Page 4, TFursday, May 1l, 1972e WHITBY FREE PRESS L'HUMEUR by ILSE ESCHENLOHR The sense of humour, oi d French c a s t l es and the ai rpor t debate were a m ong the many topics students had c h o s en ta compete in spoken French and German at the recentiy heid for- e ign 1language oral compe ti tion at Ajax Hig9h Schooi. It was difficui t for the j udg es to arrive at the conclusion whorn ta reward with prizes, because ail speeches were of a very high cal- i b re. T he sixty-three participants w e re from Grades 11 >l2 and 13. One student, -Susan Robinson 18 of Grade 13, was one of the most o ut standing speakers. Her topic for F r e n ch was "Cryonic Suspension", t he i a t est research project to pre- servelIife after death, eventual ly, by d eep-freezing, and its possible con- sequences if materialized, and "A t rip a round Engi and from Cheshire ta Cheshire, my birthpiace" iln Ger- man. Both speeches were held in a very relaxed manner. These competitions do much for the promotion of spoken French and/or G erman, and have been helId at some Ontario high schooi s for many years. B esides Ajax, Uxbridge High Schooi w a s a n o t her participant this year, and the n, of course, Anderson Col - le eg iate Whitby competed for the fifth consecutive year. Anderson is rem- anrk a ble insofar, that at this school a long wi th the French and German, a 1 "rMR. STEREO" Ir Ascene from "1CINIDERELLAt" in French at Whi tby Anderson Col legiate. L a tin p1 a y was performed in three a ctfs demonstrating the abii1ity of its stu dents to aiso communicate in that tongue which is the key to our living i anguages. Sponsor s for these events are compan les which by their international nature would be interested to further sucheffortsof the students: Air Can- ada. This company provides a famil- îarizationflight for thirty students of e a ch p a rt i cipating schoo, during which the atmcsphere of an overseas fi ight is created. Voikswagen Canada: Entertains the best speaker of French du ri1ng a three-d-ay stay i nMontreal through îts regionai Montreai office, FOR RENT3 Cars A&Trucks of ANl Si«and Shapes Ltwst Prie d 111M Servico in Town COMMUNICATE WITH PRICE ASSOCIATES Brochures, letterIýeads, envelopes, leaflets, etc. Complete faciliîes available ln Whltby for wrlting, design, typography, printing. Phono 668-q8616 or Write Box 29 Whltby Let us meet your total communications needs. CHINESE FOOD CAIL THE$ Su~i~.68ý721 "And Let Your ~îii 1~S~Taste Be The iodge" 10% OFF on Pick Up orders FREE Home Delivery FaSt Take Out -Service SUNLIGHT RESTAURANT 116 OUNDAS ST.- W. AMPLE PARKING AT REAR furthermore dona tes a number of prac- ticai gîfts to every schooi. Then there isFredLehnerTravel Service, Tor- onto, do nating French and Ujerman books deai ing with the culture and h i s t o r y of these countr les, and the Torontoer Zeitun!g, German lanquaqe weekly, also contributing books. The German Consul ate Generai ai so shows an interest, sending a representative whobrings books with hlm congratul- ating the students. The students seem t