WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, May 18, 1972, Page 9 Con you I dnt¯fy thse hlstorlc Whitby structures? C a n y o u i d e ntify these historic well-knownWhitby figure of the past. THEATRE, Whitby. Whitby structures? The first eight pensons to cail the H1NTS Photograph "A" - Building P h o t ograph "A" depicts a former Whitby FreePress receptionist, Mrs. used for entertainment purposes. Wh i t b y building used by the general Le Blanc on our 668-6111 telephone Photograph "B" - Resident at this p u b iic of the town. Photograph "B" une Wi11 receive a free pass for two dwelling had his thoughts immortali- dep i c ts th e former residence of a for any performance in the BROCK zed in print. DANGEROUS INTRSEC TION WHITBY - Haz- ardous conditions at the intersec- tion of Highways 7 and 12 at Brook- lin will be brought to the attention of the town- council by the Whitby Chamber of Comm- erce. The board of dir- ectors of the cha- mber voted Monday to ask counc il to install a four- way traffic light at the intersection after members ex- p r e s sed concern about the number of accidents at the corner recently. THIRD WHITBY Whitbyhad its third trà ffic fatality of the year Friday night when James H. Po r t e r , 23, of 79 Ontario Street, Port Perry died in h i s wrecked auto about 1:00 a. m. Porter had been driving home on highway # 12 from theWhitby area when he pulled out to pass a truck and lost c o n t r o 1 of his carjust south of the Brown s a i d there was an accident P r e sident Fred at the corner last weekend, and he ha s séen several near misses. FA TALITY C. P. R. railroad tracks at Myrtle Sta- t ion. The auto struck a hydro pole at I 2 : 3 0 p. m. and Ontario County Cor- oner, Dr. Stocks pronounced Porter dead a t the scene a short time later. Police and hydro workers worked for twoandahalf hours to free the driver from his wrecked car. Porter is survived by his parents, a sister and two brothers, ail of Port Perry. Spruce up your f uture... 70 STAT. WAGON Lic. X4611395 7OCUSTOM BEETL E Lic. 93876K 1295. 7ODE LUXE BEETLE Lic. 14183A 1395. 7ODE LUXE BEETLE Lic. 18317A 1395. 6 FAST BACK Lic. 71444P159-. 68 DE LUXE BEETLE Lic. 96443K 1095. 67FAST BACK Lic. 71303P 1195. 67DE LUXE BEETLE Lic. 335332 995. PICKERING CAR CENTRE LTD. Authorized Volkswagen Sales erviceKin Lottery tickets may be purchased from he following authorizedles outletsý A&T Motors Ltd. Champlain Printers Ltd. Gus7 Brown Motors Ltd. Broughton Motors BASELINE RD. AJAX Disney Motors Ltd. McTeague Electric Ltd Scott Peters Bell Drafting & 942-1881 839-5050 Whitby Cleaners Ltd. Victoria & Grey Trust Typesetting Ltd. Reproductions Ltd