WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday,.May 18, 1972, Page 3 en teftaiilmeit TONIGHT guide AT THE DOWNTOWN BROCK THEATRE Jim Kane (Paul Newman) is a hard- Iuck guy, an intinerant cowboy-, horseman and jack-of-all trades who plies his several skills in the Texas- Mexico border area. The time is the present and Jim is in a j am. The Appaloosa horses he has just brought in from Mexico have been siapped into quarantine. He owes money on a b an k loan in Tucson and his wife (Kelly Jean Peters), who is w or k ing as a car hop, is less than eager to forego any alimony. How- ever, his reputation for honesty en- ables Kane to get an extension on the I oan. Later, he sweetens up a hotel p r o p r i etress in order to get a free night's sleep. In a few hours, he is up and look- i n g for work. He wanders i n to the Cattlemen's Club and there he meets Stret ch Russell (Wayne Rogers), a sometimeacquaintancewho offers him a job buying Mexican steers for the rodeo. The job sounds almost too good to be true. For five weeks' work, Kane can make more than $900, enough to pay off the bank and his wife - and at the end of the time, the Appaloosas would be free of quaran- tine. There is only one catch, and that'sthe boss - a man named Bil1 Garrett (Strother Martin), who wears a moneybe I t and inspires very little c o n f i d e nce in his honesty. Kane is warned against working for Garrett, but decides to take the job anyway. He is to go to Mexico, locate and buy 250 steers and bring them up to Hermosillo, where Garrett will meet him and pay two dollars per head for e a c h s t e e r del ivered. He is given pocke t expenses to buy the fi rst bunch of cattle with and he sets off. The first thing he does in Mexico is look up Leonard (Lee Marvin), afriend of his who "has contacts". He finds him and the first thing they do is rent catt le pens for the steers they'll be bringing in from the surrounding coun- tryside. The contemporary western "Pock- e t Moneyl", opens today May 18, and runs through to Sunday, May 21 at the Whitby Brock Theatre. Newman as the hard-luck cowboy and Marvin as his easy-going sidekick, pit talents to- gether in the screen adventure taken from the best sellFng book "Jim Kane ". The movie is filled with offbeat come- dy twists. PULLOUT SECTION entertai sportsy Chariots o f the Gods, the contro- versial but intriguing special, deal- ing with the possibility that our earth was visited by gods from other stars thousandsof years ago is on CBC-TV again. . . Friday, May 26 at 8. 00 p. m. (The pro gr am was original ly shown in March of this year. ) This 90-minute color presentation is based on and adapted from the nov- eI of the same name by ErichVon Daniken. N o t many people have come u p w it h valid answers to questions regarding extra-terrestial b e i n g s, but Von Daniken has come up with some ideas which must give us pause. W h o built the pyramids of Egypt, and what secrets lie buried i n them? What kind of helpdid man havein e r e c t i n g structures which included stones that weighed hundreds of tons, and which can hardly be moved by Returns some of today's advanced machinery? Did man have help? And was the help provided by gods we've never seen? In caves and on rocks in Mexico, Egypt, Iraq and Chile there are draw- i n g s of vehicles and men which bear strong resemblance to the spaceships of today and the astronauts (suited-up) who ride in them. If we believe that thesedrawings are as old as they are reputed to be, what are they drawings of? Are they reproductions of beings and their space vehicles from another world? As the final piece of evidence in the film spec ial , probably them.ost mysti fy ing of all: Director Harald R e i n i a n d his crew were in theaold city of Nazca in the Peruvian Cor- dilleras when he was confronted with the "i nconceivablell. He expl ained, "F or days and days we'd been plod- To CBC d i n g about and did not see anything, and them we took an airplane---". The things which Reinl and his team saw are described byVon Daniken as: "Huge.geometric lines which had been drawn according to astronomic'pl ans. I Possibly a landing ground for visitors from space centuries ago? Puzzling? Maybe. The evidence on which the film is based is all over the world--inCalifornia, Mexico, Chile Peru, Bol ivia, Egypt, Iraq, Labanon, and South Africa. And it's all put to- gether in 'Chariots of the Gods'. When the program was first aired onMarch 12, it prompted the greatest favourable response to any television p r o g r am i n CBC's history. . . more than 200 calls andmore than 50 letters. Themajority of these were asking for a repeat. 'Chariot of the Gods' Sales 24 months or 24,000 miles Warranty Service OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN LTD. WHITBY - OSHAWA Body Shop 1425 Q.UNDAS STREET EAST WHITBY ONTAR-10 TEL. 668-9383 - 4