Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 May 1972, p. 4

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Page 4, Thursday, May 25, 1972, WHITE YFERS Frlday EVENING 4:00 tï4 !)C),&ln K RACH FOR TI Top If cauM AcRES(c WiCK VAN DYKE pluiENE ON-leI.iI.W-' <N>ANmybUFff TH - tW IOMGEPOOE L (W *OWE aAND NARIM SIW@R. A c) ( * ES MATHE, SPRT ( *pANI AM M(W FAMILV AFPAM( JONOLURMAIMA T1OIIES 8:48 AUouRKoMIPARit Dom 1 PATIT OFUU i IUNOIRATTACE (W, cm NEW$-Wdw SCOMWm 70) TO TMULL TIS RI I oCXVAN DMI MLAU.à TI AMILV(0 SM. WIIATNOT aOmeMuNICAT1oNS AND EGUCATION « USTEMS 7:30 = ETCOAT JUnCTON (W) ()TRUTISOR CONSSouNCEs ( RD ina DICK VAN DVMI( SLET'S MAM A DEAL( DRAGNET (W *a> DON RICMX.S ( a>ARNIE oer WA" MYUNE? ( ISLYWOOD SOUARES « == OMANY -Chidru (W) * FENCIS CIEF-COOW»g OALFEES HITCHCOCK :00 M )CE)SAFORO AN4DSON ci a,(9) CNAOT O THSE 0008? (W) GD O-HAR* A S.TMMU CD MOAIE-UCH( REVNEW (W ILoiT PEACE-48wy 1SWY (c 4:30 oeo)0IOfflO( K!) vnD.Rm FAUt.!(M SO.lmOUmmLOCu (W Film Odyama: *"liLAMi Laugh" Ulm 0 (jm)ovie-OS' (c) A etrdit.card anafu l100a ta murder in "Pair Mn" (1071). *Umm IATAcK m il saIc une, 11:0 ÏSi v mMpuff-48a- AfWý* (W 11:40 MJOJNIWCfhO ( Ml-5 I oon. (9 min) 1:5aMOVE-M-7eFolo 1."ThMe enflyr' <Englla 1956) il-0 :a0 WOVIE-0 ru» LSoe oathe nil.."W 11:n *MOVE-Truble F«br(Z 1. *lg."h m.Hleu)Dana 91 2. -TeNigcm an h.Ct. 3. "Amn HooabM"(19r1) 12.-00 a MOV-7Dr . Thre . fmts forlia." (1962) 1:0 (DOVIE-or -I.t"Marlga.he<Duat"; 1962) "Fortn THi." <* 195) 12:40 9 MOVIE- M E31LLY JACK continued from page 3 k i do", a IittIe-known, but highly ef- f e c t i v e form of karate perfected in Korea, BiIIy does battle in a fashion which is as successful as it is artful. H e re a g a n, the almost choreo- graphedseries of Ieaps, kicks, turns and blows is utter and complete truth, f or M r. Laughl in learned "hapkido" fromMr. Bon Soo Han, a karate mas- t e r , t e a c her of other teachers and hol1 der of the top "hapk ido" degree. Mr. Han, in twenty years of intensive a nd u t terly dedicated training, has mastered some 3, 200 individual mov- es. During the course of the shooting of thefilm and during its preparation, Mn. H an pa i nstakingly trained Mr. Laughl in so th at the truth of the ex- plosive and fascinating karate episode is clear and unmistakable. 1 n t h i s Madi son Avenue age, the makers of "Bil ly Jack" seem to have corne upon a brand new method for winning audience favour - simple truth! CHINESE FOOD 'AIL, THEétr f ~ 668-m7021 "%And Lot Your 4J Taste Be The iudgo" 10% OFF on FREE Home Detivery Pick Up orders FasiTake Out Service SUNLIGHT RESTAURANT 116 DUNDAS sT. W. AMPLE PARKING AT REAR BY FREE PRESS Staý-rsco ýe', itou Cfou' parlodi May 29 - Jurme,,3) Cepu'i ou'fl Tuesday the 3Oth and Wednesday the 3lst are slg- niflcantdays during this seven-day Interval. You mustbeprecise and punctual. You are ln top fornr% at thîs time. Aq u a rius P rompte pe rs anal plans on the 2nd and 3rd of J u ne. T his 1ia an ideaîi1stic perlod for you. ý Be sure. ta keep bath feet on the ground. Irritations shou d be aired to correct emational unihappiness. lui as0oams M a y 28th ta 29th a r e two days of unrest, wvhere nothing seems ta go right. The next two days are f ar more productive. Use these 1Iast two says af the month for business agreements and practical application of known facts. Arilens <Mo st signifi1cant day of thi s period 1is June 2nd, when t he moon highlights that area of your'chart w hlch deals wi th friends and companions. This weekend (3rd and, 4th of June) would be ideal for a dr ive ln the woods or an overnight stay at a motel or cottage near a lake. Tiaurues Your most signifîcant days of the week are Wed- nesday the 3lst and June lst. On Friday the 2nd, professional lnterests go smoothly. Your reputat- [on could be enhanced by your conservative attit- ude. This appears tobe agood peridfor YOu Taurus. Geml ni: Y o ur signi ficant days thi s week a re Fr! day the nid and Saturday the 3rd. This is a week of much a c t1 vit y. You shouîd feel confident and content! and be stimuîatlng ta those around you. C a nce r: The significant day of your week is Friday the 2nd. You will probably find yourself in a gather- ing at the home of a friend or you couîd entertain a small group yourself. If the drift of the conver- sa t i on turns ta the occult, tales of psychic ex- p e r I e n c es could be fascinating. Watch the teni- Spciliizinii IEWFOUNDLAN 4 Sait Fish 0 sait Meat It eH errin q and Lother products Frie'ndly Service' RICHARDS Grocery 220 GIBB-OS14AWA (corne Burk) 579-2182 Corne over to f ive per cent on, savings Right now is the time to switch your savÎngs t0 where you get five per cent interest on non-chequing savings :tccounts. Victorit and Grey has iess Service charges, more convenient hours, pays interest fronii May first on deposits tiade before May 12. Get more for your noney - today - at. Victoria and Grcy. V!c70R14and ~GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 10 308 DUNDAS ST. Wt WHITBY 668-9324 de ncçy to dla y dream the f irst part of the week. Stick, ta regular routines during, the daytIme. Thefirst part of this seven-day periad is the time tao fiUnish tasks already begun. This wauld be an excellent time ta go ta an auction or a second- hand shop. During the latter part of the week takecare of duties'in connection with your'home. VI1,r no Dur ing thi1s seven-day period sitback and let th 1 ngs coast for awhlle. Defer decisions until a later date. Do your duty now. Rewards wi.ll corne at a 1latfer date. Lib r a SIg9ni f icant days are Friday and Saturday. En- ter t ai nment and amusement are*favoured at this time. There is a touch of gaiety during ail of thîs seven-day period. Have fun. s oorp b: Thi1 s i s not a good period for you Scorpia. You couldfind that during this period things will corne tao a head. Real ize that t hi s is a problem period and things will clear up shortly. SagESt tar lun: Th i s is not a good period for you. Travelling is not favoured. If i t is necessary, use extra caut- ion. Next week wiII see things in a better Iight. PICKERING CAR CENTELD Authorlied Volkswagen Sales serve~ BASELINE RD* AiAX UP* NOW FOR SUMMER FUN TI MISS RINI WAY (Summer Prices Now i Effsct) ON-LY $ À MONTH On a comploe 4 m.îth progr'om Phono: Miss Rene. Now 0 No Contracte te sien Contourinif & Conditioninl * QuelifIed Supervision mma rms 6Firm & Ton* Mlis Reo- firms songiIIg bust lino FlottenfIoflbbl bulges, plus flrm stomach hips% SIîm down hp Calvo$ Ton. &m thtesa f i.bby tiuu & toper selve& SHAPE Miss RenFigu.re. Salon OSHAWA WHITBY $inIe Choel tPle 668ir-9011ag 579-223166R91 With Joyco0

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