Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 May 1972, p. 15

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CLASSIFIE D ir I jy hmIt.t=t. N>b, i ursaay, May lu, st w*zmage i>'ý A&DVoE RTISIN.G_ - -Am- - -.-t- - - -R- - UV~ VPV'V~WU ~ .VUW. . --e- - e--- - - - - J.. ANNOUMNNO.W COST MORIGAGE LOANS THAT CAN PAT OFF AL TYOUR -MIL$ aAU (UT TOUR MONTHIT PAYMAENT$ IN HALF OR LESS. ln othor word S cu md"aiontur& duoed pymuta mootb iuusd of mmny. Hesa What t. Do t. GUi A Low-CoSt MOIruiaga MWLoi Con, wrIte o or nn . TMW rvloe fme, Io mdc. your Nsw Steantodey. 1YW vheîpedhom>ownOrl *rough- out Ontrb o ruolidstS thulu' di>ts this « eay end evéryttbinO l ocon- Znd.è MORT6A6E MONEY * 6 VEAN TERM MPN MORTGAGES * NO SOtUSES * NO CREDIT CH4ECKS 9 NO It4QIRV 0f NEIGHSOURS b CONFIDENTIAL ARqRANGEMENTS MADE IN VOUA 01 HOMEE * SOAROW AS LITTLE AS $1 .60 * FAST SERVICta CALS Mr. Wiks 942-2611 'or 699-1121 Toront. le. geefft Sol@ Foeoed te ..e. W. have an e xcel lent seUect ion of farme,. w a 1er fr onflroper- tie's, building-lots, rotreat propqrtl*s end towvn hoss fr sale. Fpr complete, dot a&H d cal 1 476-30719 qr 476-2822 anytime. CORV WALRAVEN, REAL.- ESTATE BRIOKER@ OU MAIN STREET# PicIrON. ONT. Private three bedroom home. $2, 800. 00 down $ 20, 800 full price. P-aved drive, fenýed y'ard. 725-8645. TED CAMPIN MOTORS CARS WANTED -SUYING A è"W CAR"" SoliI you uwd çor t. "Ted". 7.1k esh t. th e Nw Cor Deolwend Se. 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 IGeorg Bllevn haltor Pholw 623-5300 Osh *awa: Very well kept 9-room brick in- cone home on iarge iot with 13 fruit trees. S e p a r ate entrances. L ar ge first mortgage a t 81 %. Asking price $29, 900. Bowmanvilîle Beach: 5 rcom frame home with 3-p iece bathroom. New oul furnacewith 40 feet sandy beach., Askinig pri1ce $12, 900 w ith 1low downpayment. Give us an offer. Bowmanvi 1île: A handy- ma n 1s special is this older brick home with n at ur a1 g as furnace and 3-piece bath. Try an offer with $1,5 00 down. Newvcas tle: Large b u i I di1 ng divided into a 7-room and a 5-room "apa rtment, wi th room for expanision. Priced at $19, 900. AISALES [T-:-IIIV AI uRi-T' *KING ST. E. QSHAWA 2.17 Il Mle Essi of.I4srmony Ri 2él7 SERVICES P 1 a stering repai rs of al1 kinds. Free esti- m a tes. Cal1 668-3550 for f ur t her informat- Ion. QUA RANTEED' MUFFLERS FOR SALE 9c KeiksTeganoammt the own -1 d m w mffler 1Shep for a fret exheust system Sinspection. 116 Bond Street, West Oshawa .lust @s i f Ontario #Motor Sala. CelI 5768111 J. NADON CARPENTRY Recttotion roomi & kitchm&s Fet Estinxm Ail Woduroeshp t. stisfoction. 576-2991 0. ROCCA. l .g sI fgam smeaik. f ft..Srte. £pruci Trmm e 655.453. IIro.Exterlor. Fr.è estimatu. CaOU Private -New three bedroom t wi n home. $20,500 paved' drive fenced y a r d , central 725-8645. Private- Oshawa ele- yen room income pro- perty. $8000down Zoied for Apts. over $500 monthly income. 725-8645. 