Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 May 1972, p. 2

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Page 2. Thursday, May 25, 1972,- WHITBY FREE PRESS Editorga, 'lis the Whltby Free Press trylng to embarrass council 1?"f, a co ùncillor recently asked. "Y ou'r e always 1l1s tenlng to the wrong sources and wrongful1 y infl1uen- cing the etectorate. Il"The downtown 1Is de ad so why are you always pushlng for lt? I "Whàl do people considerlng moving into the area think when they p ic k Up the local paper and read al1 the gloom portrayed by Uts articles?" are even more recent Imputations. If the Whitby re Press I5 1listening ta al1 thé wrong sources, 1It is flot doing so intentional ly. The paper I ike any other means of public comm- unications, is printed in and for the p eopl1e of the town i trepresents. If its Readers' Write columns are fil led w i t h the thoughts of Whi1tby ci1ti1zens against a current issue, those letters will reflect the tone of the 1letterts authors. But 'there is always space wlthin Questions t he pages o f the Whl tby Free Press for advocates of both sides of any Is- sue. Forecastlng gloom? Creating an aura of well1 being when the aura is lndeed otherwlse, is a flagrant disservice to the readers of any newspaper. Embarrassing council ? Si nce the accusation cornes (ailoud) fromonîy one member of council, that Is doubtful. But perhaps they who are sa easily embarrassed should refrain f r om doi ng deeds to be errbarrassed about. Repeatedl y going to bat for the downtown when the downtown i s dead ? If the downtown Is dead it is coun- c i1 I's fault, the merchants' fault, the people of Whitby's fault - indeed ail our faul ts. But the Wh!itbv Free Press cannot gleefully attend a funeral for thesupoed ydead downtown when i t suspects a glimmer ofife it feels &Answers should be nourished and cultivated. Lazarus too they thought was dead. 'n'f'luencing the electorate? lt lswell1known by now that certain members of counci11 and theý new spaper do not see eye' to eye. ln our editorial pr esentat ions we would hope to be thought provok ing. Havi ng peopl e vote agalnst council1 members op p osed by the Whltby Free Press is no journal- lstic reward. If our edi torial comments do influence at all*, it is hoped that ln-, fluence encourages people to think for them sel ves and toknaw that theîr thoughts 1In a democracy do indeed rratter. Too harsh on certain members of counc il "A newspaper,",a s the nove I ist C ha r1le s Dickens -once said, "lis flot j u s t for reporting t h e news but for rnaking people mad enough to do somne- thing about ILle Sir, Whilemostaf the reasons g i v en by our councillors in support of their vote to build the new municipal camp lex rangec from the lame ta the ludicrous, the argument that lay opponents shauld have reacted ear- 1lier seemed ta have a measure of menit. However 1 was suddenly struck with thehollow- ness of thisar- g u ment dur ing the recent POP meet- i ng - which none of aur cauncil at- tended. Over three year s aga, aur mayor cal led a public meeting in the council1 chamber ta se ek reactian ta hlis a dv ocacy of ha ving Torontais second airport out Whitby way. Con- si dering the em- bryon ic state of the project the respanse was sur- prisingly strong - t he chamber was filled, and appos- ition clearly pre- dominated. So w ith the pub- lic reaction shar- ply given after being expressly sought, aur coun- cil with almost In- decent haste - re- corded agreement with the choice of the site of Picker- ing. So ob v iously if the idea has ai- ready germinated, public reaction is toolate- unless i't sh oulId happen ta concur. Ralph Stratford, Whltby. There was no ban on Victoria Day flrecrackers in Whltby If you were 18 years of age or over. Luckily there were no Injuriesreported ta yaung children, THU WHITBY FREE PRESS 1 Voice ot the County Town) Hometown pèpu 'of Whitby, Drooklin, Myrtie and Ashbum. Published *very Thursday in 'nd for the people o"fWhty mal Edftor Edtoral staff DispIay Mdvertisinig CirculatIon -301Byfon SL S. Whitby -Box 206. WhMtb W. BiirD*urk.. -Judy Durkoe - J. Quail -Ron Winstanley -Barry Schroeder Sir, I amn a student ln grade 8 a t tend ing St. Leo's School in Brooklin. We j us t compl eteda, praject on the air- part, 50 naturalîy 1 amn interested in 1It. A whl le ago we vis ited my aunt and uncle who 1liveiln Pickering. On the way we' saw many signs for and against th e airport, more ag- ainst than for. I think it's utter- 1ly ridiculous. No matter where they put i tthere w ill be complaints. I m ysei1f agree with the location, k e ep up with the good work POW! Marg Jagers, Ashburn. REPORT SUSPICION 0F CRIME a a Votes on the Municipa[ -Complex have naw reached 'the hundreds mark w i th onl1y one "for"I vote. The exact number of the liagainstlI vote cannot be d is cî1o s ed now because of pal iti cal reasons. A group of Whitby citizens preparing a petition from these votes for Queents Park, hopes ta reach one t h ou s andor better. If you have not voted on the proposed Rossland Road municipal complex, please send your i m p r e s s i ans for or against ta Post Of f ice Box 206, Whi1tby. Your vote counts! Readers write

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