIZES BAH UG KILLER - 11. i ______________________________________________________- mli I (OUNTY 0OF ONTARIO NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS TO DESTROY WEEDS Notice is hereby given ta ail persans in possession of tond in accordance witf the Weed Contrai Act., R. S. 0. 1970, C. 493, Section 4, 14, and 20 thet unîess noxious wees growing on their lands within the County of Ontario are destroyed by the f irst day cf June, 1972 and throughout the season ai aften as it is' necessary to prevent the ripening of their seeds a n d dispersai of their pollens, the mnunicipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the cost against the owner, and collecting in like manner as for municipal t.x*es. The co-operatiori of ail citizens is eamnestly solicited.- Roy M.dd M. A. ColVille County We.d Inspectais A. Richardson WEED OOKlTROL AREAS AID RATES Townships of Rame, Merc, Thorah, tock; Villages of Beaverton, Cen- M. A. Coîville Area Code 705 R. R. No. 1 437-1038 Sunderland, Ontario. Town$ of Ajax end Whltby; VYillage of Pickering; Townships of East Whitby end Pickering Arthur Richardson Brcoklin Ashburn, Ontario 655-3771 Townships of Roach, Scugqg, Sc Uxbridgs, Village of Port i;ery; Town of Uxbridge R. *Medd, RAR No. 1 Port Perry, Ont. cotte *or rJiur y 1 985-2634 County of Ontario Administrative Of fice 605 Rosslonid Road Easte Whitby Whitby,, Ontario 668-58911 The rotes chorged for weed cutting by the County of Ontario: $1 1.00 per hoir with a minimum charge of $20.00 per lot. Complaints regording noxious weeds may be mode directly to the Weed Inspectors or the County of Ontario Administrative Off ice.1 Wm. G. Manning- Admînistratar and Cie rk-Treasurer. a' "»PLAYMATE*" PERSONAL TRANSISTOR RADIO SOLIO STATE, COMPLETE 4 9 WITH CARRYING STRAP# BATTERY & EARPHONE 4 9 TANTA 2 oz. QIL or LOTION SUGG. LIST 1.39 99< HOUR AFTER HOUR CLOSE-UP COLGATE ANTI-PERSPURANT TOOTHPASTE & MOUTHWASH IN ONE REGULAR SIZE 6 SPRAY NEW! MINI or39 SUG.LIT1.C Y REGULAR RED-39 SUG IT16 9 SUGG. LIST Si1c ACH VITALIS DRY TEXTURE NEW! CLAIROL for men'm hour BALSAM CONDITIONER 6 oz. SPRAY or Mit oz. TUBE 8 oz. SIJGG. LIST 1.49c SUGG. LIST y 1.50 -9 N OXZ EMA "OFF" UNSECT REPELLENT SKIN CREAM SUGG. LIST 1.15 flac99< U.D.A. BATH ROOM TISSUE LADY PATRICIA HAUR- SPRAY 2.PLY 6 Roli SSc1 15J, oz.- SUGGr. LIST 1.49 97c _LEMON UP SHAMPOO OL-SUU. LIST 1.69 13 PRO MULTI-BRISTLE TOOTHBRUSH ES FIRM or GENTLE TEXTURE 7;p 9c _ __ __ _ i _ __ __ ANACIN -oo0s SUGG. LIST 1.45 '99C 99CI MAGNOLAX-16 oz. KUPERCAINAL REGULAR or MINT OINTMENT SUGG. LIST 1.69 99C< 1 oz. - SUGG. LIST 1.2999 Cm2 TABLETS -100's SOMIMEX -20's SUGG. LIST 1.39 99eà SUGG. LIST 1.45 ý99C IN BROOKLIN SIORrS I.D.A. PIIARMACY 65 Baldwin St. 6%53M0 LISTERNE-12 oz. UN WHITU'Y COURTICE-ALLIN .D.A. PIIRt4ACY 117 Yrck St. )N. 668-23%4 m 1 PoNrf 1 1 1

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