Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 May 1972, p. 15

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, Trhursdayj, May 25, 1972, 'Page là CLASSIIL'VRSIING s.m FIED A.......DV.E. '..RT.......I ..s&.ss.~.. SIN...A~J [ ---Mofitses Mput~oges Movtgmges ANNOUNCUNG LOW COST EORTGAGE LOANS THAT (AN PAT OFF Al YOUR #1111 m A»P (UT TOUR MONTHIT PAYMENT$ IN NAIF OR 1LE5$. In Olum woudsyou rcm dce on* o ducod paynmieil a msetImdof my. Hues WhatIo.Do IoGOU A Low-Cost Mrp.Loue CaOU, Write or oem in. Il» rvloeIs fust, so make vour Nw Start today. WW've hslpod homeowners Uhough- out Ontarlo oeolidato thoir d*b tis «W asy end svorythlng le con- fidantiel. 2nd. MORT6AOE MONEY e.s VEAR TrERM OPEN MORTOàAGES e NO 130NUSES e NO CREDIT CNIECKS e NO ,INQUIRV 0F NEIGHBOURS e CONFIDENTIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE IN VOL/R 0MHOM<E e BOR ROW AS LITTLE AS $1,600 e FAST SERVICrz CULI Mr. Wiks 942-2611 or 699-1121 Toronto % . . 1 i81 lot% Fer-Sale We have an eMcl lenlt aselect ion of farms, va ter front>roper- ti1e s, buil1ding lots, rotreat propqrti@s and town hotsos for sale. Fçr complote dt alilS cali476-3078 or 476-2822 enytime. CORV WAL.RAVENt REAL Es TATE BROKER9 128 MAIN STREET9 PICTONq ONT, Private three bedroom home. $ 2, 800. 00 clown $20, 800 fulîprice. P-aved drive, fenced j'ard. 725 -8645. TED CAMPIN MOTORS CARS WANTED .-SUYI NG A flEW CAR" SellI ywuw sd çor s. "Ted". 1.ik cash ta 5h. New Cor Dkereaemd 5v 723-4494 .Ru. 725-S574 Whitby $23,500 The bestbuy on todays, market. Twelve year- old bungalow completely remodelled, new kit- chen, finishedre crea- tion room in barn boards. Caîl Clayton Coul ter, Lo yal1 Real Estate Limited, Real- tor. 579-2345. Men or Womento re- stock and col I ect money f rom New Type high q uai lty coin-operated dispenser s in yosur area. No selling.- To qualify, must have car, references, $1 000. 00 to $3000. 0cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excel- lent income. More full time.Ve establ ish your route. For per- sonal interview write: i nc 1udiîng phone number B. V. Distributors Ltd. Dept. "A" 1163 Tecumseh Rd. E. WINDSOR 20, Ontario SERVICES P ila stering repairs of ail kinids. Free est!- m a t es. Cal i 668-3550 for fu r ther Informat- i on. GIJARANTEED' MUFFLERS FOR SALE Bu KMith Tepaoe et ilse CWimm Wdn Muffle Omo fora f rot exhaust systemn .Inspection. 1i6 Bond Stret. West Oshawa Just toit of Ontario Motor Seles .NADON CARPENTRY Récreation room IL kitchm%&s Frée Estimotes. Ail wodrrsip to saisfaction. 576-2991 S. S@tC. flw ei *l NIIIigai MASTERS Painting and PaperNols inIerlors Exttrior. Frm estimateC Private -New three bedroom t w in home. $20, 500 paved drive fenced y a rd, central 725-8645. Private- Qshawa oIe- yen room income pro- p e rty. $ 8000 down Zonied for Apts. over $500 monthly income. 725-8645. 69 Falcon 4-door, 200 cubic inch, 6 cylinder automnatic. Interior like new. Licensed, F i t ne ss certif icate. Only 12,OO00miles. Ca a1I1 evenings af ter 6 p. m. 668-5025. 1967 Volvo. 123 GT.» Go-od condition. El- ectrî'coverdrive. b¶ichôIlan tires, radio. Phone 668-2678 after- 7:00 P. M. il 9 70Cheveiî1e SS 396 I oaded, Immaculate, Jiady owned. 17,000 miles. $2, SSOcail 655-3070 or 1-266- 2627. 