69 Falcon 4-door, 200 cubic inch, 6 cylincier a ut om a ti c. Interior 1li ke ne w. L icensed, Fiî tne ss certifiîcate. Onl1y 1 2, 000 miles. Ca I i evenîngs af ter 6 p. m. 668-5025. 19 67 Volvo. 123 GI., Good condition. El- ectric overdrive. biichian tires, radio. Phone 668-2678 after' 7:00 p. m. 1967 Firebird Conver- t i b le. 400 cubic mot- or, automatic. $1495. 00Oor best oýffer. Good condition. Caîl 728-6-1 75. %Vagon 1Ioaded Mith ex- tras. Neý. $7000, ask- ',i $3600. Cati 728- 6. 75, SMITH-CORONA Iodler NEWANP OFFICE EQUIPMENT P"e.668-373 4 117 jrepnt St.W ARTICLES FOR -SALE For sale 12-piece set Riefier drafting in-- struments. Perfect condition. $30. 668- 7062. Televi sionchesterfield 5411 bed coffee table 1bird cage and stand boys clothes 1:2-1 4'yr. Cail 725-8370. Kitchen suites $44. 50 Up. Continental beds $ 35 up, chesterfield s uit e s frorn $149. Space s ave rs from $ 69. «95. C hargex lay-away. McKeen's Fur ni ture, 524 Sim- coe Stree t South.; 725-5181. RU GS 0 Indoor - COtdo@r .&x9 $7.S bd up 19x 12 .......$29.9$oesdup EIrwwr's fumltuoe 25blow' Sf. E.Lu, e M& .34n3. 1968 21-foot Glendette .c ablin t r aier. Good c on di1ti1o n. $,3700,. Ful1l1y equipped. Cal1 728-6,175. Good condition apart- ment size, Moffat re- frIgerators and rang- es. $109.O00and $89. 00. Cali 728-6*475. Used automatic wash- ln g ma chine. A.sking -$95.00. Moffat. Cali 728-6475. 10 by15 vinylo val1 s 5w i mming pool, rnetal sides, 4footdeep com- plete with filter, l ad- der, vacuum cleaner, skimmer, l00pounds chIo rine tablets, one year's supply pool ac- id, and pool cover. Suggested retail price $600asking $400 used one month. Cali 655- 3028 ask for Sandi. *ENTALS GENERAL ELECTRONIC RENTALS T.V.'& Tope Recordai etc. MUNTZ CENTRE 728-1122 SARGEANT'S RENTALS Mink Stoles, Clown Costumes CoQ.. Urni, Punch owlS,, Banquet Hot' Rentai, Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, Tables, Chairs, Linens. £A1 Rttson Rd. S. 725-338 I<o&synn ArrnsApts. *OffHAwAS MOST GMClOUS LIVING* ELECRICALLY iEATEO This lea etçedor buildne. well bullt end oelhnt snentoir «Wd Stote tlme.poplo rauqing e hotts erwy dilIlvkqg. NO LAST MOt4TWS mERuaQJRlED 745 STEVENSON RD. N, OSHAWA 723..1009 en mm*S7941s Services Roto-tilling done. Reasonable. Let some- body else do the work f or you. Cal1 Ed 655- 4264. OXFORD PARK TOWERS M22GlatiStmet On. bdoofin$130 mothh stw. bedgoom 15 a mlo. rfrlsroo, Co".TV AVAILAILE NOW 723-23,47 SMN IT t4 OR DRING IT ITO OUR OFFICE AT 301 BYRON 81l. 8 ANDeWE WILL RUN VOUR WANT-AD 'LILL or maxImum of 3 weekse. MAIL TO. WHI'TBY FREE PRES BsOX 200, WNITBY Admowudm1eot on suouine lmst b ime & aiiu, tierVtU *. NAME ........................... ADORESS............... P.O................. PHONE NO ..................... ........ 1:. lit mhbumi.~a U~n.m~maa 1 -,- BmEmVIER, Pointing £& Oecoretino ...................... 0-0.1 m L -Apartm-onh Fer Kent -

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