WHITI3Y FREE PRESS, Thursday, May 1,17,Pg noise suits continued from editorial page city i s 1 able for noise nuisance suf- f e red by pr o perty owners near the airport. The c ityof Los Angel1eS s scurrent- ly f acing $3.8 billion worth of noise sui ts. ln a legal opinion interpreting the thehigh court ruling, Arnebergh said the airport should be shut down unless t he f ederal government and airl ines ag r ee to indemnify the c1 t y aga! ist such nuisance dlaims. Counci 1 President John Gibson said he agreed in principle with the recom- m e ndation that the airport be closed because jet noise dlaims conceivably could bankrupt the city. Los Angeles international airport second only to Chicago's O'Hare Air- port in traffic volume, handles almost 21 mill ion passengers a year. Announcing the Openung of the WHITBY HISTORICAL MUSEUM ut Myrtie June lst 7p.m. Also Living room furniture dating from around the 1850 era needed. Caîl Mrs. Ingram 668-8683 noon hours.I Hardware Store for Rent With apartment- Busy town Stock and fixtures for sale Box 206 Cannington ~ I PLUMBSING DISCOUNT ~ FIXTURES & SUPPLIES I 701 Broclc st. N. Whitby Legion Annlversary On t h e a n n iversary of the Brook 1in Legionts5th year in existance, mem- bers presented Presi dent Fred Phili- ipswitha plaque and gift demonstrat- i ng the!ir esteem of the man who was instrumental in renovating the former Brookl in hotel into the tastefull1y furn- ished, atmospheric legion. Shown abovewith Fred (centre) are Treas- urer Frank Duval at teft and Vice- President Peter Rice at right, letter* t t e . *t r s, e20 ,. w its 20% DISCOUNT DIRECT TO YOU Aors am.t 9p..Mon-Fri6 -6 0 Sat. 9 a p.m. .6 8 6 0 Appointment Londoni, Ontario... J. Bern ie Com- e a u h a s been named Manager of the Whitby office of Avco Finaricial Ser- vicesl of the nationts largest con- su me rfi nanceçomPaflîes. Mr. Com- e au' s office is 1located at 126 Brock Street. RESTAURANI STEAK HOUSE MON- FR1 lOam- Bpm SAT & SUN lcm -Bapm 668m2751 939 DUNDAS W. Whitby CIPI c'-il 18, 1972, Page 7