o enjoy meet- ing ail these people. So, rniany inter- s et i ng c o ntacts are made from the modemn departments of the high schooi s to the world outside. Frîday EVENING NEWS. WEATHER, iSPORTS ) <J RACH FOR THE TOP ) GREEN ACRES (a) L'DICK VAN DYKIE ePIERRE SERTON-lnWasw ~ SANDV GRIFFITH (c) I400EPOOGE LOOGE à OZZIE AND NARRET 6:0 ([)NuCme"Sg) <J AKI MINE COURTRY ) <JWEEKDAY (F, (1)ABC NEWS-Howmr K. Sadl,, Hffly Re.soee(c) SWORLD BEAT-Jneala « NEWS, WEATHER, SPRS9 f CSS NEWS--WallrCrOV*%t U ATYGME GUNSMOKE ) *FAMILY AFFAIRt (i>TO DE ANNOUNOSOD 10 JONGLERIES MATHEUATIQUE8 6: 45 (a> AUTOUR DU &M<NDE PAR LE CONTE *PATTY DUKE 7:00 1i DREAN 0F JEANNIE ) SUNDER ATTACK (r,) CUS NEWS-WsIt ar rolde oe~)T.0 TELL THE TRUTUI O tORY THEATRE ) *BRADY SIJNCH (C *DICK VAN DYNE *1PERRE SERTON-4nSw&W(r) ML OAN- HE !FAMLYC ') * ILUGCANS uSlAO© q)COMMUNICATION AND EDUCATION *MUNSTERS 7:30 ()PETTÎCOAT JUNCTION( GD TRuTH OR CONSEOUENCES(U «B (ID M<RDICE VAN DYNE() SLETM MAKE A DEAL ) DRAGNET (C) 0 DON RICLES ) *ARNIE CM wuA"5 MY LUNE? *ADAM-12 (M H IOLLYWOOD MOARES ELECTRIC COMPANY ff* FRENCH CNEF-C.Irio cm ALFRED HITCHCOCK 8:00 M(C) SANFORO AND SON 13 0 (0 (9)E ROWAN AND MARTINS LAUGlI-IN (C) G(M~O-HARA. U.S. TREASURV -Crime Drame ('c) oe~VBRADY B4JNCH MOVIMOV---Orama ) ,Jigsaw- CD DON MESEhI'S JUBSILE! E (IDWASHINGTON. WEEK UN REVIEW (r, SLOST PEJCE I SPY r(L'i 8:30 oe>)MOVIE-Drama (rD s.tory of a Woman." (7 j)PARTRIDOÊ 1Aà ML? & W DOR. SIMON LOCKE )- «Dh MOVE-4fUIfl IDSOiOaiLOGY 6:00 Ua l) a e TOMMY NLUNTER M (imMOVIE-omm e( CM CLOR THAl REMAINS "Stronger in Sacramnto." 9:30 (]D (M )0D0 COUPLE ) C MMEN IN CRI518 10:00 WAULLN1HE !FAMILY() *MAIN CHIANCE -Crhn Drese (CD R) () LOVE. AMERICAN STYLAVI& FeiT( t1MARTIN AGRONSKY: EVENINO EDITION() 10:30RoeROLUJN'ON TiI!RIVER CD DON RI*m E8 ) JJLAUREL AND I4AIID ÇWALL STREET WEEK WEATHERM lesc "aI Order Bride <1964) 11:20 dmVIEWPOINT-.nom Analyu(El *NEMWS WATNER. ISPORTS Cr ikï, WEATHR, SPORT 111:301 )C)JOIIMNY CAMSONlu) ~TOONTO TONGT ~ "Wltat Eve Happ.nud to Baby *Weelwrd the Wo~e.. (1952) SPIERRE BERTON-4ntrvw ( "*Gambit." (1966) 11:40 E>MOVIE-To De Annouuicéd *MOVIÉ-ComedY "Arsenic and Old Lace," <iG44>j 11:4s (fl) MOVIE-Drama "Circle oQI Deceptlon.- 11:8 MVIE-TIdeFeekwe(M) i. morgani" (Ênglish; comedy; **"The Glass Menagerle.' (Drame 3. "HIercules, the Avenger.' <Italien 12:00 CM MOV1E-MysMryw "Eyes In the Nlgi - (1942) a MOVIE-Doue .Ft*îr. 1. '«The RIme and F111 of Legs' Dia- mond." (Drama-, 1960). 2. *,Barber of Stamford Hill." WMOVIE--Doubla Nwe (» i: Chiria DaII' <(Drame; 1958) 2. "Devil on Horsebakqk." (Eflgliah; drame; 19ý) do MOVIE-Drama "The Bramble Bush." (1960> 12:45 Q$ MOVIE-Com.dv (e Ghoal In the Invisible-Bikini."- (1966> 1 -00o L MOVIE-Coledy *"The Great Diamand Robbery." (1953> ()MOVIE-Drama * ,Deaira in the Duat." <1960 1:50 CONCEN--Relg@n (C Specialists in, Stereo Sound Equipment * Custom lnsf@IIed * Ail work gueronteed King & 725m3772 voue puArkRd. Oshawa, Ont. YOUPVE HEARD THE RMeS, NOW CALL lm£1amDEST Il oc People Need Trees, Our' Trees N eed People, ýV 1 ti 1 1%