Page 6, Thursday, MAay 1(3, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS sPo0rt s MOTOR1NG with Mike Burgess Last Sunc'ay was the running of the second race of the 1972 Bu lova Cham- pionship a t Mosport Park. There ai- most wNasn't a race because of the th ic k f og. As a matter of fact, the f o g w a s so th i ck goiîng down the re, I was foillowing a VW wvho was foillow- ing a Ford who was follovJng a Chev who really din' know where he was going either! Anyway the morning was spent wi th race organîzers tryin to dec ide whether ta race or not. Fortunately, the Ipea soup' lifted in the early aft- ernoon and practice got underwvay. Don McKn ight (#55) of Scarborough star ted th ings of f in the sedan prac- t0 ce by roll ing his Volvo 122 S seven times incarner nine, anddespite writ- in g hi s car off, and even break ing the roiî1-cage, he walked away. It looked 1 i ke he broke an axle, lost a wheel, and then 1lost cantrol (needl ess to say!). The us ual1 quailify ing races were dispensedwith, and the action started with the sedan race. George Cornac- chio (#155B/S Fiat 124) took the Iead The beautiful Renault 15 is the only front-wheel drive coupé in the i 600cc category. And its other tech- nical advantages include radial ply tires and a self-correcting rear axie. So it offers superior road-holding ability, for outstanding stabilîty and frorn the start and neyer let g0 of it. Hi s average speed was 80. 48 m. p. h. and he al so had the fastest lap of the racea t 1:45:5 and 81.58 m. p.h. This w in will1 p ut George out in front for first place in the sedan standings. The Formula Ford race was a hard fought bat tle between #88 Danny Bur- ri tt (Titan) and #65 Bob Beyea (Hawke Seralous Dssatisf action WHITBY - The W h i t b y Chamber safety through the longest run on the toughest road. You get renowned Renault com- fort too, because the 1 5 is a truc, "no- fooling" fou r-seater with ample elbow and knee room, front and back. Corne fail in love with a new beauty. MARION-AUT0 LTDe GRENFELL AT KING W. CM4D Opýan til 9 p.m. nigh'tiy 2 BLOCKS E. of O.C.. à 728-5179 OSHAWA of Commerce wil11 write to the Post- m as t er General,' expressing its dis- s a t isfaction with recent changes in mail service in Whitby. At a board of directors meeting Mvonday the Cham- b er voted to con- suit with the town of Whitby and re- gister its "lseriaus di ssati sfaction with the change in mail dropfaciîities at the main post of fice , and the general postal service a s i tnow exi sts.- Members expres- sed concern about the closing of the mail drop chute at the post offiPce after consoli!dation of services wi1th Oshawa in April1, and i ts repl1ace- ment with ared post box. The Chamber also expressed concern about silowness of mail1 del ivery now that mail'for Whitby is sorted in Oshawa. - phloto oy Mike Èiýurgess DL 2A) with the lead chan9inqhand. r e g u 1 a r 1 y, but fiwas Danny's turn w h e n the checkered f 1 a g came out. Danny c a m e second three weeks ago to Terry Dougl as (#33 Pal1i ser) who couldn't seem to keep up the speed in the secondrace. Danpy Burritt wil now take ove'rfir-F-pTac-e in-the For- mula Ford standings. MTI next week, Happy Motoring! The month of Macy saves you money Ouick (lean Centre Offers FREE 61f t Coupons For every 8 pounds of dry clean'ing uAm PAU KPAZA Open 668-4671 6 days WHITDY a week WHITBY*-HARRISON FUELS LIMITED 'lor C DhIer Phone:6683610 211 Brock St. S. - ~.' #/'~ p Pr.iumBuailyFuel 0o1 >~6833418 The Renault 15 Coup ëff îs here 1 FOR e>l