Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 May 1972, p. 6

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Page 6, Thursday, May 25, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS sports. Fanfare to mark Officlial Openinq Take me out to the Ballgame Check Three weeks ago in my May 4 col- umn, I mentioned (among othér things), the coming of the Department of Trans- port Safety Lanes. Last week the in- spections started in Oshawa, and be- cause I had received a written invitat- ion, me and my '71 were lined up. Although the car I was presenting for inspection was only one year old, and seeméd to be in good working or- der, I was nevertheless somewhat a p p r e h ensive about the wholîe idea. (On e n e v er knows if a bul b has just burned out, or if a headlight is aimed a little too high, or if a ball joint has a little play in it, or... Anyw ay, the first Itest' were the headîlights (w h e ther they were aimed c o r r e c t ly or not), the horn, signal 1 i ghts, brake lights and wipers. (I forgot to mention the routine check of licence, registration and insurance. ) This apparently being in order, 1 wasmoved to the hydraulic jack where the front end was jacked up, and the f r on t end (tie rods ends, bal1 joints etc. ) were checked out in a very com- plete manner. Next came a rather in- genious pair of ramps upon which the. c a r was driven and the brakes sud- denly applied. These ramps checked the balance of the breaking power on a I I four w h e els (for example, if the right front brake was 'pullingt, they could tel1). Well that was that! It seemed to be over so fast that I hardly had time to socializewith the policeman who gave me the safety sticker indicating that my car had passed with flying colours. Incidentally, I was told that in the firstweek, approximately 50 cars had been taken off the road. Beware! 'TiI next week, Happy Motoring! MOTORING Children set tree ablie The Whitby Fire D ep ar tment was called to the cor- ner of Dunlop and Green streets 1 ast Monday to extinguish a tree which had been set ablaze by c h i I dren playing with firecrackers. The rest of the h o l i d ay weekend was rel atively quiet for the fire department with a c a i i on Saturday which turned ou t t o b e a p rank, another call Sun- day to extinguish a blazing burning garbage container at Lofthouse Pat- tern on Powell Road and a cal Monday night about a brush fire on.Rossland Road West. with two years of experience under their belts will be joining a large number of h o l do v ers from last season to form a strong league which will certainly have lots of spirited action. Nine clubs make up the league and will carry the colours of Red Wing Orchards, Brooklin Leg- ion, DalePlastering, Mercantile Dep- ar tment Store, Kiwanis, Lions, Dodd & Souter, B& R Transport and Seaway Motors. with OSHAWA'S ~1 TfRANSPORTATION CENTRE BILL STEWART 815 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA, OSHAWA 576-1800 TORONTO 921-4655 Mike Burgess DOT Those are the magic words this com- ingweekend as the Whitby Minor Base- ballAssociation opens the 1972 season. Although t h e Association's E.O. B. A. ,entrieswent into action last week, this, Saturday which has been officially. pro- c 1 aimed "Minor Baseball Day in the TownofWhitby' marks the beginning of another season for the bulk of the 500 b o y s w h o pl ay basebali in the WMBA p r og r am. The big day gets underway withaparade of the players from Kins- m an to Peel Park a t 10 a. m. where a brief ceremony will be held. Takingpartin the traditional throw- ing of the first ball will be theMayor Des Newman and Police Chief William Pilkington and representatives of coun- cil, the Recreation Department and the W. M. B. A. In past years the mayor has donned the catching gear and gone behind the plate, whileChiefPilkington has served up an a ssor tm ent of his best stuff from the mound. In what promises to be a banner seas- on the W. M. B. A. has recorded i ts high- est registrationever, and will offer for the first time a Tee-Bal1 program for 6 and 7-year-olds, who are too young f o r r e g u lar baseball. Six teams will m ak e up the new Tee-BallI league and t h e y w i 1 I1be playing in the old town, Brooklin and Garrard Road. Piaying in the ten-team house 1eague will be clubs sponsored by Consumer's Gas, Dairy Queen, Rae Jones and Son R e a 1 E s t ate, Hooker Chev-Ol ds, K- m a r t , G a r r a r d Road Firefighters, Jordison Carty Gulf, Pal-O-Pak, Rot- ary and Brown's Foodmaster. The Tyke I o o p, which consists of t h e youngest group playing regular baseball, can be exci ting and unpredictable, and the boys will1be playing in a schedule which runs through unt i 1September and is fol- lowed by playoffs ending the first week in October. The coming season shows promise of being possibly the best ever for the Pee- Wee House League. A large number of graduates from the Tyke House League T he "meeting" at home plate with um- pires, rival managers and captains to d i s c u ss ground rules got - the Whitby baseb a I I season underway at Fairman P a r k on Saturday, w h e n Whitby met L i t t le Britain in an E.O. B. A. Junior game. Umpires are Or. John Wall, cen- t r e a n d Al MacDonal d, right. Whitby lost the openr .10-4. Thr ee ci ubsmake up the Bantam H o use League and they will be- playing an interl1 ocking schedule with clubs from the Oshawa Legion Baseball As- sociation, and there is every indication thatthiswillibeagood year for the boys of the Bantam group. The clubs making up the league are Custom House, Mac- Millan Orchards and Garrard Road. Sa f ety BONDED PAVING LTD. Drlvoways Parking Lots 3-YEAR GUARANTEE FREE ESTIMATES TERMS For Information Coli 723-5492 Open 24 Houri BONDED PAVING LTD.

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