1§69 Chrysler Station Wagon i oaded %îth ex- tras. Ne,,% $7000, ask- iv.g $3600. Call728- 6 -75, ' . SERVICES M SmITII-CORONA NEWANS OFFICIE' EQUPVl Il17 TrqOt st',W ARotICLaEFOm SALI For sale 12-piece eet R i e fler d rafting in- struments. Perfect condition. $30. 668- 7062. Televlsionthesterfieldl 5 4"Ilbed cioffee tab le "bi1r d c age and stand- boys ciothes'12-14. yr. "Cali 725-6370.« Kitchen suites $44. 50 Up. Continental beds $35 Up, Chesterfield sui tes from $149. Space saver sfrom $ 6 9 5 . C hargex lay-away. McKeenIs Furniture, 524Slmi- coe Street 'South.;, 725-5181. à"R U G S Indoor - OLatdoo x 9 $17.9S «W up lxi......2.s "up EIrvurs Fumiture .2t3 18..,'Se. L, Dhw 121. 373 Day care available for children' any age. For sale electric biender, baby bottie sterilizer. Caîl 668-9862. Imotice to Crediltors dand Others Ail dlaims against the >Estate of HAROLD[ tPERCY PHIN, late of ~208 Craydon Road, .Whitby, Ontario, who died on or about Feb- ruary 9th, 1972, must be fil1ed wlth the under- is ig nedc personal re- p re se n tatives on or 0before the 1 2th day of June, 1972; thereafter, 1the undersigned w i i 1 distribute the assets of the said estate hav- ing regard only to the da-ims =then ifiled.l T.V.S ToeRecorderic. MUNTZ CENTRE 728-1122 SARGEANT'$ RENTALS Mink Stoles, Clown Costumes Colff. Urni, Punch Bowim, Banquet Hall Rentai, Dsh.s, Cutlery, Glaises,, Taobles, Chairs, Linons. 461 Rirson Rd. S. 725-3338 *Apatmou Ro&u1ynn Arms $Apts. *OOMWAS mOS 4COU LVN EflCRICALLY MEATEO NO LAM MONTI'S m Re WROn 745 STEVENSON RD. -N., OH 723 1 009 0ne u. 89-81413, NOW' RINTINO oxford towers in à%aox 2 - 3 B.droor *A ner Swim tmiPe lA e ee es ei Ilé$ Suite trg *90 Suii . IeosCMs*e *,A 2r0'5/6/ Bae"q usfoe$160. il CI@;$*, te 'Shopping Contre publie# sp.rd"., Nigi, à veestlenul Scheele 'The*e.ianly Cenre. Moedem Aie. mHispiltol PuIUî l riospsneuien '0.-Troa is Pelluees moi the 40t hi@hwer 942»1861 eor 964m3974 m rn mu ns j * SL à m~ 6 10 by 15 viny'l oval s wimming pool, metal sides, 4footdeep com- piete with fliter, lad- der, vacuum cleaner, skimmer, l00pounds c hio rine tabl ets, one year's supply pool ac- id, and pool cover. Suggested retail price $600asking $400 ùsed one month. Caîl 655- j3028 ask for Sandi. Rot o-ti111i1ng don e, Reasonab.le. Let some-. body el se do the work~ f or you. Cal1 Ed 655- 4264. Whiltby Psychiatric Hospital COOK $13 0.930 - *13G. 0 0 per week The, Whltby Psychiatric Hospital ha s an oppor- t un i t y for a Cook who hds two year s of vol ume cooklng; Grade Io: and possession of a Journey- man c he fs Cer ti1f ica te as 1 ssu.ed by the Depar t- ment of Labour. Fringe Benefits include three weeks annual vaca- t ion ; al1 statutory hol idays; attendance credits; subsidizedhealth, life and long-term income pro- tec t i on insurance; and generous pension plan. Please assply in writing to: - Personnel Officer Whitby Psychiatric Hospital Box 1270 Whitby, Ontario. 15 WORDS FOR $1 am AWVANCE. SM fD IN OR BRING 17T IITO OUR OFFICE AT 301 BMRONSV.S AND WE WILL RUN YOUR WANT-AD IMkId or maxinmm of 5 weeks. MAIL TO; WHITBYmf FREE PRESS BOX 2009, VINH 1By 's. * [TIOIYOITIAISALOS __________SERVICE KING ST. E. OSHAWA (1 Mile Euof .Meronv y R 72ul - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ï-

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